I have been searching a few bags of wheats lately and I have noticed something that I have seen before but it got me thinking about it again. Just about all the 1918 wheat pennies I find are smooth. Very seldom do I find one that has any quality to it all. All the other years I find good quality coins for once in a while but not the 1918 penny. Did they do something different that year when they made them? Have anyone of you noticed this when you search wheats?
Another question I have is why do I find so many BU grade pennies from the years 1955 - 1958 but you don't find any where near as many from the years 1950 - 1954 ? Why does just 3 or 4 years make such a difference in their condition? Whether they are 53 years old or 57 years old their condition should be about the same.