Paying your fair share

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Paying your fair share

Postby moparal7 » Sat Nov 03, 2012 3:15 pm

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Re: Paying your fair share

Postby Rosco » Sat Nov 03, 2012 11:06 pm

That is truly Scarey. We pay less as we have a much lower income an watch what we spend accordingly :shh:
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Re: Paying your fair share

Postby IdahoCopper » Sun Nov 04, 2012 6:02 am

I would like to see a graph of "fair share" since the phrase was invented. Odds are the amount due has been steadily increasing.
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Re: Paying your fair share

Postby knibloe » Sun Nov 04, 2012 7:41 am

I am not saying that taxes aren't too high, and I am not saying that those who have more shouldn't pay more.

However, I do not believe that tax rates should be higher on wealthier individuals. Does a person making 250K consume more government resources than someone making 50K?? Does the wealthier individual have a larger say in congress? No. Does he have more hours per day to drive on the roads that BO built ? No. Does he surf that web that Al Gore built more that you or I? No...

WE the masses have voted in the idiots that are imposing these taxes on us. We are the ones who have allowed create more and more programs that have nothing to do with the true roll of government. Unless we change who we vote in our state, local and congressional electioons, this kind of taxing will only get worse.

The thing that realy ticks me off about the taxes on her chart is that they are all taxes paid on $ that we have already paid taxes on.
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Re: Paying your fair share

Postby IdahoCopper » Sun Nov 04, 2012 9:26 am

What's wrong with a FLAT DOLLAR TAX? Why must taxes be a percentage?

If I could pay $500 as a simple tax, that would be great by me, providing every other adult also paid $500. (or what ever $ amount is the "fair share" ).
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Re: Paying your fair share

Postby shinnosuke » Sun Nov 04, 2012 10:06 am

knibloe wrote:I am not saying that taxes aren't too high, and I am not saying that those who have more shouldn't pay more.

However, I do not believe that tax rates should be higher on wealthier individuals. Does a person making 250K consume more government resources than someone making 50K?? Does the wealthier individual have a larger say in congress? No. Does he have more hours per day to drive on the roads that BO built ? No. Does he surf that web that Al Gore built more that you or I? No...

WE the masses have voted in the idiots that are imposing these taxes on us. We are the ones who have allowed create more and more programs that have nothing to do with the true roll of government. Unless we change who we vote in our state, local and congressional electioons, this kind of taxing will only get worse.

The thing that realy ticks me off about the taxes on her chart is that they are all taxes paid on $ that we have already paid taxes on.

A progressive income tax is one of the planks of the Communist Manifesto. We are merely chattel of the elite. They make us pay more if we are successful or they have us thrown in jail according to laws written by lawyers they hired to run Congress. It's called "taxation without representation."
When in the Course of human events it becomes necessary for one people to dissolve the political bands which have connected them with another and to assume among the powers of the earth, the separate and equal station to which the Laws of Nature and of Nature's God entitle them... (Thomas Jefferson)
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Re: Paying your fair share

Postby knibloe » Sun Nov 04, 2012 2:30 pm

shinnosuke wrote:
knibloe wrote:I am not saying that taxes aren't too high, and I am not saying that those who have more shouldn't pay more.

However, I do not believe that tax rates should be higher on wealthier individuals. Does a person making 250K consume more government resources than someone making 50K?? Does the wealthier individual have a larger say in congress? No. Does he have more hours per day to drive on the roads that BO built ? No. Does he surf that web that Al Gore built more that you or I? No...

WE the masses have voted in the idiots that are imposing these taxes on us. We are the ones who have allowed create more and more programs that have nothing to do with the true roll of government. Unless we change who we vote in our state, local and congressional electioons, this kind of taxing will only get worse.

The thing that realy ticks me off about the taxes on her chart is that they are all taxes paid on $ that we have already paid taxes on.

A progressive income tax is one of the planks of the Communist Manifesto. We are merely chattel of the elite. They make us pay more if we are successful or they have us thrown in jail according to laws written by lawyers they hired to run Congress. It's called "taxation without representation."

I'm with you on this one. Tell me how we change it.
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Re: Paying your fair share

Postby shinnosuke » Sun Nov 04, 2012 5:19 pm

knibloe wrote:
shinnosuke wrote:
knibloe wrote:I am not saying that taxes aren't too high, and I am not saying that those who have more shouldn't pay more.

However, I do not believe that tax rates should be higher on wealthier individuals. Does a person making 250K consume more government resources than someone making 50K?? Does the wealthier individual have a larger say in congress? No. Does he have more hours per day to drive on the roads that BO built ? No. Does he surf that web that Al Gore built more that you or I? No...

WE the masses have voted in the idiots that are imposing these taxes on us. We are the ones who have allowed create more and more programs that have nothing to do with the true roll of government. Unless we change who we vote in our state, local and congressional electioons, this kind of taxing will only get worse.

