Truckers shutting down Capital Beltway on Friday!

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Truckers shutting down Capital Beltway on Friday!

Postby frugi » Tue Oct 08, 2013 11:46 am

By the way the article reads, this is going to be a huge event. So, it would either be huge, or wont happen at all!

According to the article, dozens of truck drivers are driving semis to Washington DC from all different directions, and will block all lanes of traffic going into Washington DC for 3 days straight. They have a list of demands which include arrest and removal of Congress, and arrest and removal of Obama for Constitutional crimes, and crimes against humanity. They claim they are also upset with NSA surveillance, poor wages, and restrictions placed on their industry. WOW!!!

Here is the article.................................................

Not only is the government (partially) shut down, but now a caravan of truck drivers is looking to shut down traffic around Washington -- as part of a bizarre protest against things that are "destroying America."

They also may or may not be trying to arrest members of Congress.

The group, Truckers Ride for the Constitution, is trying to attract participants for a demonstration on the Capital Beltway starting this Friday.

"Truck drivers will not haul freight! ... Truckers will lead the path to saving our country if every American rides with them!" the group's Facebook page, which had more than 57,000 "likes" as of Tuesday morning, declares.

The truckers reportedly plan to clog the Beltway by driving "three lanes deep" for three days.

So just what do they want?

Their list of grievances is apparently quite long.

According to a report in The Hill, the drivers are complaining about wages, gas prices and federal regulations on their industry. They're also not too chuffed about the debt or the National Security Agency's surveillance practices.

Earl Conlon, who claims to speak for the group, also told U.S. News & World Report that they seek the arrest of members of Congress who have "violated their oath of office."

"We want these people arrested, and we're coming in with the grand jury to do it," he said.

Conlon, though, said the drivers' beef has to do with support for arming Al Qaeda-tied members of the Syrian opposition.

And good luck to anyone trying to pass the protesting truck drivers. Conlon said commuters who want to pass must have a sticker on their window supporting the group.

"It's going to be real fun for anyone who is not a supporter," Conlon told U.S. News & World Report. "If cops decide to give us a hard time, we're going to lock the brakes up, we're going to stop right there, we're going to be a three lane roadblock."

But the Facebook page for the group, after the article was published, said Conlon "has no authority" to speak on behalf of Without specifying, the statement said the organization did not want to be associated "with anything that is unlawful."

Asked to clarify the purpose of the event, spokesman Peter Santilli told on Tuesday: "One of our demands is NON-NEGOTIABLE: President Obama must be removed from office for crimes against the United States and all unconstitutional executive orders nullified. How that is accomplished legally is for the legal and constitutional experts to determine."
Last edited by frugi on Tue Oct 08, 2013 12:09 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Teamsters shutting down Capital Beltway on Friday!

Postby frugi » Tue Oct 08, 2013 11:51 am

with a little bit of fishing around, I found the groups manifesto, (most sites where it was supposed to be have either removed it, or "someone" will not allow you to access the web page.....

here it is..................................................

Press Release – The American Drivers Terms
Added by Zeeda Andrews on October 5, 2013.
Saved under Featured
Tags: constitution, Press Release, truckers, trucking news
Long before he was president, Barry Soetoro, aka Barack Obama, was already plotting with others, to overturn the Constitution for the United States.

In a chilling 2001 public radio interview, Obama said that the Constitution was, “a charter of negative liberties, full of constraints imposed upon us by our founding fathers”.

From 2003 to 2008, several members of Congress introduced legislation, attempting to change Article 2, Section 1, Clause 5 of the Constitution on eight separate occasions, to make it possible for Barack Obama to meet the eligibility requirements for the office of president. Of which, a legal investigation has proven that his documents provided are forgeries, which is a felony offense.

Here we are today, facing the fruition of his lifelong agenda, with the help of corrupt politicians, and individuals in authoritative positions. Who are boldly attacking, and eliminating, systematically, one by one, our rights and our liberties which are protected by our Constitution. Through an abusive, tyrannical form of government, that refuses to listen to the people that not only build this country, but fight for it, pay for it, and live it. Today, we again face another day in which we must declare our freedom, from yet another tyrannical, abusive form of government. We are here, to send a resounding affirmation. We are here, to breathe life back into our Constitution. We are here, to declare our independence…..because,

1) ”The Hours of Service pose many issues that need to be resolved, overturned to the original rules to before pre July 1st 2013 enforcement to eliminate the confusion and chaos created by them. Excessive detention time has been taken advantage of for years, causing the loss of income for many drivers. The “mandatory” thirty minute break, that takes time away from the infamous fourteen hour clock, again, reduces a driver’s time for making money for their family.

2) The CSA crash rating system needs to be abolished due to unfair linking of accidents to drivers and carriers and negatively affecting their safety rating due to the flawed system and application. Drivers who are not at fault have been wrongly charged for accidents they weren’t even involved in.

The ELOG mandate is useless and throwing technology at the problem of logging can be solved with more drivers training on logging properly.
The FMCSA has evidence that the bigger companies are changing the data of the ELOGS and they continue to persecute those who don’t have ELOGS.
These officers who are writing these erroneous tickets on bogus violations that are jamming up the court system with useless tickets for violations that they write at their own leisure.
Fuel Prices are always a battle. The resources of domestic oil are abundant, but the current administration is focused, and intent on manipulating the availability of our oil, that would lower the price of fuel and gas, well below $1.00 per gallon.

3) The Air Resource Board of California continues to use scientific data for its own, purposeful agenda. It has even been proven to be “Junk Science” by one of the world’s top epidemiologist. In which the EPA takes from CARB, and uses its “data”, to pressure states and local governments into passing laws like no idling longer than 5 minutes, unless…the weather conditions are extreme, or you have a pet.

