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What to do with wheat cents?

PostPosted: Thu Apr 17, 2014 10:46 pm
by schockergd
I've been *seriously* collecting coins for about 4 years now. Have been learning a great deal about PMs and numismatics along the way.

The goal is/has been to build a nice stash of coins for my kids (I'm 28 right now) so some day they'll have a decent inheritance as I'll likely never see one myself.

The plan is to buy coins at a discounted value by taking out ads in the paper, online and other places, selling off part of the collection and then keeping the 'profit' for myself and putting it back. This has worked quite well, but for the most part has been with silver coins as it seems that most people identify those as valuables and call me.

Last year and this year I bought out two collections that had thousands of wheat cents (I paid them by the pound for the coins). I managed to go through the first collection over the course of a month. I decided that I'd save back all the coins from 1939 and before along with all BU wheat cents. Then this last week I bought a even bigger wheat penny collection (Plus silver) and I just don't know if I want to put the effort into searching this time around. I'm not very well versed on specific varieties/dates on wheat cents to pick out higher value ones, other than just keeping earlier dates.

So, my question is : Is it better to save back say all before 1939 and sell the rest, or should I consider keeping all of them, or just sell off the lots unsorted. In my last buy there were some fantastic pieces (One penny was a 1941 Bright red cent that *should* grade high on the MS scale) but that was one coin out of around 40lbs of coins I sorted through. This last buy was well over 50lbs of wheat pennies, and I expect my buys to get bigger as I become better known.

So, what would you do?

Re: What to do with wheat cents?

PostPosted: Thu Apr 17, 2014 11:37 pm
by Thogey
I'd put together a few collections of BU wheats.

Make sure to look for errors in the BU coins. Sometimes that's why they were held from circulation.

Blow the rest out and buy silver and gold coins, the best condition you can afford.

100 years from now there will still be billions of common circulated wheat cents.

They're just not worth the hassle.

Just my opinion.

Re: What to do with wheat cents?

PostPosted: Fri Apr 18, 2014 12:59 pm
by TheJonasCollegeFund
Auction them here in our monthly KSA auctions!