$262,000 in gold buried in her yard missing.

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$262,000 in gold buried in her yard missing.

Postby henrysmedford » Sun Jun 17, 2012 7:39 am

From my hometown paper and ten miles down the road from us. http://www.mailtribune.com/apps/pbcs.dll/article?AID=/20120617/NEWS/206170325

Ashland buried treasure stolen?
Woman claims safe full of $262,000 in gold buried in her yard missing
June 17, 2012
An Ashland woman says she buried a safe containing $262,000 in gold Krugerrands in her backyard two years ago. But when she went to dig it up earlier this year, it was gone.

On March 15, the woman reported to police that the safe was missing, but since then police have exhausted all leads and the case is dormant, said Ashland police Sgt. Jim Alderman. Police will not release the victim's name, because of the high dollar amount involved.

The case was complicated by the woman's refusal to let anyone conduct an extensive search of her property.

"She refuses to have her backyard excavated or allow anyone to search with a metal detector," said Alderman.

The woman told police she began buying gold in 2006. She said when she returned to dig up the safe, she found other containers of money and precious metals that she had buried, but not the safe.

According to investigators, there was no evidence of fresh digging on the property. They theorize that if the safe were stolen it could have happened shortly after it was buried in 2010. The woman was able to provide police with receipts for the gold, proving that it was at one time in her possession.

Tracking the coins is difficult because there are no serial numbers, said Alderman. There also are several local places where thieves could cash in precious metals without tipping off police.

Gold dealers are required to file a federal tax form only if someone turns in 25 or more Krugerrands or Canadian maple leaf coins at a time, according to Michael Cotta, owner of Rogue Valley Coin and Jewelry.

"If it's less than 25, then we don't have to do it," said Cotta.

Alderman said it's not uncommon for people to find valuables hidden on their property.

"People that buy old homes in Ashland once in a while will find silver and gold in the walls or under the house," said Cotta, "because people didn't used to trust banks, and it's sort of happening again."

At current gold prices, a Krugerrand is valued at about $1,700, according to goldprice.org.

The woman said that two years ago she hired a man to dig several big holes in her yard, which is within Ashland city limits, and then later she buried the gold and other valuables in the holes. Police have interviewed the man who dug the holes, as well as other possible suspects or witnesses, with no results.

Mandy Valencia is a Mail Tribune reporter. Reach her at 541-776-4486 or avalencia@mailtribune.com.
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Re: $262,000 in gold buried in her yard missing.

Postby 68Camaro » Sun Jun 17, 2012 7:52 am

Maybe someone (the guy who dug the holes, a neighbor, a friend of a neighbor, the trash guy, whatever) dug it up and took it.

But it's most likely that she just lost the dang thing - it's probably still out there. So now everyone knows where to go dig!
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Re: $262,000 in gold buried in her yard missing.

Postby PennysaverCP » Sun Jun 17, 2012 8:01 am

There will be 100 guys with metal detectors on her property in the mourning.
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Re: $262,000 in gold buried in her yard missing.

Postby Treetop » Sun Jun 17, 2012 12:52 pm

It seems very unusual the same person who buries hundreds of thousands in gold, would also pay someone else to dig the holes. If I couldnt dig a hole for my own metals, the last place Id want it, is in a hole.
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Re: $262,000 in gold buried in her yard missing.

Postby henrysmedford » Sun Jun 17, 2012 1:12 pm

I should add the next town to the south of Ashland OR is Yreka CA were $3 million was stolen this year see --http://www.realcent.org/viewtopic.php?f=9&t=11663&hilit=+yreka
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Re: $262,000 in gold buried in her yard missing.

Postby cesariojpn » Sun Jun 17, 2012 5:43 pm

Does she have alot of cats or is a hoarder? That might be a factor.
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Re: $262,000 in gold buried in her yard missing.

Postby Engineer » Sun Jun 17, 2012 5:45 pm

An insurance scam or dementia are possibilities.
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Re: $262,000 in gold buried in her yard missing.

Postby agmoose » Sun Jun 17, 2012 6:20 pm

My first thought is also the scam or ability to say "Nope - I had some gold, but it was stolen, check with the PD - I filed a report." Most of us usually lose our stack in freak boating accidents though. lol.
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Re: $262,000 in gold buried in her yard missing.

