The Cashless Society Is Going to Backfire

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The Cashless Society Is Going to Backfire

Postby Z00 » Tue Apr 21, 2015 6:15 pm

Interesting article:

The Cashless Society Is Going to Backfire for the Establishment - See more at:
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Re: The Cashless Society Is Going to Backfire

Postby knibloe » Tue Apr 21, 2015 7:08 pm

Very interesting and those who advocate a cashless society forget another thing. It will kill small businesses and kill the economy form the bottom up.

Take my family. We grow pumpkins, squash etc and sell them at our roadside stand. If we were forced to go cashless, we would have to spend money to be able to be a cashless business. I don't have the money nor the desire to do that and our family (and I assume many many others ) would just stop producing those goods. thereby reducing the GDP of the nation.
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Re: The Cashless Society Is Going to Backfire

Postby AlexTG » Wed Apr 22, 2015 12:01 am

It isn't really that hard to get setup as cashless and in my opinion the benefits out weigh the costs.

If I knew I wouldn't need cash to stop by a road side farm stand I would stop by more often.

Most people here do not have faith in a fiat currency anyway so what is the difference between paper and 1s and 0s? I'll take silver and gold if I want something physical.
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Re: The Cashless Society Is Going to Backfire

Postby 68Camaro » Wed Apr 22, 2015 5:38 am

Fiat or not, at least paper still works when the grid goes down... Then there are the privacy / control issues. In the name of various crises those manipulating the government want to take control of you, and the best way for them to do that is to control your fiat by forcing you to electronic, where you are perpetually watched in every transaction. With all electronic transactions, in a flash, without any approval required, by a stroke of a presidential decree (or less) they can now withhold, forbid, control, limit, manipulate anything you do for which you are not fully self-sufficient. Which is almost everything, as even if you own your own land they can force you to pay your real estate and other taxes electronically and force you to enter the electronic system in order to do that.
In the game of Woke, the goal posts can be moved at any moment, the penalties will apply retroactively and claims of fairness will always lose out to the perpetual right to claim offense.... Bret Stephens
The further a society drifts from the truth, the more it will hate those that speak it. George Orwell.
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Re: The Cashless Society Is Going to Backfire

Postby neilgin1 » Wed Apr 22, 2015 10:31 am

68Camaro wrote:Fiat or not, at least paper still works when the grid goes down... Then there are the privacy / control issues. In the name of various crises those manipulating the government want to take control of you, and the best way for them to do that is to control your fiat by forcing you to electronic, where you are perpetually watched in every transaction. With all electronic transactions, in a flash, without any approval required, by a stroke of a presidential decree (or less) they can now withhold, forbid, control, limit, manipulate anything you do for which you are not fully self-sufficient. Which is almost everything, as even if you own your own land they can force you to pay your real estate and other taxes electronically and force you to enter the electronic system in order to do that.

+10000........I could not have said it better.

and to Alex, yes, minding a cash business is a nightmare, because people you employ are thieves. I learned that lesson the hard way.

lets say in theory, in the previous decade, I brought a group of "friends", and yes some blood kin, a GOLDEN GOOSE, it was a legal business endeavor, and it made hundreds upon hundreds of thousand dollars every month.However, I, as the one of two chief bosses DID NOT want to see cash crossing the counter, so I had a card swiper brought in, which for the first two months I managed...but then given my ROLE in this endeavor, I could NOT be there at the counter, 24/7, therefore I had to depend on people who I knew for over 30 years, all who proclaimed their "love" and fidelity to me.....and these people, 95% of them stole TENS of thousands of dollars from me.

how?......maybe one of them instructed all the others, NOT to capture CC numbers to secure the "product", but to bring cash, and the only way I found this out, months later, was when ONE person, who had honor, told me of this. The person who made the instructions was fired immediately. (in a darker world, I wanted to TERMINATE them literally, but.."Thou shall not.....")

