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*Official June 2012 Half Dollars and Other Coins

PostPosted: Thu May 31, 2012 9:22 am
by Country
Hello Fellow SILVER treasure hunters:

In June 2012, please post your finds right here.


May half searching was about $18000 less than April. SILVER halves found in May decreased, down 13% from April. $185101 halves were searched, and 973 SILVER halves were found. 2.63 SILVER halves per box on average were found. Also, of the 354 half boxes searched, 193 of them were SKUNKS. War Nicks found (21) was two more than April; there were 281 SILVER dimes found (down from the 359 found in April); and 3 SILVER quarters were discovered in the wild. adamsp27 had the best reported $500 box in May with 34 SILVER halves. In all the $1000 half bags searched, there was 1 SILVER half found (Do you remember the good old days when 100's were found?). adamsp27 found 9 SILVER dimes in a $250 box of dimes, the most for May. sparechange found 3 War Nicks in a $100 box of nickels, the best box for May.

On the leadership boards: adamsp27 found the most SILVER halves (224), edging out Chief who had 192, and CardsNCoins who had 176. adamsp27 found 102 SILVER dimes, besting corky569 (60). Dano had 7 War Nicks during May.

Other highlights are as follows:

5/1 - jtlee321 gets a nice $500 bag of halves containing 28 90% halves.
5/5 - Chief finds 24 SILVER halves in a box of halves.
5/7 - sparechange finds 3 War Nicks in a box of nickels.
5/10 - Dano finds his first 1970 40% half amongst $10.50 in loose halves.
5/13 - adamsp27 gets 8 SILVER dimes in a box of dimes.
5/14 - 4 bit finds his oldest coin, a 1917 dime.
5/18 - Country finds a 1902 Barber half in a box of halves.
5/20 - adamsp27 gets 9 SILVER dimes in a box of dimes.
5/20 - adamsp27 gets 34 SILVER halves in a box of halves, including 8 90%ers.
5/25 - Country's streak of 18 ends with a box of BU clads.
5/26 - CardsNCoins get 24 SILVER halves in a box of halves, including 7 90%ers.
5/28 - Chief finds his first double ender SILVER halves in a bullet roll.

It's important to post your SKUNKS as well as your great SILVER finds. That keeps the statistics honest. I'll try to post some graphs of our SILVER finds as 2012 proceeds along by adding data to this initial post. I'll see if I can post some interesting insights into the data here in this initial post for 2012 too. Even though this is a national tabulation of all our finds, I think its fun to know what finds are being made and at what frequentcy.

It might be interesting to see how many Barbers, Walkers, Franklins, and 90% Kennedys are found too. Also, how many Barbers and Mercurys dimes we find. I'll try to keep track of all of these.

Now, go out and find that SILVER treasure!! :mrgreen:

Those of you who are considering becoming RealCent members - Why not join today and stake your SILVER claims right here? Compete with other members in the race to see who is the best SILVER hunter.

Statistical data includes all posts June 01, 2012 mid-night forum time and later.




Re: *Official June 2012 Half Dollars and Other Coins

PostPosted: Fri Jun 01, 2012 4:59 pm
by ed_vantage17
One roll: 1988 Proof (Clad)

Re: *Official June 2012 Half Dollars and Other Coins

PostPosted: Fri Jun 01, 2012 5:12 pm
by Dano
25.00 cwr dimes = 1 1964-D, 1 1962 roosie
25.00 BWR dimes and 4.00 BWR nickels = skunk
6.00 cwr nickels = skunk

Re: *Official June 2012 Half Dollars and Other Coins

PostPosted: Fri Jun 01, 2012 7:13 pm
by Heartkill
1 '63D dime from the teller's tray today 8-)

Re: *Official June 2012 Half Dollars and Other Coins

PostPosted: Fri Jun 01, 2012 7:39 pm
by 4 bit
$60 CWR large dollars - CuNi clad Ikes

$11 loose halves - 2 1967

$40 CWR halves - skunk

$30 Brinks dimes - skunk

$370 CWR dimes
1 1963 silver FDR
1 1992 Canadian
1 1995 U.K. 5 pence
short $0.10

Re: *Official June 2012 Half Dollars and Other Coins

PostPosted: Fri Jun 01, 2012 7:40 pm
by Country
$2000 Halves - Loomis Boxes

Most all (99%) of these halves turned out to be 1996-P BUs. I thought last week that my source bank was running out of circulated halves and had to grab some of the BUs from their supply. I saw the signs last week. However, 3 of the 4 boxes this week had SILVER in them. Quite unusual, since I thought for sure I was gonna get 4 SKUNKS!!

