I sort lots of nickels and post my war nickel finds in the half dollar and other silver finds thread.
I post my buffalos there and have not been cross posting. Maybe I should. I see a lot of nickels, maybe 10 boxes a week.
Today, I found a...
1913 Type I, Full Horn, and it appears to be gold plated, a very long time ago. It's in great shape and has some tiny dark spots. There are no wear marks on the "gold" and no cupronickel shows. (second thought, maybe bronzed?) The edge is perfect and the plating/tone perfect and uniform. Very odd coin. I own a "Racketeer Nickel" which was when gamblers would gold plate the first "no cent" V nickel and it's not nearly this nice.
I have made some scans but having difficulty getting a nice set of images.
Anyone ever seen something like this? (found the 1883 two days later)