Bleach + gold plated

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Bleach + gold plated

Postby Tantalar » Fri Mar 04, 2011 7:05 pm

What would happen if you left a whole bunch of gold plated computer pins sit in a glass jar filled with bleach?

I wanted to know and so I did just that. I figured I have nothing to lose. A day later the whole jar started getting black and nasty and there were immediate signs of oxidation of the metals.

If it sits long enough, wont only the gold plating be left over? Leaving only very fine, tiny particles on the bottom of the jar?
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Re: Bleach + gold plated

Postby Kurr » Fri Mar 04, 2011 7:15 pm

Off the top of my head im not sure. The plated material "should" oxidize away, BUT...

Head on over to and talk to the guys that get off on PM refining chemistry.
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Re: Bleach + gold plated

Postby Sheikh_yer_Bu'Tay » Sat Mar 05, 2011 10:58 am

Household bleach with out any additives is a very good way to leach gold out of ore, or computer pins. That black/brown nasty stuff was the gold. After the chlorine leach, you need to raise the pH of the solution for the gold to precipitate out. Then maybe Kurr can refine it for you!

Like Kurr said, head over to to get the proper formula.

Or, you can google "chlorine gold leach" for more info about it. It is a very economical way to leach gold.
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