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Scrapped my first dryer!

PostPosted: Wed Mar 27, 2013 10:26 pm
by FatherRosado and are the pictures. It was fun. My friend helped. I hope we can get $40 for the youth group.

Re: Scrapped my first dryer!

PostPosted: Sun Mar 31, 2013 10:57 am
by FatherRosado
All we got was 5 dollars. Oh well at least I had fun.

Re: Scrapped my first dryer!

PostPosted: Sun Mar 31, 2013 12:41 pm
by scrapman1077
The key to most scrap metal is quantity. Small lot don't get you much.

Re: Scrapped my first dryer!

PostPosted: Sun Mar 31, 2013 2:19 pm
by CrazyTom
Dryers can also be a repository of loose change.

If I see one dumped somewhere and I'm in the pickup I'll grab it
for the opportunity. The motor is the most valuable part.

I won't make a single trip to the yard for one appliance.
When broke down they are "gas money" for a more lucrative load of
other things.

Re: Scrapped my first dryer!

PostPosted: Fri Apr 12, 2013 8:48 pm
by RAY
The last drier I scraped had lint balls inside one of the paddles inside the drum.
It happened to be the same paddle that had a clad dime and a clad penny in their with it.
The two paddles with no coins had no lint balls. [img]

Anyways I always break things all the way down, and I don't sell till I ether run outta space, or I have quantity and happen to like the prices that day.

The choice pieces for me would be all the switches and controls, the wiring harness and any aluminum from the dashboard.

The motor (aluminum winding ) I don't pull the wire from, but I will break off the cast aluminum ends, knock the bushings out and add to a barrel of clean cast aluminum.

A drier won't make much, but I do it sorta like a hobbie that makes me a little money wile I'm doing something that I really enjoy.

Scrap Happy