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Re: 2013 Metal Detecting Thread

PostPosted: Thu Jun 06, 2013 10:08 pm
by TheJonasCollegeFund
Another 1 1/2 hour hunt.

Decided to leave the cops alone and just hit a park or two this evening after work. I ran over to 2 parks but they were loaded with soccer, softball, and frisbee golf players. So I went back to the park closest to my house. I decided it was another quick low-tone practice run with the CTX. I ended up hitting the large sled hill. You can see some buttons in the pics. I ended up with a nice 925 ring with a nice stone. Very sparkly but too bad it was on a silver ring!:no:
2 Winchester "NUBLACK" headstamps and a Savage .25 cartridge.

Pair of glasses, a cool HotWheels motorcycle, and the usual low-tone slaw and tabs.

Only 17 coins for $1.28 but did get the silver ring.:yes:

CTX has found 5 rings so far this year with only 2 being keepers!(silver)

Here's some pictures for your viewing.








Re: 2013 Metal Detecting Thread

PostPosted: Mon Jun 10, 2013 8:08 pm
by TheJonasCollegeFund
Another low-tone hunt looking for gold!!!

Got out to the soccer complex to hunt bling. There has to be some yellow stuff waiting for me.

Well I did find ring #6 for the year. Sadly, it was aluminum!!!!:no::no:

I hit a cool smiley charm that just might be my new avatar!!!! No hallmark and it's not attracted to my huge magnet.:p But I don't think it's silver.

I hit another charm that says, "BOO". Again junk!:no:

I hit some coins and cleaned up a bunch of tabs, slaw, and some iron.


47 coins for $3.78

Gonna try for silver in the AM. I have a couple of high tones waiting for me. I guess I should have dug them last time. Still searching for silver coin #1 with the CTX. I must be a slow learner.:lol:






Re: 2013 Metal Detecting Thread

PostPosted: Mon Jun 10, 2013 8:47 pm
by Morsecode
Love it :thumbup:

I keep telling myself this is the year I start detecting. My local coin guy has been a White's dealer for years, and he's been after me to get started since I first mentioned it, oh maybe 20 years ago :roll:

Re: 2013 Metal Detecting Thread

PostPosted: Mon Jun 10, 2013 9:43 pm
by TheJonasCollegeFund
Morsecode wrote:Love it :thumbup:

I keep telling myself this is the year I start detecting. My local coin guy has been a White's dealer for years, and he's been after me to get started since I first mentioned it, oh maybe 20 years ago :roll:

It helps you not think of the crazy markets right now!

Re: 2013 Metal Detecting Thread

PostPosted: Mon Jun 10, 2013 10:20 pm
by aloneibreak
TheJonasCollegeFund wrote: 2 Winchester "NUBLACK" headstamps and a Savage .25 cartridge.

the nublacks have been there a while

I believe they were produced pre wwii

the .25-20 was popular in the same era, but shells are still being made today

I enjoy seeing all the finds !

Re: 2013 Metal Detecting Thread

PostPosted: Mon Jun 10, 2013 10:27 pm
by TheJonasCollegeFund
aloneibreak wrote:
TheJonasCollegeFund wrote: 2 Winchester "NUBLACK" headstamps and a Savage .25 cartridge.

the nublacks have been there a while

I believe they were produced pre wwii

the .25-20 was popular in the same era, but shells are still being made today

I enjoy seeing all the finds !

Got a buddy online that collects the headstamps. Might be pre-WWI. Same park produce an older on dated back to 1900-1904. Sure wish these had silver quarters sitting under them. Really odd thing. One was just under the surface while the other one was 6 inches deep. :?:

Re: 2013 Metal Detecting Thread

PostPosted: Tue Jun 11, 2013 10:02 am
by Dave
Going to start this summer, do you need permits to check local parks. I live in Rochester, NY, any advise would be appreciated. Thanks

Re: 2013 Metal Detecting Thread

PostPosted: Tue Jun 11, 2013 10:56 am
by TheJonasCollegeFund
Dave wrote:Going to start this summer, do you need permits to check local parks. I live in Rochester, NY, any advise would be appreciated. Thanks

Gotta check with your State's and County's rules. Now even some cities banned metal detecting. Also, Federal property is a big No-No!

Re: 2013 Metal Detecting Thread

PostPosted: Wed Jun 12, 2013 7:02 am
by Dave

Re: 2013 Metal Detecting Thread

PostPosted: Wed Jun 12, 2013 10:27 am
by TheJonasCollegeFund
Went snooping today and hit the local little league complex and an older school. Had to stay close to home because the weather is so iffy right now. Trying to stay one step away from lightning!!!

