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October 2015 Pre-1940 Lincoln Tracking Thread

PostPosted: Thu Oct 01, 2015 3:03 pm
by Country

This is for 'true finds" only - coins found in change, rolls, or bags at face value only (not from wheat purchases).

Data includes all posts October 31, 2015 8:56 pm forum time and earlier.


1909 - (8) - cooyon(1), cwgii(1), narragansett(4), TwoAndAHalfCents(1), WileE(1),
1909-VDB - (0) -
1909-S - (0) -
1909-S-VDB - (0) -
1910 - (5) - CardsNCoins(1), narragansett(1), Sullysullinburg(1), TwoAndAHalfCents(1), WileE(1),
1910-S - (0) -
1911 - (6) - BenG76(1), Country(1), cwgii(1), John Reich(1), outofsort(2),
1911-D - (0) -
1911-S - (0) -
1912 - (3) - outofsort(1), TwoAndAHalfCents(1), WileE(1),
1912-D - (2) - narragansett(1), WileE(1),
1912-S - (0) -
1913 - (8) - blink(1), bookshelf(1), Country(1), John Reich(1), narragansett(2), outofsort(1), WileE(1),
1913-D - (1) - Sullysullinburg(1),
1913-S - (0) -
1914 - (4) - cooyon(1), narragansett(1), Sullysullinburg(1), WileE(1),
1914-D - (0) -
1914-S - (0) -
1915 - (4) - narragansett(1), outofsort(1), TwoAndAHalfCents(1), WileE(1),
1915-D - (1) - Country(1),
1915-S - (0) -
1916 - (10) - BenG76(1), cwgii(1), John Reich(1), narragansett(5), Sullysullinburg(1), WileE(1),
1916-D - (3) - narragansett(1), WileE(2),
1916-S - (0) -
1917 - (17) - aristobolus(1), blink(1), bookshelf(3), John Reich(1), mrlaufer(1), narragansett(5), spacemanX(1), TwoAndAHalfCents(1), WileE(3),
1917-D - (0) -
1917-S - (0) -
1918 - (27) - BenG76(1), blink(1), cecropia_moth(1), cooyon(1), narragansett(10), outofsort(4), Sullysullinburg(1), WileE(8),
1918-D - (2) - blink(1), J_Dodge(1),
1918-S - (1) - narragansett(1),
1919 - (35) - aristobolus(1), blink(1), CardsNCoins(1), cecropia_moth(1), Country(1), cwgii(2), mrlaufer(2), narragansett(9), outofsort(2), spacemanX(1), Sullysullinburg(1), TwoAndAHalfCents(3), Whinstone(1), WileE(9),
1919-D - (4) - CardsNCoins(1), WileE(3),
1919-S - (10) - hirbonzig(1), John Reich(1), narragansett(2), outofsort(3), Sullysullinburg(1), TwoAndAHalfCents(1), WileE(1),
1920 - (31) - blink(1), bookshelf(2), CardsNCoins(2), cecropia_moth(1), John Reich(2), narragansett(12), outofsort(2), spacemanX(1), Sullysullinburg(1), TheJonasCollegeFund(1), TwoAndAHalfCents(1), WileE(5),
1920-D - (6) - bookshelf(1), cwgii(1), narragansett(2), TwoAndAHalfCents(1), WileE(1),
1920-S - (0) -
1921 - (1) - narragansett(1),
1921-S - (0) -
1922-D - (0) -
1922-NO D - (0) -
1922-WEAK D - (0) -
1923 - (4) - narragansett(2), WileE(2),
1923-S - (0) -
1924 - (5) - Country(1), narragansett(2), TwoAndAHalfCents(1), WileE(1),
1924-D - (0) -
1924-S - (0) -
1925 - (22) - blink(1), cecropia_moth(1), Country(2), narragansett(8), Numis Pam(1), outofsort(1), Sullysullinburg(1), TwoAndAHalfCents(3), Whinstone(1), WileE(3),
1925-D - (1) - bookshelf(1),
1925-S - (1) - cwgii(1),
1926 - (13) - blink(2), CardsNCoins(1), Country(1), cwgii(1), hammerrob(1), hirbonzig(1), John Reich(1), narragansett(2), outofsort(1), WileE(2),
1926-D - (4) - CardsNCoins(1), cwgii(1), outofsort(1), TwoAndAHalfCents(1),
1926-S - (1) - narragansett(1),
