Not to hijack the thread, but...
Rodebaugh wrote: I see it as human nature to strive to complete things. Coin collecting is a hobby that lends itself nicely to this.
This is a huge idea. Paragraph?! There is a book in this!
Rodebaugh wrote:I'd like to know more about the thought process and decision to stop. The pro's and con's as you weighed them. Seems like a nice paragraph that I'd like to read if your up to the typing.
Over the years, I too have seen this happen in me. Although, I usually see it not as quitting, but as a shift. Something is important, and we allot much of our time, learning, and resources toward it. Then something else comes in its place. It is also important, for lack of a better word. And we find that there is not room for both in our mind. We find we cannot have two primary focii. One (be it a hobby, pastime, passion, responsibility, anything) rises to the fore, and the other, while previously of tantamount importance... just... fades. It is never gone completely, though. There always comes a time, a new chapter, a new season, where that first thing may resurface and take prominence once more. And when it does, that shift, that swing... It can be subtle or it can be like a light going off or coming on. In fact, that may be just it: it is BOTH a light coming on and another going off.