Talked to some school workers and got some good info on where to hunt next time at this school.

Anyway, here is what i got.

Can you guess my favorite find today????

19-pennies (+1/4):yes:

49 coins for $5.24 + 2 charms....!






My first 1/4 cent!!!!!(I couldn't find the rest of it!!!)


Re: 2013 Metal Detecting Thread

PostPosted: Wed Jun 12, 2013 4:22 pm
by bman
TheJonasCollegeFund wrote:Can you guess my favorite find today????

Tinkerbell? :lol:

Re: 2013 Metal Detecting Thread

PostPosted: Thu Jun 13, 2013 1:18 pm
by TheJonasCollegeFund
Well I finally did it today. I went back to the school in one of the older sections of town.

I SCORED my first silver coin with the CTX. 1952 Roosie!!!!!

I dug 4,000 coins last year with NO silver coins.


And, it was the first target I dug. I thought for sure I would get another and then another....maybe end up with a DOZEN!!!!

I hit 17 other dimes thinking that one HAS to be another silver!!!!!


I did get another cool pirate charm. 2 in 2 days over at that school.

What are they teaching there??????

Got a car-wash token and a flattened penny from RainforestCafe'.
Totals for the hunt.....


46 coins for $4.36





Re: 2013 Metal Detecting Thread

PostPosted: Mon Jun 17, 2013 8:10 am
by TheJonasCollegeFund
Got out to an old 115 year old park with an experienced hunter with the same new machine I got. I learned a few things and can't waitto get back out and see what I can find. I found 2 more wheats very deep....both between 8 and 10 inches down. A 1918 and a 19xx. All I can is wow about the depth!

I did get another 47 coins for $ bling.....some fake bling, though. 2 wheats included.

Re: 2013 Metal Detecting Thread

PostPosted: Mon Jun 17, 2013 10:24 pm
by TheJonasCollegeFund
Took the little guy treasure hunting. He hasn't wanted to go in a long time. I guess my recent pirate charms has changed his mind!! Off we go with the Bounty Hunter Jr., my trusty Lesche, and the ALL important Garrett ProPointer!!!!!



His finds and his best pirate impersonation.



He made me take a few pics of his TREASURE!!!!



5 coins....his first dime and quarter!!!!!









Re: 2013 Metal Detecting Thread

PostPosted: Tue Jun 18, 2013 9:42 am
by cwgii
first time out this year.

rocky point mex. beaches. probably 10 hrs of hunting. lots of old pull tabs, bottle caps. I even pick up the nails and some of the glass.

coins. 2 10 peso , one 50cent piece, American, 1 quarter, 1 dime, three pennies. . for a not very profitable 4 days.

Re: 2013 Metal Detecting Thread

PostPosted: Tue Jun 18, 2013 10:20 pm
by TheJonasCollegeFund
OK...after getting some tips from a seasoned CTX user I hit a spot I KNOW has silver. I ran to a spot that produced my only silver quarter. My third target gets me this....


I dug lots of different tones still searching for gold. I did hit ring #7 for the year. It was an old looking junk ring, I think!!!


I dug some deep clad and coppers with no more silver or even a wheat. So, on to the next spot. Last weekend was a small carnival near my house. I thought I might find some fresh drops.

Here's the pics. Part of the junk is from my last hunt. I did hit a cool looking ciggy lighter. It's not a zippo.



And I hit 2 headstamps for Turtle. I think these are old but common.



Here's some junk jewelry and me going with the apple!!!!!


Totals for the hunt.....

14--dimes(1 silver)

70 coins for $6.56 1--junk ring????

Re: 2013 Metal Detecting Thread

PostPosted: Sat Jun 22, 2013 8:30 pm
by bman
I went back to my usual spot on Thursday and found a 1938 merc which is silver coin #20 for 2013, 7 wheaties and a handfull of copper Memorials.

Re: 2013 Metal Detecting Thread

PostPosted: Sun Jun 23, 2013 12:07 am
by 68Cougar

My neato find of the day. Hunted in the backyard with the boys today found various junk and two zincolns. Anyone else know what this is?

