Louisiana bans cash transactions on used goods

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Louisiana bans cash transactions on used goods

Postby moparal7 » Thu Apr 09, 2015 6:17 pm

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Re: Louisiana bans cash transactions on used goods

Postby neilgin1 » Fri Apr 10, 2015 9:22 am

moparal7 wrote:http://www.silverdoctors.com/louisiana-bans-cash-transactions-on-used-goods/

black market.
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Re: Louisiana bans cash transactions on used goods

Postby justoneguy » Fri Apr 10, 2015 10:50 am

"This is life in a police state"
We can ignore reality but we can’t ignore the consequences of ignoring reality.

The truth will set you free,
but first it's really going to piss you off.
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Re: Louisiana bans cash transactions on used goods

Postby neilgin1 » Sat Apr 11, 2015 1:43 am

justoneguy wrote:"This is life in a police state"

total agreement, we just have to be smarter, quicker, more mobile....spell those out?.......not on a public forum, except to say what I said before.....black market.
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Re: Louisiana bans cash transactions on used goods

Postby neilgin1 » Sat Apr 11, 2015 2:07 am

justoneguy wrote:"This is life in a police state"

one more thing I GOT to say; I realize there are plenty of urban black gangbangers, with ill intent in their heart, but they usually whack each other over cocaine and heroin biz....

,,,but a 50 year old black man, running away from a 30 something cop and gets BACK shot EIGHT TIMES....that is a tiny little bit of evidence of "police state"......."well, he shouldn't have run"...I might hear. I reckon he owed back child support and was probably scared....so for the crime of owing child support, or maybe traffic warrants, he gets back shot eight times?

do you know that in the month of March, 111 people were killed by police in this nation. Don't think me anti-LEO's, its a nightmare job, and I have a lot of LEO's that are friends.

what IF that kid wasn't filming this video, the guy would have gotten away with MURDER....how many more unfilmed encounters like this have taken place, especially in a place like Louisiana?

oh yeh, "they" are building the police state, they just haven't put in the key in the ignition, and started the engine...YET. If they did, we wouldn't even have this forum.

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Re: Louisiana bans cash transactions on used goods

Postby neilgin1 » Sat Apr 11, 2015 2:44 am

and my brother One Guy,
just so you don't think I turned into a lib lab tree hugging wuss....white boys get it too. tis is from Mac Slavo over at shft.com

"Eight San Bernardino County sheriff’s deputies are under investigation after a police helicopter captured a savage beating of a suspected horse thief. The latest incident shows, yet again, the culture of violence and total disregard for the rule of law that exists within America’s police departments from coast to coast.

As you’ll see in the following footage, captured live and apparently without the knowledge of officers on the scene, it’s not just about the color of one’s skin. Francis Jared Pusok, the man shown being tased, pistol-whipped to the head, punched, and kicked, is white. And while his record of resisting arrest, animal cruelty and robbery are certainly an indicator of his propensity for criminal activities, does it justify the life-threatening beat down dished out to him by officers of the law?"

continue quote:

"The clip shows 30-year-old Francis Jared Pusok frantically attempting to flee pursuing cops on horseback through the Deep Creek area of Apple Valley yesterday afternoon.

When the horse is spooked by a police helicopter, Pusok falls off before he is approached by an officer who tases him. Pusok is face down in the dirt and obviously not resisting, but another cop arrives on the scene and immediately begins violently kicking and punching Pusok in the head. The other officer also appears to pistol whip Pusok with the taser.

Seven other officers then arrive, some of whom also begin kicking and beating Pusok while he lay prostrate.

“In the two minutes after the man was stunned with a Taser, it appeared deputies kicked him 17 times, punched him 37 times and struck him with batons four times. Thirteen blows appeared to be to the head,” reports NBC Los Angeles.

“The man did not appear to move from his position lying on the ground for more than 45 minutes. He did not appear to receive medical attention while deputies stood around him during that time.”

Source: Paul Joseph Watson / Infowars"

Mac Salvo continues, quote:
"Just seconds after Pusok is tased the video clearly shows he surrenders by first putting his hands up and out on the ground, and then moving them behind his back in a position that they can easily be handcuffed. But rather than following procedure, officers immediately begin punching and kicking him in the head and the rest of his body.

And like a pack of wolves, other officers arrive and jump in.

While Pusok has a fairly long list of criminal violations over the years, and he had allegedly stolen a horse and attempted to flee police, once he was taken down with the initial tase and showed his intent to surrender by putting his hands behind his back the incident should have been over.

Such police brutality has likely been taking place for a long time, but with the advent of the internet and real-time video streaming the American people are now seeing the God-complex of many of those in uniform tasked with protecting us.

Pusok is obviously not an isolated incident. Earlier this week an officer executed a man with several shots in the back after he was reportedly pulled over for a broken taillight and then fled on foot. Last year Eric Garner was killed by NYPD after being detained for selling cigarettes to make extra money – he was put into an illegal chokehold for 15 seconds.

A couple of weeks ago a friend of the author was pulled over, detained and threatened with arrest for simply failing to register her vehicle.

The culture of violence against the American people must stop. It begins with every officer authorized to carry a deadly weapon in America being outfitted with a body camera when performing their public duties. Those who are found to be violating their sworn duties and acting outside of the law should be charged, tried and punished accordingly.

If average Americans must follow the law and be held accountable, so too must those who purport to enforce it."

(my note ...."accountability"?...just like the "accountability" all the major players who cratered the economy in 2008 were held too?....how many surf and turfs washed down with single malt scotches did Jamie Dimon consume last night?...or Jon Corzine?...and ask yourself, what happens when the whole sickening Ponzi scheme collapses and law enforcement officers don't get paid?...will they do the right thing or will they form into local bands of Mad Max pirates, raping and pillaging?...a law unto themselves. Now I know in the old days, horse thieves were either hung, or shot, usually by the owner, same with cattle rustlers, but 2015?...)

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