4) The current administration is allowing insurance companies to control more and more in this industry like; mandatory increase in liability coverage, pressure on drivers to install EOBR’s, increased rates because of where you live, and even because of a drivers personal health.

5) And I cannot leave out the availability of truck parking. More truck stops have went out of business because of this administration’s economic impact. And DOT has been using Transportation Funds to pay for, and install, brand new signs that read, “No Parking, No Stopping, No Standing”, yet the roadways are paid for with our tax money, and designed to allow vehicles to utilize the side of the road, when needed. This is why Jason’s Law is necessary to provide safe parking for drivers.


These issues are only some of the violations against “We the People”, that bring us together. Demanding that this form of government alter its present course of direction, and recalibrate itself to, once again, align with the Constitution our forefathers drafted, and signed into law. As we come together as Americans, first and foremost, we also identify ourselves in our respective groups, adding to this list of abuses, grievances for action of change within our specific conditions for why we are here…

1) The National Defense Authorization Act is unconstitutional. It allows for the military to “disappear” any American Citizen without charge or reason. It allows the military to take control of all private industry. And it ends the “Posse Comitatus”, which protects American Citizens from being fired upon by our own military.

2) The Affordable Care Act is unconstitutional. It forces American Citizens to either, purchase government operated healthcare for their profit, with choice of treatment to be given, if any, or be fined by taxation without representation, for not participating. It also uses tax dollars to provide health care for illegal immigrants, free of charge.

3) The Department Of Homeland Security is a non-military security force, which is violating the Constitution by using tax money to build a standing army, on American soil training to engage with the American People.

4) The Transportation Security Administration not only violates the fourth amendment, they believe it gives TSA Agents the right to commit crimes of Sexual Misconduct, breaking the law in all 50 states.

5) The current administration is violating the law under the War Powers Act. They have illegally put our military in a “War Zone” where they currently, guard opium productions and transport, police the people of other countries based on US law, they get authorization for military action from the United Nations Security Counsel, which is High Treason, and they are exposing, and administering experimental, psychotropic, mind altering drugs for control over soldiers during secret, clandestine operations.

By no means are these the only issues that need action, to be resolved. There are many, many more issues that continue to plague this industry, as new regulations create even more contradictions in law. As per the fourteenth amendment of our Constitution, “No state shall make or enforce any law which shall abridge the privileges, or immunities of Citizens of the United States, nor shall any state deprive any person of life, liberty, or property, without due process of law; nor deny to any person within its jurisdiction the equal protection of the laws”.

So let these issues be the beginning of where we take a stand, not just as The American Drivers, but as Free and Independent Americans, protecting what our Constitution preserves for us.

Michael JB Schaffner – The American Driver
Zeeda Andrews.
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Re: Teamsters shutting down Capital Beltway on Friday!

Postby frugi » Tue Oct 08, 2013 12:01 pm is their website, and looks like "someone" has taken it down....

"Error establishing a database connection"
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Re: Teamsters shutting down Capital Beltway on Friday!

Postby frugi » Tue Oct 08, 2013 12:06 pm

here is an article from September, apparently this has been in the planning for some time.
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Re: Teamsters shutting down Capital Beltway on Friday!

Postby dirty fingers » Tue Oct 08, 2013 12:53 pm

frugi wrote: is their website, and looks like "someone" has taken it down....

"Error establishing a database connection"

It is there, they just do not have bandwidth. When you connect, you get blasted with some mp3 audio (I HATE when sites do that), and tons of animated graphics. Looks like they built a cute site, but are NOT prepared for actually having high surf by traffic. The auto playing mp3 is killing them for bandwidth (and server CPU usage) for sure.

But I really hope they do carry through, and shut that cess pool down for a while.
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Re: Truckers shutting down Capital Beltway on Friday!

Postby johnbrickner » Wed Oct 09, 2013 4:02 am

What happens when you piss the proletariat off just a tad to much. Someone starts to organize.

If it goes off, I hope someone keeps good track of what the response repercussions are. And if it turns into a complete mess, then I was wrong in my shut-down prediction and move the predictive indicator a bit closer to the All Hell Breaks Loose end of the spectrum. As events unfold . . . who knows?

Perhaps We The People will finally decide they've had enough.

My guess however, is it gets nipped in the bud from within or without.
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Re: Truckers shutting down Capital Beltway on Friday!

Postby frugi » Thu Oct 10, 2013 6:46 am

WOW!!! Obama plans to use the national guard to close down the beltway for the weekend in advance of the truckers......"Armed soldiers will be stationed at every on ramp." They are saying they are closing the beltway because it is a federal interstate and it will be closed for the weekend due to the federal government shutdown. The feds also mention they have the authority to "close" any federal funded interstate it chooses anywhere...... :shock:
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Re: Truckers shutting down Capital Beltway on Friday!

Postby Engineer » Thu Oct 10, 2013 6:57 am

They can't slow traffic down to the legal limit if the emperor shuts down the roadway.

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Re: Truckers shutting down Capital Beltway on Friday!

Postby dirty fingers » Thu Oct 10, 2013 8:25 am

Read the first comment (Eric Erickson himself). The whole post is a RS member diary entry. Not really worth the time to read.
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Re: Truckers shutting down Capital Beltway on Friday!

Postby gubni » Thu Oct 10, 2013 1:20 pm

I see so many times where the government is spending money to close something where it would cost nothing to leave it open.
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Re: Truckers shutting down Capital Beltway on Friday!

Postby Kurr » Fri Oct 11, 2013 1:14 pm

You have to think If you remove a railroad spike from an active railway, you can be charged with domestic terrorism.

Shutting down/Interferring with Interstate Commerce and issue a "List of Demands" I think could get these guys Locked up, if it is not a manipulated/manufactured event.
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