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Numismatics App

PostPosted: Tue Oct 09, 2012 2:38 pm
by Doctor Steuss
I finally took the plung into the 21st century, and got me a smart phone (damned thing is smarter than me). As I've been toying with it, I thought to myself how nice it would be to have a kind of Red Book, or maybe Greysheet type thing on my phone, that was updated fairly consistently.

Does anyone know if such an App exists? They seem to have them for just about everything else imaginable.

Thanks (and my apologies if this has been covered before... "app" didn't pull up any results for me with the forum search function).


Re: Numismatics App

PostPosted: Tue Oct 09, 2012 3:07 pm
by NHsorter
not an app, but...

I have a bunch of bookmarks in my browser for this purpose. Numismedia, Coinsandcanada, coinflation, etc.

Re: Numismatics App

PostPosted: Tue Oct 09, 2012 6:56 pm
by OneBiteAtATime
I have one I rarely use called CoinHELP! or U.S. Coin Identifier. It has specs (diam, metal content, weight) which is nice if I want to double check the weight of something I don't handle very often. It also has a few values (G, EF, AU, MS) they're close on retail, don't think it gets updated very often though.

Re: Numismatics App

PostPosted: Tue Oct 09, 2012 7:29 pm
by henrysmedford
From a old thread for iPhone iPad --

Any thoughts on coin apps. Here is what we have for are Ipad 2 --

1:World Coin Collection (America) Like the Customer Review
Nice pics but...

by Daves Home
Not for the beginning collector or numismatist. Three years old might like the colors. That is all there is to this over priced app.

2:Canadian Coin$ Free$-free/id415375293?mt=8 Price is right. Works in Iphone size.

3:Notes & Coins 101, the money encyclopedia This app contains all the current banknotes and coins of every country/land around the world. We like this one.

4:Coin World for iPad Nice free!

5:Kcast Gold Live!+ By Kitco Metals Inc!+/id298687558?mt=8 A must!

Coin Booth is the first IOS application let your face placed on a coin.
With Coin Booth, you are not only as famous as your face is on a coin, but also as rich as you can splash your coins about. You will soon find yourself enjoying Coin Booth.
Despite coming out from the cutting edge technology, Coin Booth is so easy to use that every little kid can play with.
Keep your lover, family, friends, and unforgettable moments on your own coin or just have fun with.


Re: Numismatics App

PostPosted: Wed Oct 10, 2012 9:33 am
by Rob72830
PCGS has a coin grading app for Iphone.

Re: Numismatics App

PostPosted: Wed Oct 10, 2012 1:33 pm
by Doctor Steuss
Gulldernit, I've got a Droid.

Re: Numismatics App

PostPosted: Wed Oct 10, 2012 2:20 pm
by BBD
The three apps I have are: iCoin$, Photograde, and coinflation. All for the iPhone.