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So close!

PostPosted: Sun Jul 17, 2011 8:12 am
by theshoenlebens
The new guy at work and I were talking. I commented about taking in some pennies after work and he then tells me his dad, fiancee and himself just rolled up $320 worth of coins. I said CRAP, bring them to me and I'll just give cash for them on the spot. He called his dad but it was too late. :x I can't really get any amount of coins from any banks easily so this would have been perfect to help grow the hoard.
Oh well, They all know,at work,to just bring me in their coins now. I think I made myself clear . :lol:

Re: So close!

PostPosted: Sat Jul 23, 2011 11:20 pm
by twentybux
Yep...once you let out the CRAP yell, they knew you were da man. :lol: I bet next time he'll think of you. Good luck with the banks. Gotta smooze the head teller. My best bribes...I mean gifts are homemade muffins from a town 25 miles away. Those poor girls don't have a bakery (bake shop) any where near them. Man, they just go ga-ga over me when I show up. Gotta find your in. Best of luck! :mrgreen:

Re: So close!

PostPosted: Sun Jul 24, 2011 6:12 am
by theshoenlebens
Thanks.I'm working on the smooching part. Started just ordering pennies and had all the tellers wanting to know what I'm doing with them. I just tell them I'm lookimg for wheats and they all thought that was cool.