The Black Swan 99% Of Analysts Don’t See Coming

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The Black Swan 99% Of Analysts Don’t See Coming

Postby Z00 » Sat May 02, 2015 6:45 am

The Black Swan 99% Of Analysts Don’t See Coming ... see-coming
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Re: The Black Swan 99% Of Analysts Don’t See Coming

Postby Sheikh_yer_Bu'Tay » Sun May 03, 2015 8:11 am

Good stuff!
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Re: The Black Swan 99% Of Analysts Don’t See Coming

Postby 68Camaro » Sun May 03, 2015 3:46 pm

I understand the point but there are a lot of analysts that see a crash coming in China - it's just that the MSM doesn't allow them to be heard. Whether the crash is cause or an effect remains to be seen. A global melt-down can result from any number of reasons and if a China crash doesn't cause the melt-down itself China will still crash as a result of the melt-down. The melt-down will cause a reset and the Chinese are preparing for it by buying commodities and gold.

China's immediate and obvious economy is dependent on the world economy - namely the economies of Europe and the US - but their lower level socialist economy is not because their ruling powers don't really care how much pain and suffering their people have to survive in the short term, especially when they have the West as a convenient and obvious scapegoat to blame. China - like Europe and the US - is essentially already in a major recession/depression - but it is hidden by the money printing.

The recession has been hidden (around the world, US, Europe, China) by false and/or irrelevant government statistics to create the illusion of growth, or at least the absence of decline. Polices that would have previously been considered abhorrent are now touted as the solutions, and if (when) they don't work then they declare they haven't done enough of them and double-down.

If all this money printing is occurring but inflation (even by Shadowstats) is only moderate (not hyper), what's going on? What's going on it the money printing is hiding the negative balance sheets and mounting derivatives of the central banks and the too-big-to-fail multi-national private banks. And that means what? That means that all private and even smaller corporate electronic financial accounts are at risk - it is those accounts that will be devoured to cover the money printing when the crash happens and the reckoning has to occur. IRAs, 401K, Roths, brokerage accounts, Money market accounts, checking accounts, savings accounts - probably even pensions, and the US Social Security etc. If you don't hold it in your hands, you will lose it. (Even holding it is risky in such a scenario, for various reasons, but at least those with assets out of the electronic financial industry will stand a chance.

Be careful out there...
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