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Tobacco Token

PostPosted: Thu May 16, 2013 9:41 pm
by Dave 77
Hi everyone. I found this token in a junk box and I have had a hard time getting information about it. The only thing I have found so far is this link ... 6bih%3D886

If anyone has any other information I would be greatful. Thanks in advance

Re: Tobacco Token

PostPosted: Thu May 16, 2013 10:07 pm
by henrysmedford

Hay muchas monedas inglesas asi. Especialmente de la Reina Victoria con la inscripción "Keep your Temper" y "To Hanover". Entre las que pongo abajo hay una de Eduardo VII de 1909. Entiendo que las de Victoria eran cierto tipo de propaganda política. Hace mucho que lei algo de eso. Algunas no tienen reverso o hay una laurea. En realidad con un baño de oro algunas pudieron haber servido para engañar. En el grupo que presento hay una de Eduardo VII con la inscripción "Obsequio de S Hernandez y Co. /Amor en el sueño. La flor de Guayaquil."


There are so many English coins. Especially of Queen Victoria with the inscription "Keep Your Temper" and "To Hanover". Among those who put down is a 1909 Edward VII. I understand that Victoria was some kind of political propaganda. Long ago I read something about that. Some have no back or is there a laurea. Actually with gold plated some may have served to deceive. At present there is a group of Edward VII with the inscription "Gift of S Hernandez and Co. / Love in the dream. Fleur de Guayaquil."
