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2017 New Dollar Coins

PostPosted: Mon Jan 16, 2017 9:40 am
by hobo finds

Re: 2017 New Dollar Coins

PostPosted: Mon Jan 16, 2017 10:40 am
by wolvesdad
The us ment and all this coin legislation just needs to dye. It is dumb. The presidential dollars were 100% flop. Don't they have warehouses full of them?

Re: 2017 New Dollar Coins

PostPosted: Mon Jan 16, 2017 11:04 am
by hobo finds
I find this interesting... “(iv) APPLICATION IN THE EVENT OF INDEPENDENCE.—Notwithstanding paragraph (3)(B)(i), if any State or territory becomes independent or otherwise ceases to be a State or territory of the United States before $1 coins are minted pursuant to this subsection, the subsection shall cease to apply with respect to such State or territory.
Do they think California is goanna leave?

Re: 2017 New Dollar Coins

PostPosted: Mon Jan 16, 2017 11:08 am
by johnbrickner
These are going to be about as popular as a box of rocks the Presidential $1 coins or even less. As of 3rd Q 2016 the Federal Reserve Bank had about 1,250,000,000 of the $1 coins sitting in vaults (as in a billion two hundred fifty million U$D). About a predicted 30 years worth considering current demand (an optimistic prediction in my mind). And why they stopped making them.

And the Senator from CT feels the need to make more? And he's up for reelection? What an idiot! Why the power of the federal government needs to be devo'ed/decentralized.


Numbers taken from: ... dollarcoin