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Are you addicted to gold and/or silver?

PostPosted: Sat Mar 03, 2012 12:56 pm
by kidman232
do you think at times you buy more than you should and maybe short cut other aspects of your life to make up for these purchases? do you feel bad when you dont have anything incoming in the mail or a purchase planned for the week? do you get overly upset when you get skunked roll searching or the bank has no halves? do you view this "obsession" as a good or bad thing

Re: Are you addicted to gold and/or silver?

PostPosted: Sat Mar 03, 2012 12:59 pm
by Neckro
If I don't blow it on PM's I waste it on garbage.

Re: Are you addicted to gold and/or silver?

PostPosted: Sat Mar 03, 2012 2:57 pm
by corky569
Yes, yes I am.

Re: Are you addicted to gold and/or silver?

PostPosted: Sat Mar 03, 2012 3:16 pm
by Rastatodd
That is a good question. I feel that as long as at the end of the month all the bills are paid and my two daughters are not going with out. What expendable income that goes into pm is just fine. I allow myself to buy a little over say two ounces of silver a month. With the price of gold, it just isn't in my budget. To acquire some gold. I try to trade silver for gold, when ever possible. Right now I have nothing coming to me as for metals in the mail, the premiums are more than I am willing to pay. :D

Re: Are you addicted to gold and/or silver?

PostPosted: Sat Mar 03, 2012 3:23 pm
by H2SO4
yes. the shinier the better.

Re: Are you addicted to gold and/or silver?

PostPosted: Sat Mar 03, 2012 4:08 pm
by Chief
I admit that I am addicted to CRH. Finding silver halves or dimes really makes my day. This year it has almost become a part time job. I trade my time and gas for silver. I am keeping every silver I find. They really do pile up. If the next 10 months are equal to what I've been pulling in the last 2 months, it will have been a great year.
Today while I was in the car, I heard a radio show talking about how to turn a hobby into something that will generate extra cash. I couldn't help but think about CRH. You turn your capital ($) into raw materials (coin) and back again. You mine the coin for silver and reinvest for more raw material.

Re: Are you addicted to gold and/or silver?

PostPosted: Sat Mar 03, 2012 4:54 pm
by njoElec
Am I addicted to Silver?

It's a sickness. Going to a coin shop is like daffy duck finding a pot of gold...

Re: Are you addicted to gold and/or silver?

PostPosted: Sat Mar 03, 2012 7:27 pm
by 97guns
i get my fix whenever silver dips, $3000 gets thrown to metal every month - all my disposable income.

Re: Are you addicted to gold and/or silver?

PostPosted: Sat Mar 03, 2012 8:50 pm
by kidman232
97guns- i need to buy a handgun, any advice for a first time gun owner and what id be spending on said suggestion

Re: Are you addicted to gold and/or silver?

PostPosted: Sat Mar 03, 2012 8:55 pm
by twentybux
corky569 wrote:Yes, yes I am.

Hello everyone. My name is Twentybux and I am an addict. :D

Re: Are you addicted to gold and/or silver?

PostPosted: Sat Mar 03, 2012 9:15 pm
by blackrabbit
Yes I am, I get pretty gittery if I go to get the mail and I know there is nothing on the way. I start to feel a sort of hunger and must buy another shiny chunk of wealth preservation. However, it is more of a managed disease because I feed the addiction by selling stuff on e-bay and using my paypal account funds to buy more. I don't have a problem selling my metal if it is well over spot and the profits are big enough but then I want to get more with the proceeds.

Re: Are you addicted to gold and/or silver?

PostPosted: Sat Mar 03, 2012 9:59 pm
by justj2k78
Addicted? Not sure I'd call it that, but I do enjoy the heck out of stacking. But no, I pay my bills, feed my family, fund my retirement accounts, put some $$ away for a rainy day, and I buy silver with the little extra I have. I like to buy a few ounces of silver each month, but when the opportunity presents itself, I'll buy more.

Re: Are you addicted to gold and/or silver?

PostPosted: Sat Mar 03, 2012 11:24 pm
by halfhunter
Sure, I'll admit it . . . I am an addict ! ! ! :oops:

Mostly addicted to this kinda stuff:

Anyone else here love the ol'OBWs?


Re: Are you addicted to gold and/or silver?

PostPosted: Sun Mar 04, 2012 8:06 am
by lance
Im def addicted...but in reality its money in the bank...i use to blow money on modding my now drive a older camry and its paid for and regret the nice cars i owned...wish i would of invested a long time ago

Re: Are you addicted to gold and/or silver?

PostPosted: Sun Mar 04, 2012 8:10 am
by dakota1955
yes but I can quit if I had to

Re: Are you addicted to gold and/or silver?

PostPosted: Sun Mar 04, 2012 8:40 am
by zerocd
two Canadian Kilo coins (2008 $250 face) plus a Cougar, a banned $10 Liberty Dollar ounce and some JM rounds made for a local bank pop up for $34/toz when silver was $35 a few days back. Just got paid and hadn't paid my bills.

Of course I bought them. The Kilos were in original packages in NGC PF69 Airtights. No brainer. They sell for much more if you can even find them.

Had to borrow from Mrs. 0CD to cover my bills......

How could you call that addicted?

Lucky to have the Mrs. On Board!


Re: Are you addicted to gold and/or silver?