another person was brought in, same thing, 30 year "friendship", this person was much more clever, he ran the "books"....a guy who worked with me, as I was the chief "product"....prior to his new position had complained how hard his wife worked at her day job, and "oh what a struggle they had", etc..........4 months into his new position, this person suddenly had a brand new deck put on the back of his house, 4 months later....a brand new "rec room" 8 months I KNEW...sure I could have hired a forensic accountant, though this soulless thief, undoubtedly covered his tracks......and frankly I was weary of the whole enterprise, weary and disheartened...its a heavy load, when people you've known and loved for 30 years, take Judas 30 pieces of silver, to nail you to a Cross.....the 1st and 2nd quarters of 09 came, and people were terrified to spend for any product save shelter and food, our revenues cratered....and there it is. sorry I didn't go into real detail, but....this is the internet.

you're correct in a sense, the benefits of a CC swiper are there, and cash can be like water, just flow off the table and evaporate....BUT the BIG PICTURE says...its all about CONTROL. If people whom you've known for 30 years will steal and cheat and act without any honor, how do you think institutions, private, and/or "government" will act?

its all about CONTROL and TRUST, do YOU trust them when they control you?

and as far as gold and silver, what percentage of our fellow citizens own PM's to conduct fluid trade?......2%?....4%?

TRUST? I only trust God....i'm not Bible thumping on you, just telling you how I feel, and these days, I'll use fiat and judicially use CC's to buy "money" (tradeables) and that can run the gamut from PM's....or $100 FV bricks of nickels with their 40 $2 metal "bills", or cases of coffee, or, or , or ................

I hope you didn't take offense....and 68, again, well spake.n
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Re: The Cashless Society Is Going to Backfire

Postby AlexTG » Wed Apr 22, 2015 8:08 pm

68Camaro wrote:Fiat or not, at least paper still works when the grid goes down... Then there are the privacy / control issues. In the name of various crises those manipulating the government want to take control of you, and the best way for them to do that is to control your fiat by forcing you to electronic, where you are perpetually watched in every transaction. With all electronic transactions, in a flash, without any approval required, by a stroke of a presidential decree (or less) they can now withhold, forbid, control, limit, manipulate anything you do for which you are not fully self-sufficient. Which is almost everything, as even if you own your own land they can force you to pay your real estate and other taxes electronically and force you to enter the electronic system in order to do that.

If the grid truly goes down you have bigger concerns than if you are using paper versus electronic.

I get the idea, use paper because its anonymous and you have physical possession. But I ask you this, of all the fiat paper currency you have, how much is at or in a bank and how much is in your wallet/house/hiding place of choice?

If you don't have it on hand it is the same as being electronic if "the grid goes down".

Now if your argument is we should never use computers to handle currency, that I can understand. But if you use any form of electronic payment or storage you are just as at risk as someones who uses it excursively. Excluding the thousand or two you may have in home.

When you own a business you do whatever required to make it as easy as possible for your customers to buy your product, as long as it is a net positive for your company. You meet your customers where they are, not try to bring them to where you are. As society trends more towards using a smartphone to handle every part of life business will adapt or die. I'd rather adapt, then transfer the fiat to something real like silver or gold.

Of course I group up with and around computers so i'm very comfortable with them becoming even more integrated into our lives.

No offense taken by the way.
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Re: The Cashless Society Is Going to Backfire

Postby 68Camaro » Wed Apr 22, 2015 8:27 pm

AlexTG wrote:If the grid truly goes down you have bigger concerns than if you are using paper versus electronic.

Of course.

AlexTG wrote:I get the idea, use paper because its anonymous and you have physical possession. But I ask you this, of all the fiat paper currency you have, how much is at or in a bank and how much is in your wallet/house/hiding place of choice?

If you don't have it on hand it is the same as being electronic if "the grid goes down".

Of course. And I strive to operate consistent with my beliefs, which is all one should say about this.

AlexTG wrote:Now if your argument is we should never use computers to handle currency, that I can understand. But if you use any form of electronic payment or storage you are just as at risk as someones who uses it excursively. Excluding the thousand or two you may have in home.

One is at risk in proportion to the level of use relative to the total asset value. One whose assets are only 50% electronic is not equally at risk to one whose assets are 90% electronic.

