2015 LCS Buys / Search Results

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2015 LCS Buys / Search Results

Postby cooyon » Wed Mar 04, 2015 4:53 pm

January - February LCS buys at face value:

141 cents:
7 KG5 (1921, 1928, 1932x3, 1933x2)
9 KG6
122 QE2
1 1934 Lincoln
1 1971 Bermuda 1c
1 1971 GBr 1c

49 nickels:
1 KG5 (1934)
1 KG6 .999 Ni
1 KG6 steel (1945)
1 QE2 steel (1953)
26 QE2 .999 Ni
19 QE2 CuNi

50 dimes:
49 QE2 .999 Ni
1 1970 Swiss half franc

I'm seeing the volume drying up, no Canadian minors on some trips. May be weather-related, though.
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Re: 2015 LCS Buys / Search Results

Postby bronco2078 » Thu Mar 05, 2015 7:09 am

There is a shop near me where I can buy any canadian non silver or paper money at face value.
He has lots of nickel dollars but I don't think I can justify paying 1 US dollar for each anymore :( About a year ago I bought 4 rolls of 1968 dollars from him hoping I might find some varieties but came up with nothing . I posted them on Ebay and broke even .

I tend to only buy .999 nickles and pennies now . Although last month he had half a dozen older 1$ bills that I bought . Business is slow down there so they don't mind me poking around for 45 minutes to eventually spend $21 .

I try not to do that very often though as it takes awhile for his stock to build up. No one else ever buys any of it.

He sells canadian silver at melt I could buy as much as I could afford but lately I don't really see it as a good value at the moment as he is selling US 90% silver at 12x face .

I think the 80% dollars are worth melt all day long but dimes and quarters and halfs don't seem to have enough liquidity to stack here in the US.

He sells the older sterling coinage at melt too unless its very nice but its only small lots once in a while.
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Re: 2015 LCS Buys / Search Results

Postby Morsecode » Thu Mar 05, 2015 10:40 am

bronco2078 wrote:There is a shop near me where I can buy any canadian non silver or paper money at face value.
He has lots of nickel dollars but I don't think I can justify paying 1 US dollar for each anymore :( About a year ago I bought 4 rolls of 1968 dollars from him hoping I might find some varieties but came up with nothing . I posted them on Ebay and broke even .

I tend to only buy .999 nickles and pennies now . Although last month he had half a dozen older 1$ bills that I bought . Business is slow down there so they don't mind me poking around for 45 minutes to eventually spend $21 .

I try not to do that very often though as it takes awhile for his stock to build up. No one else ever buys any of it.

He sells canadian silver at melt I could buy as much as I could afford but lately I don't really see it as a good value at the moment as he is selling US 90% silver at 12x face .

I think the 80% dollars are worth melt all day long but dimes and quarters and halfs don't seem to have enough liquidity to stack here in the US.

He sells the older sterling coinage at melt too unless its very nice but its only small lots once in a while.

Sounds like a fun place. I really like the 80% dollars myself. :thumbup:
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Re: 2015 LCS Buys / Search Results

Postby TwoAndAHalfCents » Thu Mar 05, 2015 11:08 am

Last weekend I was able to pick up CDN $5.50 in nickels for US $4.40 at a LCS. I don't have the exact breakdown of the batch but I do recall getting one George V nickel, three steel nickels from the 1950's, one 2009 plated steel nickel, and one or two CuNi nickels. Everything else was .999 Ni with most of those from 1964 and 1965. The dealer also had seven Canadian cents which were included in the batch - all seven uncirculated from the 1960's. Since he had rounded the total down to $5.50 that made those seven cents free.
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Re: 2015 LCS Buys / Search Results

Postby henrysmedford » Thu Mar 05, 2015 6:28 pm

My coin shop is now selling me one and five cent Candian at a .7 of face. :D
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Re: 2015 LCS Buys / Search Results

Postby mtalbot_ca » Fri Mar 06, 2015 10:00 pm

Enjoy! I envy you....it is not the same situation here in Québec. Stack for me.
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Re: 2015 LCS Buys / Search Results

Postby cooyon » Thu Nov 19, 2015 11:43 am

Visited my LCS today for Canadians, for $0.21 total spent I got: a 1926 near 6 nickel, grades VG obverse and F/F+ reverse, also got 2 .999 young queen nickels, a 1928 cent, and 1951, 1957x2, 1961, and 1975 cents. Several times a year I get lucky there.
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