Postby TheJonasCollegeFund » Sun Jun 17, 2012 7:04 pm

Maybe she had a poor septic system. The dang thing backed up and she had to call the poop truck! I bet the back-hoe cracked open the safe and then the sucker truck just sucked all them gold coins off to poopy heaven.

I think only members here with septic systems will get crack a smile over this!

(old house I used to live in...had to do this almost every other year!)
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Re: $262,000 in gold buried in her yard missing.

Postby AGgressive Metal » Sun Jun 17, 2012 7:30 pm

It probably just sunk a couple feet and she'll find it when she stops being stubborn and lets someone else dig.
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Re: $262,000 in gold buried in her yard missing.

Postby John_doe » Sun Jun 17, 2012 7:38 pm

I never really understood the logic behind someone burying money. I always thought it was an old wives tale, or a joke. :roll:
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Re: $262,000 in gold buried in her yard missing.

Postby deacon » Sun Jun 17, 2012 7:42 pm

Sounds like a scam. She has the paperwork for buying the coins, but in 6 years she could have sold them all, bought more on a dip, then sold again. Then she has two sets of receipts. Rinse and repeat.

If this is real, she should buy a good metal detector.
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Re: $262,000 in gold buried in her yard missing.

Postby pennypicker » Sun Jun 17, 2012 9:56 pm

First Yreka and now Ashland...sounds like "the Siskiyou gang" is at it again. LOL
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Re: $262,000 in gold buried in her yard missing.

Postby rexmerdinus » Mon Jun 18, 2012 2:15 am

sounds like it could be a creative case of insurance fraud...
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Re: $262,000 in gold buried in her yard missing.

Postby Engineer » Mon Jun 18, 2012 3:38 am

agmoose wrote:ability to say "Nope - I had some gold, but it was stolen, check with the PD - I filed a report." Most of us usually lose our stack in freak boating accidents though. lol.

Valid point...

I don't have a boat, but most of my stack was lost when my fishing shack fell through the ice last winter.
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Re: $262,000 in gold buried in her yard missing.

Postby Rob72830 » Mon Jun 18, 2012 8:34 am

Sounds like a scam to me. If she really had buried a safe in her backyard, there should have been depressions in the ground from the dirt settling. If I was the insurance company, I would force her to let a team of investigators scan her yard before I paid one red cent. I bet if the insurance refused to pay, she would be begging them to come and detect her property. If she didn't then that would be proof that no one stole her gold and the insurance still pays nothing.
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Re: $262,000 in gold buried in her yard missing.

Postby Jonflyfish » Mon Jun 18, 2012 9:00 am

Surprised how many are so quick to judge with such poor reporting including a lack of depth and so few and incomplete details. Just goes to show how the media can spin twist and lead people with a bias and slant an audience into believe anything. If this lady was robbed I'd feel terrible after such quick flippant judgement about something potentially so significant and devastating.

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Re: $262,000 in gold buried in her yard missing.

Postby Mossy » Mon Jun 18, 2012 4:36 pm

That said she found /other/ stashes she'd buried. Who wants to bet against her yard being searched and dug up as soon as she has to leave for any length of time?
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Re: $262,000 in gold buried in her yard missing.

Postby Morsecode » Mon Jun 18, 2012 8:16 pm

Scam, 100%

Give the old biddy her due, though. She had the nerve to file a false police report.
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Re: $262,000 in gold buried in her yard missing.

Postby Bigsarge » Tue Jun 19, 2012 2:14 pm

I have alot of reciepts for things I don't have anymore.....
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Re: $262,000 in gold buried in her yard missing.

Postby SilverDragon72 » Tue Jun 19, 2012 5:00 pm

I'm betting this is a scam too. I know that if I lost something of great value that I buried in the ground, WHY would I not want someone to help me find it? Use a metal detector. It's not like she can't relocate this "stash" if she feels like someone would rob her or something.
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Re: $262,000 in gold buried in her yard missing.

Postby Engineer » Tue Jun 19, 2012 5:54 pm

SilverDragon72 wrote:I'm betting this is a scam too. I know that if I lost something of great value that I buried in the ground, WHY would I not want someone to help me find it? Use a metal detector. It's not like she can't relocate this "stash" if she feels like someone would rob her or something.

Unless she bought the gold with a life insurance settlement after her husband disappeared in a tragic boating accident. :?
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