Box #1
1 40% SILVER Kennedy Half - '69D :mrgreen:

Box #2
1 40% SILVER Kennedy Half - '66 :mrgreen:

Box #3
1 40% SILVER Kennedy Half - '68D :mrgreen:

Box #4
SKUNK!! :(

Re: *Official June 2012 Half Dollars and Other Coins

PostPosted: Fri Jun 01, 2012 8:15 pm
by CardsNCoins
June is off to a rough start.

$500 String box #540
1 - 1968

$500 String box #541

$500 String box #542

$500 String box #543

Re: *Official June 2012 Half Dollars and Other Coins

PostPosted: Fri Jun 01, 2012 9:11 pm
by BamaJoe
Half Box #237 - Skunk

Half Box #238

1 1966

Re: *Official June 2012 Half Dollars and Other Coins

PostPosted: Fri Jun 01, 2012 11:09 pm
by Heartkill
$400 CWR dimes - 1 '50D, 1 '64

Re: *Official June 2012 Half Dollars and Other Coins

PostPosted: Fri Jun 01, 2012 11:18 pm
by corky569
1 box of loomis halves.
4- 40% and 1-'64
Good start!

Re: *Official June 2012 Half Dollars and Other Coins

PostPosted: Fri Jun 01, 2012 11:33 pm
by BamaJoe
Half Box #239

1 1964

Half Box #240 - Skunk

Re: *Official June 2012 Half Dollars and Other Coins

PostPosted: Sat Jun 02, 2012 2:56 pm
by CrazyTom
$630 in CWR dimes

5 silver Roosevelts :) '57 '61 3x'64

5 nonsilver Canadians

Re: *Official June 2012 Half Dollars and Other Coins

PostPosted: Sat Jun 02, 2012 5:38 pm
by 4 bit
$40 CWR large dollars
1 1972D peg leg
1 roll contained 19 Ikes and 2 halves

$1 loose large dollar - CuNi clad Ike

$50 Brinks halves - skunk

$400 CWR halves
1 1966, 2 1967, 1 1968D
1 gold-plated 1960-1980 counterstamped 1983D
(I found this odd because the 1960-1980 counterstamp was ostensibly to commemorate the 20th anniversary of President Kennedy's election. The fact that I found it on a 1983 half means that they were still cranking these things out as late as 1983.)

$59 loose halves - 1 1952 Franklin, 1 1967, 1 1968D

$300 CWR dimes
1 1963D
2 Canadian Ni (1981, 1994)
short $0.20

Re: *Official June 2012 Half Dollars and Other Coins

PostPosted: Sun Jun 03, 2012 3:15 am
by Saabman
This weekend's action:

1 Box of halves.......skunk-a-roo

2 boxes of dimes:

Box 1 yielded....1 x 57

Box 2

Re: *Official June 2012 Half Dollars and Other Coins

PostPosted: Sun Jun 03, 2012 5:03 pm
by CardsNCoins
$250 boxes of dimes
Box 1 - Skunk
Box 2 - 1963, 1964
Box 3 - 1940 Mercury, 1946, 1964
Box 4 - 1958, 1964
Box 5 - Skunk
Box 6 - 1947
Box 7 - 1956
Box 8 - 1964, 1964
Box 9 - 1956
Box 10 - 1945 Mercury, 1964, 1964
Box 11 - 1945 Mercury, 1964
Box 12 - 1963
Box 13 - Skunk
Box 14 - Skunk
Box 15 - 1953, 1963,
Box 16 - 1946, 1950, 1964
Box 17 - Skunk
Box 18 - Skunk
Box 19 - 1954, 1956
Box 20 - 1953, 1964, 1964

Re: *Official June 2012 Half Dollars and Other Coins

PostPosted: Sun Jun 03, 2012 6:37 pm
by John_doe
2 bank rolls quarters- skunk
2 bank rolls dimes- skunk

Re: *Official June 2012 Half Dollars and Other Coins

PostPosted: Sun Jun 03, 2012 8:30 pm
by 4 bit
$15 loose halves - skunk

$220 CWR dimes
1 1946 silver FDR
1 1980 Canadian Ni
2 Canadian steel (2001 volunteer commemorative, 2004)
1 1982 Swiss half franc
1 2009 Polish 20 groszy
1 1982 U.S. cent
$3.10 long (There were several long rolls, including two that each contained 58 dimes.)