Re: 2013 Metal Detecting Thread

PostPosted: Sat Jun 29, 2013 2:22 pm
by TheJonasCollegeFund
Couldn't decide where to swing this morning after work. Was misting out and looking like a steady rain was going to open up at any time. I ran to a local park to hunt the sled hill for some bling. When I got there the weeds and grass on and below the sled hill were a good 3 foot high!!!:mad:

Plan B. I decide to hit the local park that has been around for over 100 years. But on the way to the park I decided to go look at another spot I found from last year. The rain made it easy to decide to drive around.

Plan C. I get to my spot, right across the street from the police station. I found it one day last year as I was looking for places to hunt. I noticed a house was torn down on the corner by the police station. The building was gone and a good 6 inches of dirt was gone or what was left was 1 huge 7 foot pile. All of the sidewalk was gone, too. I had the ATPro with me back then. As I was sitting in my truck there trying to decide what to do, a officer walks up to me to see what I'm doing. He saw the ATPro in the back seat of my 4X4 and asked me if I was waiting on another hunter. He then tells me that the city bought the property and it's going to be a parking lot REAL SOON. I couldn't get the door open fast enough. Found 6 pennies that day. 3 were wheat. So, I knew it had potential. Well, the last time I checked on the parking lot status, everything was the same EXCEPT the house next door was boarded up!:D My guess it would be soon part of the growing parking lot.

So, that was plan C. Go hunt the empty lot then ease over into the front lawn of the boarded up house. Test the waters a bit. :yes:

Well when I get there, the boarded up house is GONE!:shock: Most of the topsoil is still here in BIG piles. :D:D:D:D:D

I just sit there and, of course, the rain STARTS!!!!:no: I waited as long as I could. No headphones just me and the CTX. TONS of trash to start with. First coin....zinc penny. Second coin....zinc penny. 4th coin.....1944 merc!!!!!:D:D:D:D

With the recent rains I am sinking 2 to 4 inches anywhere I step!!! I ended up digging lots of trash. I did find an older key and a dogtag. I looked back at my trail. I could see ALL of my footsteps and I noticed an area I missed. I go back in the mud and start swinging. I got a bunch of different readings and tones but I could hear something just a little different than the trash I was digging. I dig a 5 inches down and I see SILVER Mr.Roosevelt.:D:D:D:D I re-scan the hole and the ProPointer says I forgot something. I dig around and pops out a 1964 SILVER quarter.:shock: I re-scan and there is more!!! Out pops a wheat and a 1958 wheat. First silver coinspill!!!!!:yes::yes::yes:

I ended up finding another wheat and 2 marbles.

I left for Plan D. I went to another park on a bling hunt. I did hit ring #8 but it was another junker. It's a Disney "C" ring. I hit some clad and LOTS of pennies.











Re: 2013 Metal Detecting Thread

PostPosted: Sat Jun 29, 2013 10:39 pm
by Franco American
Jonas - I just love reading about your adventures. Congrats on the silver finds and continue to keep us up to speed. Good luck!

Re: 2013 Metal Detecting Thread

PostPosted: Sun Jun 30, 2013 5:02 pm
by bman
Looks like that CTX is treating you alright theJonascollegefund! :mrgreen:

Re: 2013 Metal Detecting Thread

PostPosted: Sun Jun 30, 2013 5:09 pm
by bman
I spent a few more hours at my usual place today...and it produced silver coin # 21 for 2013, a 1952 Roosevelt dime :thumbup:

I also found a gun-lighter, a hotwheels car, a James Monroe token from Shell gas, 2 clad dimes, 17 LMCs and 6 wheaties


Re: 2013 Metal Detecting Thread

PostPosted: Sun Jul 07, 2013 2:28 am
by CU Baker
Made my normal 5th of July trip to the local beach. Three cheap rings, $6.57 in change and got the damn swimmers itch over fifty percent of my body. It normally don't become active till august, but oh well guess I will just itch and bitch. :x

Re: 2013 Metal Detecting Thread

PostPosted: Thu Jul 18, 2013 6:13 pm
by Frank t
my pops got permission from a homeowner to detect his house and the surrounding structures. on this property is a home from 1793 :shock: .

i think we got all of our treework done this week. so barring a phonecall we are heading there tomorrow. im PUMPED. :mrgreen:

to my knowledge virgin ground :lol:

1793 we got the possibility (likelyhood) of foreign oldness and early american. neither of us has anything older than a seated a piece, so lets go colonial awesome.

update to follow

Re: 2013 Metal Detecting Thread

PostPosted: Thu Jul 18, 2013 8:25 pm
by JustINaVW
Good luck! I hope you find the oldest thing for your collection! Gotta show is pics.