More penny news

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More penny news

Postby AlexTG » Sun Jan 09, 2011 2:53 pm

I nearly died when one of the comments I read as a suggetion to lower the cost, was to change the composition from mostly copper to a steel base, then coat it in copper.
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Re: More penny news

Postby 999Ni » Sun Jan 09, 2011 4:51 pm

i read quite a few of those comments & it seems to me that most if not everybody has no idea what a copper penny is worth!
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Re: More penny news

Postby sanitarium_inmate » Sun Jan 09, 2011 9:40 pm

I read this and thought that maybe the mint should skip a year or 2 like they do with the FRN's. You dont see those made with sequential years. Yet they do make the FRN's on a constant basis but it would be a thought to lower the cost on the cent.
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Re: More penny news

Postby Corsair » Sun Jan 09, 2011 9:41 pm

sanitarium_inmate wrote:I read this and thought that maybe the mint should skip a year or 2 like they do with the FRN's. You dont see those made with sequential years. Yet they do make the FRN's on a constant basis but it would be a thought to lower the cost on the cent.

FRNs are made every day of every week of every month of every year. However, they just aren't dated like coins are.
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Re: More penny news

Postby beauanderos » Sun Jan 09, 2011 9:47 pm

The mint has a fairly complex equation that permits them to predict the number of cents needed to service commerce throughout the country, and this is how they base their production. The mintage figures wouldn't be nearly so high if so many people (perhaps half the population) didn't hoard pennies (unintentionally in jars, drawers, ashtrays, piggy banks). There are probably only a few ten thousands or so of hoarders who are savvy enough to do it for the copper. The rest are clueless.
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Re: More penny news

Postby Finder » Sun Jan 09, 2011 11:16 pm

999Ni wrote:i read quite a few of those comments & it seems to me that most if not everybody has no idea what a copper penny is worth!

Thats what really stuck out for me too, we still have time.

Also funny in the comments, someone said that Japan makes a plastic penny? :lol:
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Re: More penny news

Postby ScottyTX » Mon Jan 10, 2011 1:36 pm

I think I've read this same article in a few different places or one very similar to it. For some reason they keep screwing up how much a zinc penny is worth in metal value. They say its worth 1.62 cents in metal content :) better start hoarding those zincs boys!!!
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Re: More penny news

Postby AlexTG » Mon Jan 10, 2011 3:31 pm

ScottyTX wrote:I think I've read this same article in a few different places or one very similar to it. For some reason they keep screwing up how much a zinc penny is worth in metal value. They say its worth 1.62 cents in metal content :) better start hoarding those zincs boys!!!


On a less screamy note, every time I type pennies, I am afraid I will accidently type penis. I don't know why...
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