How many military bases does the US have abroad?
How many military bases does Russia, China, and N. Korea have abroad put together?
How many foreign wars have these countries engaged in in the last 30 years?
Now how many has the US engaged in?
If you look up the answers to these questions I think it becomes difficult to feel threatened by these bogeymen.
None of those questions have much relevance. They have a counter to every technology we have, they have more people to force into war if need be. You call this a "boogeyman", yet these nations themselves are planning for the future with this in mind and their actions make this clear as well as what they say openly in their own media. I know the answers to the questions above but many others as well. Including the constant threats and boasting of counters to what we have.
" I am sure people in those "bad" countries are heavily fed propaganda about the "horrible" USA and plenty of evil stuff occurs there but the west has the most sophisticated propaganda system ever developed in the history of the world and we got plenty of evil and injustice right here at home to deal with."
You put bad in quotes as if russia isnt evil as heck. human rights activists literally get shot in their homes there. They are indeed told of how evil we are, much they are told is in fact true although not always in context. Most americans have little understanding of what is done in our names on various fronts, its considered conspiracy theory to even breech the topic with most. Whether or not we have evil have home is irrelevant in this conversation imo, we have enemies prepping for war, and a increasingly hostile cold war. Our home grown issues are another topic.
"When I was in New Jersey last year I saw signs at the train station to keep an eye out for human trafficking and to call a hotline number if you saw anything. I would think there are still plenty of slaves in the USA and most other countries. In my opinion we have plenty of problems here to deal with before we try getting specks out of other people's eyes."
We do have thousands of slaves here, but a tiny fraction of what russia has. Here our gov fights to end it, in russia those fighting to end it were killed seemingly by their own gov., which whether or not that is true, they certainly havent slowed it down at all. I never mentioned getting a speck out of their eyes, I mentioned the growing and increasingly hostile cold war the north korea is basically a pawn in.
" As a side note the US military destroyed almost all of North Korea's cities, towns, and infrastructure during the Korean War so I would think their populace would strongly remember this even without the state propaganda that is fed to them. If even one US city was destroyed by any power in the world even in the past 100 years what would we think of them?"
A war backed by both russia and china in a much different era. Think whatever you like, but dont be shocked if a real world war starts. The cold war never ended, and as bad as many western actions have been if you think russias have been better you are very confused and likely reading a bit to much russian influenced alternative media. Go look at what happened to all those russians who thought that when the soviet union had broken up things would change, hint- most of them are dead.
You write all this as if Id want war, or think it is ideal. I of course do not, I wrote it as someone who gets interested in various geopolitical issues and then studies them in depth from every possible source. Originally I was curious how the break up of the soviet union had altered russia only to find out the progress made was mostly reversed, and they are now right back into the cold war but much more strategically now. their secret gov as you might call it simply waited and took back over. They never stopped seeing this as a clash of cultures that must culminate in a war to see who owns the future. Our military industrial complex knows this as well, and I am pretty sure I finally understand their strategy but that would be just my educated guesses so I wont go there.
The type of war it would be if it materializes, russia and china are more then capable of fighting with us despite disparities in spending. That is a huge topic by itself.