1927 - (18) - blink(3), cwgii(1), Frank t(1), narragansett(8), Numis Pam(1), Sullysullinburg(1), TwoAndAHalfCents(1), WileE(1), woodyh(1),
1927-D - (1) - WileE(1),
1927-S - (2) - bookshelf(1), WileE(1),
1928 - (22) - blink(1), bookshelf(1), cecropia_moth(1), cwgii(1), narragansett(5), outofsort(3), Sullysullinburg(1), TwoAndAHalfCents(5), WileE(4),
1928-D - (2) - CardsNCoins(1), narragansett(1),
1928-S - (3) - cecropia_moth(1), TwoAndAHalfCents(2),
1929 - (35) - blink(2), bookshelf(2), CardsNCoins(1), Country(1), cwgii(3), John Reich(1), narragansett(12), outofsort(2), Sullysullinburg(3), TwoAndAHalfCents(3), WileE(5),
1929-D - (4) - hirbonzig(1), narragansett(1), TwoAndAHalfCents(1), WileE(1),
1929-S - (6) - cwgii(2), TwoAndAHalfCents(1), WileE(3),
1930 - (21) - bookshelf(2), CardsNCoins(1), cecropia_moth(1), chris819(1), cwgii(1), John Reich(1), narragansett(8), outofsort(1), Sullysullinburg(2), WileE(3),
1930-D - (6) - bookshelf(2), Country(1), cwgii(1), WileE(2),
1930-S - (3) - bookshelf(1), WileE(2),
1931 - (1) - narragansett(1),
1931-D - (1) - WileE(1),
1931-S - (0) -
1932 - (1) - narragansett(1),
1932-D - (1) - narragansett(1),
1933 - (0) -
1933-D - (0) -
1934 - (44) - bookshelf(3), CardsNCoins(1), cecropia_moth(1), chris819(1), Country(5), cwgii(5), hammerrob(1), hirbonzig(1), John Reich(2), narragansett(12), Numis Pam(1), outofsort(4), TwoAndAHalfCents(1), WileE(6),
1934-D - (5) - bookshelf(1), mrlaufer(1), WileE(3),
1935 - (42) - blink(1), bookshelf(6), cecropia_moth(1), Country(3), cwgii(1), hammerrob(1), narragansett(13), outofsort(1), Sullysullinburg(2), TwoAndAHalfCents(4), WileE(9),
1935-D - (9) - blink(1), bookshelf(1), Country(1), cwgii(1), hirbonzig(1), outofsort(1), TwoAndAHalfCents(1), WileE(2),
1935-S - (6) - cwgii(1), narragansett(2), WileE(3),
1936 - (59) - blink(1), bookshelf(7), CardsNCoins(3), Country(2), cwgii(1), hirbonzig(1), John Reich(2), narragansett(21), outofsort(2), Sullysullinburg(3), TwoAndAHalfCents(7), WileE(8), woodyh(1),
1936 -DBL DIE - (0) -
1936-D - (5) - Country(1), cwgii(1), narragansett(1), TwoAndAHalfCents(1), WileE(1),
1936-S - (4) - TwoAndAHalfCents(3), WileE(1),
1937 - (64) - blink(3), bookshelf(3), CardsNCoins(3), chris819(1), Country(3), cwgii(1), hammerrob(2), hirbonzig(1), J_Dodge(2), John Reich(4), narragansett(18), outofsort(2), Sullysullinburg(1), TwoAndAHalfCents(5), Whinstone(1), WileE(13), woodyh(1),
1937-D - (10) - blink(1), bookshelf(1), cwgii(1), narragansett(1), TwoAndAHalfCents(2), WileE(4),
1937-S - (8) - blink(1), bookshelf(1), cwgii(1), narragansett(2), TwoAndAHalfCents(2), Whinstone(1),
1938 - (45) - blink(1), bookshelf(2), CardsNCoins(1), cwgii(4), hirbonzig(1), John Reich(3), narragansett(22), plus1hdcp(1), Sullysullinburg(2), TwoAndAHalfCents(1), WileE(6), woodyh(1),
1938-D - (1) - TwoAndAHalfCents(1),
1938-S - (4) - bookshelf(1), narragansett(1), Sullysullinburg(1), TwoAndAHalfCents(1),
1939 - (72) - blink(4), bookshelf(11), CardsNCoins(1), Country(2), cwgii(5), hirbonzig(1), John Reich(2), mrlaufer(1), narragansett(17), outofsort(3), Sullysullinburg(4), TwoAndAHalfCents(2), WileE(19),
1939-D - (5) - blink(1), narragansett(1), TwoAndAHalfCents(1), WileE(2),
1939-S - (6) - bookshelf(1), narragansett(2), TwoAndAHalfCents(1), WileE(2),

