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July 2017 Copper Penny Handsorter Tracking

PostPosted: Thu Jun 29, 2017 7:23 pm
by Country

Re: July 2017 Copper Penny Handsorter Tracking

PostPosted: Fri Jul 21, 2017 8:16 am
by everything
$25 box. Pretty good box I got from my brothers bank, sorted it last weekend, the box a little different, slightly longer, it actually had an extra roll in it which I did not count in the percentage here.
LMC copper 715
1982 zinc 17
1982 copper 73
1959 2
1960 1
2009 8
Canadian Copper 3
Canadian Steel 1
Wheat 10

Re: July 2017 Copper Penny Handsorter Tracking

PostPosted: Fri Jul 21, 2017 8:18 am
by everything
$25 box. Ordinary bank box from my CU.
LMC copper 624
1982 zinc 6
1982 copper 61
1959 4
1960 7
2009 11
Canadian Copper 3
Canadian Steel 2
Wheat 15 1920, and two 1925's

Re: July 2017 Copper Penny Handsorter Tracking

PostPosted: Wed Jul 26, 2017 12:49 am
by Recyclersteve
It has been a while since I posted to this thread. I decided to include the details of a $25 box of pennies that I just hand sorted. The box was obtained about a year ago and I finally went through it this month. Here are the details:

Pre '82 coppers 358
'82 coppers 27 (also 11 '82 zincs)
Wheaties 9 (found a 1929 in there)
TOTAL COPPERS 394 (15.76% of box)

Canadians 7 (6 were pre '97- 1 of these was from 1950)

Note that I don't save ugly or mutilated coppers- they go back to the bank and aren't included in the numbers above.

With copper today going above $2.80 a pound for the first time since roughly April, 2015, I'm surprised that copper isn't getting a bit more attention on this site.