PostPosted: Sun Mar 04, 2012 4:50 pm
by silverflake
Hi, my name is 'silverflake'. {All reply: "Hi silverflake"} I am a silver addict. {supportive clap}

It started innocently enough, with me pulling a couple of pre-64 Roosevelt dimes from my change on my paper route - yeah, thats right - paper route. I was young, they were so small. And shiny. And the sound they made when I jingled them in my hand. They were only dimes, right? But sure enough that led to grabbing a couple of 40% halves from the same source - paper route change. Pretty soon, I needed a more reliable source. Asking around, I found my dealer - a mail order coin store - CURSES! I quickly moved up the scale until within a short time I was into, gulp, Morgan silver dollars. I started doing anything to trade federal reserve notes for these blazing cartwheels. I even sold, give me strength, my baseball cards to get some.

Now, I am an adult, with children of my own. And still the fever is there but now there's so many products available to the silver junkie. Silver eagles, Maple Leafs (oooOOooh, Maple leafs...) Libertads, bars, can I be blamed? And here I sit and type my story to you realcenters. Do I need help?

Back to reality - Keep stacking gang. Feed the madness, keep the faith.
Advice from silverflake - embrace the addiction...

Re: Are you addicted to gold and/or silver?

PostPosted: Sun Mar 04, 2012 5:01 pm
by halfhunter
zerocd wrote:two Canadian Kilo coins (2008 $250 face) plus a Cougar, a banned $10 Liberty Dollar ounce and some JM rounds made for a local bank pop up for $34/toz when silver was $35 a few days back. Just got paid and hadn't paid my bills.

Of course I bought them. The Kilos were in original packages in NGC PF69 Airtights. No brainer. They sell for much more if you can even find them.

Had to borrow from Mrs. 0CD to cover my bills......

How could you call that addicted?

Lucky to have the Mrs. On Board!


Sometimes we addicts have to S-T-R-E-T-C-H a little when those too-good-to-miss deals come around.
Especially those that we know are an immediate flip for a nice profit.
Problem is I all too often fall in love with the newly found shiny & just can't bring myself to let it go . . .

But somehow the bills always get paid, and I haven't gone hungry . . . YET ! ! ! :D


Re: Are you addicted to gold and/or silver?

PostPosted: Sun Mar 04, 2012 6:14 pm
by zerocd
halfhunter wrote:
zerocd wrote:two Canadian Kilo coins (2008 $250 face) plus a Cougar, a banned $10 Liberty Dollar ounce and some JM rounds made for a local bank pop up for $34/toz when silver was $35 a few days back. Just got paid and hadn't paid my bills.

Of course I bought them. The Kilos were in original packages in NGC PF69 Airtights. No brainer. They sell for much more if you can even find them.

Had to borrow from Mrs. 0CD to cover my bills......

How could you call that addicted?

Lucky to have the Mrs. On Board!


Sometimes we addicts have to S-T-R-E-T-C-H a little when those too-good-to-miss deals come around.
Especially those that we know are an immediate flip for a nice profit.
Problem is I all too often fall in love with the newly found shiny & just can't bring myself to let it go . . .

But somehow the bills always get paid, and I haven't gone hungry . . . YET ! ! ! :D


I live a "loaves and fishes" existence and yes, we had just enough. And that, is one hellava story because I've been doing it for 39 years.

Re: Are you addicted to gold and/or silver?

PostPosted: Sun Mar 04, 2012 11:15 pm
by Silver Addict
Maybe :? :shock:

Re: Are you addicted to gold and/or silver?

PostPosted: Sun Mar 04, 2012 11:33 pm
by Rodebaugh
Ask yourself this: "Would I buy an ASE plucked from a dog turd at a dollar under spot?"

If your answer was any of the following, you might be addicted
-All day
-Untill I run out of money
-Is there any more in there?
-With both hands
-Heck, I'd pay spot
-Is the dog for sale?

Re: Are you addicted to gold and/or silver?

PostPosted: Mon Mar 05, 2012 8:21 am
by Saabman
Rodebaugh wrote:Ask yourself this: "Would I buy an ASE plucked from a dog turd at a dollar under spot?"

If your answer was any of the following, you might be addicted
-All day
-Untill I run out of money
-Is there any more in there?
-With both hands
-Heck, I'd pay spot
-Is the dog for sale?


Re: Are you addicted to gold and/or silver?

PostPosted: Mon Mar 05, 2012 9:53 am
by DuckTales253
Rodebaugh wrote:Ask yourself this: "Would I buy an ASE plucked from a dog turd at a dollar under spot?"

If your answer was any of the following, you might be addicted
-All day
-Untill I run out of money
-Is there any more in there?
-With both hands
-Heck, I'd pay spot
-Is the dog for sale?

YES! All of the above!

Re: Are you addicted to gold and/or silver?

PostPosted: Mon Mar 05, 2012 12:43 pm
by AFModell
So is it safe to assume the dog "produced" the ASE? Thats a valuable dog.

Re: Are you addicted to gold and/or silver?

PostPosted: Mon Mar 05, 2012 1:10 pm
by H2SO4
halfhunter wrote:Sure, I'll admit it . . . I am an addict ! ! ! :oops:

Mostly addicted to this kinda stuff:

Anyone else here love the ol'OBWs?


YES! OBW are awesome. Wish I had more of them or found a good place to pick them up!