TOTAL FOUND : 756 Lincolns; 63 out of 89 possible categories


1909-VDB - (0) -
1909-S - (0) -
1909-S VDB - (0) -
1910-S - (0) -
1911-D - (0) -
1911-S - (0) -
1912-D - (2) - narragansett(1), WileE(1),
1912-S - (0) -
1913-D - (1) - Sullysullinburg(1),
1913-S - (0) -
1914-D - (0) -
1914-S - (0) -
1915-S - (0) -
1921-S - (0) -
1922-D - (0) -
1922-NO D - (0) -
1922-WEAK D - (0) -
1923-S - (0) -
1924-D - (0) -
1924-S - (0) -
1926-S - (1) - narragansett(1),
1927-S - (2) - bookshelf(1), WileE(1),
1928-S - (3) - cecropia_moth(1), TwoAndAHalfCents(2),
1931 - (1) - narragansett(1),
1931-D - (1) - WileE(1),
1931-S - (0) -
1932 - (1) - narragansett(1),
1932-D - (1) - narragansett(1),
1933 - (0) -
1933-D - (0) -
1936 -DBL DIE - (0) -
1938-S - (4) - bookshelf(1), narragansett(1), Sullysullinburg(1), TwoAndAHalfCents(1),
1939-D - (5) - blink(1), narragansett(1), TwoAndAHalfCents(1), WileE(2),


aristobolus - (2) - 1917(1), 1919(1),
BenG76 - (3) - 1911(1), 1916(1), 1918(1),
blink - (29) - 1913(1), 1917(1), 1918(1), 1918-D(1), 1919(1), 1920(1), 1925(1), 1926(2), 1927(3), 1928(1), 1929(2), 1935(1), 1935-D(1), 1936(1), 1937(3), 1937-D(1), 1937-S(1), 1938(1), 1939(4), 1939-D(1),
bookshelf - (55) - 1913(1), 1917(3), 1920(2), 1920-D(1), 1925-D(1), 1927-S(1), 1928(1), 1929(2), 1930(2), 1930-D(2), 1930-S(1), 1934(3), 1934-D(1), 1935(6), 1935-D(1), 1936(7), 1937(3), 1937-D(1), 1937-S(1), 1938(2), 1938-S(1), 1939(11), 1939-S(1),
CardsNCoins - (19) - 1910(1), 1919(1), 1919-D(1), 1920(2), 1926(1), 1926-D(1), 1928-D(1), 1929(1), 1930(1), 1934(1), 1936(3), 1937(3), 1938(1), 1939(1),
cecropia_moth - (9) - 1918(1), 1919(1), 1920(1), 1925(1), 1928(1), 1928-S(1), 1930(1), 1934(1), 1935(1),
chris819 - (3) - 1930(1), 1934(1), 1937(1),
cooyon - (3) - 1909(1), 1914(1), 1918(1),
Country - (27) - 1911(1), 1913(1), 1915-D(1), 1919(1), 1924(1), 1925(2), 1926(1), 1929(1), 1930-D(1), 1934(5), 1935(3), 1935-D(1), 1936(2), 1936-D(1), 1937(3), 1939(2),
cwgii - (40) - 1909(1), 1911(1), 1916(1), 1919(2), 1920-D(1), 1925-S(1), 1926(1), 1926-D(1), 1927(1), 1928(1), 1929(3), 1929-S(2), 1930(1), 1930-D(1), 1934(5), 1935(1), 1935-D(1), 1935-S(1), 1936(1), 1936-D(1), 1937(1), 1937-D(1), 1937-S(1), 1938(4), 1939(5),
Frank t - (1) - 1927(1),
hammerrob - (5) - 1926(1), 1934(1), 1935(1), 1937(2),
hirbonzig - (9) - 1919-S(1), 1926(1), 1929-D(1), 1934(1), 1935-D(1), 1936(1), 1937(1), 1938(1), 1939(1),
J_Dodge - (3) - 1918-D(1), 1937(2),
John Reich - (23) - 1911(1), 1913(1), 1916(1), 1917(1), 1919-S(1), 1920(2), 1926(1), 1929(1), 1930(1), 1934(2), 1936(2), 1937(4), 1938(3), 1939(2),
mrlaufer - (5) - 1917(1), 1919(2), 1934-D(1), 1939(1),
narragansett - (224) - 1909(4), 1910(1), 1912-D(1), 1913(2), 1914(1), 1915(1), 1916(5), 1916-D(1), 1917(5), 1918(10), 1918-S(1), 1919(9), 1919-S(2), 1920(12), 1920-D(2), 1921(1), 1923(2), 1924(2), 1925(8), 1926(2), 1926-S(1), 1927(8), 1928(5), 1928-D(1), 1929(12), 1929-D(1), 1930(8), 1931(1), 1932(1), 1932-D(1), 1934(12), 1935(13), 1935-S(2), 1936(21), 1936-D(1), 1937(18), 1937-D(1), 1937-S(2), 1938(22), 1938-S(1), 1939(17), 1939-D(1), 1939-S(2),
Numis Pam - (3) - 1925(1), 1927(1), 1934(1),
outofsort - (38) - 1911(2), 1912(1), 1913(1), 1915(1), 1918(4), 1919(2), 1919-S(3), 1920(2), 1925(1), 1926(1), 1926-D(1), 1928(3), 1929(2), 1930(1), 1934(4), 1935(1), 1935-D(1), 1936(2), 1937(2), 1939(3),
plus1hdcp - (1) - 1938(1),
spacemanX - (3) - 1917(1), 1919(1), 1920(1),
Sullysullinburg - (29) - 1910(1), 1913-D(1), 1914(1), 1916(1), 1918(1), 1919(1), 1919-S(1), 1920(1), 1925(1), 1927(1), 1928(1), 1929(3), 1930(2), 1935(2), 1936(3), 1937(1), 1938(2), 1938-S(1), 1939(4),
TheJonasCollegeFund - (1) - 1920(1),
TwoAndAHalfCents - (62) - 1909(1), 1910(1), 1912(1), 1915(1), 1917(1), 1919(3), 1919-S(1), 1920(1), 1920-D(1), 1924(1), 1925(3), 1926-D(1), 1927(1), 1928(5), 1928-S(2), 1929(3), 1929-D(1), 1929-S(1), 1934(1), 1935(4), 1935-D(1), 1936(7), 1936-D(1), 1936-S(3), 1937(5), 1937-D(2), 1937-S(2), 1938(1), 1938-D(1), 1938-S(1), 1939(2), 1939-D(1), 1939-S(1),
Whinstone - (4) - 1919(1), 1925(1), 1937(1), 1937-S(1),
WileE - (151) - 1909(1), 1910(1), 1912(1), 1912-D(1), 1913(1), 1914(1), 1915(1), 1916(1), 1916-D(2), 1917(3), 1918(8), 1919(9), 1919-D(3), 1919-S(1), 1920(5), 1920-D(1), 1923(2), 1924(1), 1925(3), 1926(2), 1927(1), 1927-D(1), 1927-S(1), 1928(4), 1929(5), 1929-D(1), 1929-S(3), 1930(3), 1930-D(2), 1930-S(2), 1931-D(1), 1934(6), 1934-D(3), 1935(9), 1935-D(2), 1935-S(3), 1936(8), 1936-D(1), 1936-S(1), 1937(13), 1937-D(4), 1938(6), 1939(19), 1939-D(2), 1939-S(2),
woodyh - (4) - 1927(1), 1936(1), 1937(1), 1938(1),