The thing that realy ticks me off about the taxes on her chart is that they are all taxes paid on $ that we have already paid taxes on.

A progressive income tax is one of the planks of the Communist Manifesto. We are merely chattel of the elite. They make us pay more if we are successful or they have us thrown in jail according to laws written by lawyers they hired to run Congress. It's called "taxation without representation."

I'm with you on this one. Tell me how we change it.

Oh, that's easy! Don't vote Democrat or Republican. Insanity: To continue doing the same old thing time after time and to expect different results.
When in the Course of human events it becomes necessary for one people to dissolve the political bands which have connected them with another and to assume among the powers of the earth, the separate and equal station to which the Laws of Nature and of Nature's God entitle them... (Thomas Jefferson)
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Re: Paying your fair share

Postby barrytrot » Sun Nov 04, 2012 7:51 pm

How does voting alter this? I assume shinnosuke you have not voted democrat or republican for a while and yet taxation without representation continues, if not grows.
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Re: Paying your fair share

Postby shinnosuke » Sun Nov 04, 2012 8:17 pm

barrytrot wrote:How does voting alter this? I assume shinnosuke you have not voted democrat or republican for a while and yet taxation without representation continues, if not grows.

I never vote dems because of their abortion stance. I try to avoid repubs if there is a better alternative. In the presidential election, it's been my good fortune to vote for losers for a long time, but I don't mind. If my written or spoken comments cause even one person realize that voting in the 2 party system is just smoke and mirrors, I'm having a good day. (See Romney's top contributors list below. Most of those same donors showed up big for Obama in his election in 2008. Same as it ever was.)

So, yes, for the time being, taxation without representation grows. However, please refer to the inspired writings of Tho. Jefferson in my signature. One day, a significant minority of Americans will return to those words and take action. Or not. In the meantime, I hope everyone is preparing for a worst-case scenario.

Romney's Top Contributors
Goldman Sachs $994,139
Bank of America $921,839
Morgan Stanley $827,255
JPMorgan Chase & Co $792,147
Credit Suisse Group $618,941
Wells Fargo $598,379
Deloitte LLP $554,552
Kirkland & Ellis $496,722
Citigroup Inc $465,063
Barclays $428,250
PricewaterhouseCoopers $421,085
UBS AG $400,390
HIG Capital $385,500
Blackstone Group $360,225
Ernst & Young $293,067
EMC Corp $288,440
General Electric $287,495
Elliott Management $281,925
Bain Capital $279,220
Rothman Institute $263,700
When in the Course of human events it becomes necessary for one people to dissolve the political bands which have connected them with another and to assume among the powers of the earth, the separate and equal station to which the Laws of Nature and of Nature's God entitle them... (Thomas Jefferson)
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Re: Paying your fair share

Postby silverflake » Tue Nov 06, 2012 1:00 pm

If I have worked hard enough to have increased my pay to, say, >$100,000/year, I end up paying more fereral income taxes than the person who makes, say, $15,000/year (amount of effort not being taken into account). So, even though I use less of "The Man's" money (government assistance in one form or another), I pay more into it.

SOOOO, when I get up to the voting booth standing right next to the man who makes less income, pays less tax but (potentially) utilizes government more, guess what? We still have the same number of votes.

So I ask you, is this taxation without representation? Shouldn't I have more say if you feel compelled to take more from me?

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Re: Paying your fair share

Postby shinnosuke » Tue Nov 06, 2012 3:14 pm

silverflake wrote:If I have worked hard enough to have increased my pay to, say, >$100,000/year, I end up paying more fereral income taxes than the person who makes, say, $15,000/year (amount of effort not being taken into account). So, even though I use less of "The Man's" money (government assistance in one form or another), I pay more into it.

SOOOO, when I get up to the voting booth standing right next to the man who makes less income, pays less tax but (potentially) utilizes government more, guess what? We still have the same number of votes.

So I ask you, is this taxation without representation? Shouldn't I have more say if you feel compelled to take more from me?

Two copper cents from silverflake

I understand your feelings and can sympathize. However, the premise, through no fault of your own, is flawed. (We can start another thread on how traitorous public education has become by not teaching the true history of our country.) There was once a day in America when no man feared the tax collector. Tax rates were never imposed on income. The business of government was paid for by duties on imported items. Just buy American if you want the same type of product cheaper, and that's what many people did, by choice or by necessity.

So now you find yourself paying more taxes than your hypothetical guy in the next voting booth. I feel your pain. Too bad we're just peons and the running of our lives has been handed over to the elite. This problem will not be solved at the ballot box today. I only expect it to get worse.
When in the Course of human events it becomes necessary for one people to dissolve the political bands which have connected them with another and to assume among the powers of the earth, the separate and equal station to which the Laws of Nature and of Nature's God entitle them... (Thomas Jefferson)
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