AlexTG wrote:When you own a business you do whatever required to make it as easy as possible for your customers to buy your product, as long as it is a net positive for your company. You meet your customers where they are, not try to bring them to where you are. As society trends more towards using a smartphone to handle every part of life business will adapt or die. I'd rather adapt, then transfer the fiat to something real like silver or gold.

That makes sense, as far as near-term cash flow is concerned. You don't want to cut your nose off to spite your face. But what you do with your reserves and longer-term assets - that should be carefully thought through in these days.

AlexTG wrote:Of course I group up with and around computers so i'm very comfortable with them becoming even more integrated into our lives.

And I was programming computers before your parents were born... :lol: You presume too much.

No, it's not the computers that are the problem, it's the people using them to control others that is the problem. Computers are no better or worse than a weapon like a gun, or a missile. They are all dumb, inert. Computers themselves are a weapon, the most pervasive and powerful weapon that has yet been invented, but they aren't the problem.

AlexTG wrote:No offense taken by the way.

Hmmmm. Ok. None was intended, at least by me. None taken here either.
In the game of Woke, the goal posts can be moved at any moment, the penalties will apply retroactively and claims of fairness will always lose out to the perpetual right to claim offense.... Bret Stephens
The further a society drifts from the truth, the more it will hate those that speak it. George Orwell.
We can ignore reality, but we cannot ignore the consequences of ignoring reality. Ayn Rand.
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Re: The Cashless Society Is Going to Backfire

Postby AlexTG » Wed Apr 22, 2015 8:48 pm

68Camaro wrote:
AlexTG wrote:Of course I group up with and around computers so i'm very comfortable with them becoming even more integrated into our lives.

And I was programming computers before your parents were born... :lol: You presume too much.

No, it's not the computers that are the problem, it's the people using them to control others that is the problem. Computers are no better or worse than a weapon like a gun, or a missile. They are all dumb, inert. Computers themselves are a weapon, the most pervasive and powerful weapon that has yet been invented, but they aren't the problem.

Computers don't murder, steal, defame, imprison, and manipulate, people. People, murder, steal, defame, imprison, and manipulate.

At least they don't yet ;)
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Re: The Cashless Society Is Going to Backfire

Postby Recyclersteve » Thu Apr 23, 2015 1:15 am

A cashless society would be a challenge for businesses which have tip jars. And also for the Salvation Army donation kettles. And also for beggars- ok, so I wouldn't miss that. Also, it would be a problem for those of us who like checking the Coinstar machines and finding coins and an occasional bill on the ground.
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Re: The Cashless Society Is Going to Backfire

Postby knibloe » Thu Apr 23, 2015 8:52 pm

68Camaro wrote:Fiat or not, at least paper still works when the grid goes down... Then there are the privacy / control issues. In the name of various crises those manipulating the government want to take control of you, and the best way for them to do that is to control your fiat by forcing you to electronic, where you are perpetually watched in every transaction. With all electronic transactions, in a flash, without any approval required, by a stroke of a presidential decree (or less) they can now withhold, forbid, control, limit, manipulate anything you do for which you are not fully self-sufficient. Which is almost everything, as even if you own your own land they can force you to pay your real estate and other taxes electronically and force you to enter the electronic system in order to do that.

+1 You spoke my mind better than I did.

Also, as far as the grid going down, it has and does from time to time. My friends owned a second home in Florida when Andrew came through. They left NY with generators, plywood etc after the storm to secure the house. When they got there, there was no electricity and their credit cards were no good. They had to drive 2 hours and
go to and ATM to get cash. Now they have cash.
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Re: The Cashless Society Is Going to Backfire

Postby fansubs_ca » Mon Apr 27, 2015 1:53 am

The Linked Article wrote:They really just want to make it expensive for you to save money. They want you to spend it all on frivolous crap

Assuming I generate any "surplus" in a cashless situation (which is not nesseccarily
gauranteed as the last few years have demonstrated) I'd pretty much just build up
the food storage, pre-pay energy usage, buy gold and silver if I could get any. It
wouldn't make me any more frivilous in my spending choices.

Recyclersteve wrote:A cashless society would be a challenge for businesses which have tip jars. And also for the Salvation Army donation kettles. And also for beggars-

Well some beggars are ahead of us with that...
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