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Copper price - What is your selling price point?
Thu Aug 08, 2013 2:37 pm
by mtalbot_ca
My local yard pays out $2,10 per lbs for No1 copper, so I am not selling, but copper prices have been sluggish lately. I might reconsider....but anyway, what is your selling price point?
Re: Copper price - What is your selling price point?
Thu Aug 08, 2013 2:45 pm
by AGgressive Metal
I've been getting $2.50 for "Copper" and $2.60 for "#1 Copper", which seems fine to me for where spot is. $2.10 seems quite low for #1
Re: Copper price - What is your selling price point?
Thu Aug 08, 2013 6:23 pm
by smackvay
Im locked in right now at $2.95 for #1 and $2.85 for #2 in WV
Re: Copper price - What is your selling price point?
Fri Aug 09, 2013 11:54 pm
by Dr. Cadmium
My selling price point is when I can sell it and make a profit.
The local yards pay $2.50 and $2.60 for #2 and #1. I can probably get $0.15/lb more for 200 lbs +.
smackvay That's a crazy good price.
Re: Copper price - What is your selling price point?
Sat Aug 10, 2013 4:35 pm
by smackvay
Dr. Cadmium wrote:My selling price point is when I can sell it and make a profit.
The local yards pay $2.50 and $2.60 for #2 and #1. I can probably get $0.15/lb more for 200 lbs +.
smackvay That's a crazy good price.
that's why I got it on contract for 60 days