Re: October 2015 Pre-1940 Lincoln Tracking Thread

PostPosted: Fri Oct 02, 2015 6:08 pm
by Country
1936 - VG

Re: October 2015 Pre-1940 Lincoln Tracking Thread

PostPosted: Sat Oct 03, 2015 2:11 pm
by Country
1925 - FINE

1937 - F-VF

Re: October 2015 Pre-1940 Lincoln Tracking Thread

PostPosted: Sun Oct 04, 2015 5:19 pm
by TwoAndAHalfCents

Re: October 2015 Pre-1940 Lincoln Tracking Thread

PostPosted: Sun Oct 11, 2015 6:18 pm
by TwoAndAHalfCents

Re: October 2015 Pre-1940 Lincoln Tracking Thread

PostPosted: Sat Oct 17, 2015 8:07 pm
by hammerrob

Re: October 2015 Pre-1940 Lincoln Tracking Thread

PostPosted: Sun Oct 18, 2015 3:21 pm
by Country
1937 - F-VF

Re: October 2015 Pre-1940 Lincoln Tracking Thread

PostPosted: Sun Oct 18, 2015 6:56 pm
by TwoAndAHalfCents

Re: October 2015 Pre-1940 Lincoln Tracking Thread

PostPosted: Sun Oct 18, 2015 8:48 pm
by TwoAndAHalfCents

Re: October 2015 Pre-1940 Lincoln Tracking Thread

PostPosted: Tue Oct 27, 2015 11:25 pm
by bookshelf
1917, 1936

Re: October 2015 Pre-1940 Lincoln Tracking Thread

PostPosted: Wed Oct 28, 2015 9:54 am
by TwoAndAHalfCents

Re: October 2015 Pre-1940 Lincoln Tracking Thread

PostPosted: Sat Oct 31, 2015 8:56 pm
by hammerrob

Re: October 2015 Pre-1940 Lincoln Tracking Thread

PostPosted: Sun Nov 01, 2015 6:10 pm
by Country
The final Pre-1940 Lincoln stats for October 2015 have been posted. Look to the first post of this thread to get the details. Always look to the first post to see the last post that was included in the latest update.

Please post your November 2015 Pre-1940 finds in the new thread:
November 2015 Pre-1940 Lincoln Tracking Thread.