Re: *Official June 2012 Half Dollars and Other Coins

PostPosted: Mon Jun 04, 2012 9:09 am
by BlackOut
I went on a road trip to my parents house yesterday and my mom and sister had surprised me by buying 700 worth of halves from their wells Fargo. My mom told me that my sister is friends with the head teller and she had been saving the rolls for her. I told my mom and sister that it is probably someone's dump and that banks rarely keep more than 100 dollars worth unless it was a dump. I told them what they should have done is only got 100-200 worth and that way you wouldn't get stuck with them all if it was a dump. So as we are going through them, it is roll after roll of the typically brown "dumpers roll" as I call them. I'm about ready to throw in the towel and just tell them to take them all back to another bank and get rid of them. Then my mom finds a couple different looking rolls, but they still contained nothing. Finally I pull a roll that was even different yet, I opened it and saw the silver glimmer we are desperately work so hard to see. I dumped the roll out and we were ll excited to see that it was 11 40% which made my mom and sister very happy now knowing their efforts were worthwhile and I enjoyed my big fat crow sandwich and I learned a valuable lesson. A few of the other rolls were labeled "71" which contained all 71's, "BYT" which contained all bicentennials, I w as waiting for that one that said "64" but it
Never showed up. So all in all, not bad, here is the breakdown:

3 x 66
2 x 67
3 x 68
3 x 69

Also had some decent boxes yesterday as well

Box 91-

Box 92-
2 x 66
2 x 68

Box 93-
1 x 65
1 x 67 ender
3 x 68
1 x 69

Box 94-
1 x 67
2 x 68

Box 95-

That makes 53 straight 40% and no 90% in the past few weeks. Kinda unusual, but I am very glad to be finding anything so no complaints here.

1.63 oz from CWR's
2.07 oz from boxes

Re: *Official June 2012 Half Dollars and Other Coins

PostPosted: Mon Jun 04, 2012 3:16 pm
by CardsNCoins
$5.00 in teller's tray halves
1 - 1967

$0.50 in teller's tray halves

$1.00 in teller's tray halves
1 - 1965

Found while dumping
1964 silver dime

Re: *Official June 2012 Half Dollars and Other Coins

PostPosted: Mon Jun 04, 2012 7:07 pm
by CardsNCoins
$250 boxes of dimes
Box 1 - 1964, 1964
Box 2 - 1963
Box 3 - 1964

Re: *Official June 2012 Half Dollars and Other Coins

PostPosted: Mon Jun 04, 2012 8:33 pm
by BamaJoe
Half Box #241 - Skunk

Half Box #242 - Skunk

Re: *Official June 2012 Half Dollars and Other Coins

PostPosted: Mon Jun 04, 2012 9:49 pm
by CrazyTom
$215 in CWR and $40 in BWR dimes SKUNK

Re: *Official June 2012 Half Dollars and Other Coins

PostPosted: Mon Jun 04, 2012 9:52 pm
by 4 bit
$1 large dollar - CuNi clad Ike

$1.50 loose halves - skunk

$210 CWR dimes
2 silver FDR (1960D, 1964)
2 Canadian Ni (1972, 1985)

Re: *Official June 2012 Half Dollars and Other Coins

PostPosted: Mon Jun 04, 2012 10:06 pm
by corky569
500.00 Loomis box of halves

1000.00 dime bag
5 silver rosies

Re: *Official June 2012 Half Dollars and Other Coins

PostPosted: Tue Jun 05, 2012 3:27 pm
by TwoAndAHalfCents
$80.00 BWRs dimes
- skunk

$100.00 CWRs dimes
- 1961-D silver Roosevelt :D
- 1983 Canada dime (Ni)
- 2007 Canada dime (steel)
- 1977 Venezuela 25 centimos (1.5g Ni)

and the CWRs were over by a total of 14 coins too :mrgreen: