johnbrickner wrote:Only one Presidential candidate is referred to as "Madame President". The rest are referred to as their name, first or last. It doesn't matter who you vote for, the Elite win. This election Super PACs out contribute individuals 5.5 - 1.0 to all candidates except Bernie. None of the candidates will break up the Big Banks except Bernie. The Big Banks are Morgan Chase, B of A, Citi, Wells Fargo, Goldman Sachs, and Morgan Stanley in the US. They have been wielding their power over events for more than 100 years, not to mention the mergers along the way). "Democracy and elections are a facade through which citizens get to choose those particular elites who rule them for specified terms in office. But elections do nothing to change the fundamental dynamic of elite rule".
I cant say if the rest of this is true or mostly true for sure but this part is interesting to me...
Actually bernie has two unaffiliated super pacs just like trump does. Bernie did ask them to back off and trump has thanked the groups supporting him but they both have 2 the last I looked. Trump also has more super pac money being raised directly to oppose him then being raised in his name.
If you look up who wallstreet supports you find lists like this one, with trump well below sanders although sanders still very low.
Top recipients of Wall St. donations in 2015
Jeb Bush R $34,564,344 1
Hillary Clinton D $17,256,075 2
Ted Cruz R $12,211,000 3
Marco Rubio R $9,936,001 4
Scott Walker R $8,175,775 5
Chris Christie R $7,774,833 6
Rand Paul R $4,345,147 7
Carly Fiorina R $2,807,016 8
Lindsey Graham R $2,478,050 9
John Kasich R $1,405,300 10
Bobby Jindal R $477,250 11
Ben Carson R $290,612 12
Martin O'Malley D $202,400 13
George Pataki R $80,200 14
Rick Perry R $72,120 15
Bernie Sanders D $55,226 16
Lawrence Lessig D $37,035 17
Mike Huckabee R $29,400 18
Rick Santorum R $24,850 19
Donald Trump R $11,970 20
Jim Webb D $8,400 21
Jim Gilmore R $5,400 22
How is sanders going to "breakup" the big banks anyway? Its been a few weeks but all I saw from him when I looked were vague emotional references. I saw nothing about retaking the power given to the federal reserve. We certainly shouldnt have bailed out the banks, nor empowered the federal reserve instead of the gov itself to control the currency but otherwise are big banks even a negative? What would be the outcome of keeping the federal reserve while "breaking up" the big banks?? Maybe I missed it but I did look and as far as Ive seen sanders doesnt mention the federal reserve at all, how could you alter the banks influence on politics while not addressing this?
" It doesn't matter who you vote for, the Elite win. "
Is this true? Ross perot had 40% of the support according to polls before he dropped out. He re joined and ended up with like 19% of the vote, with rumors he was forced out, but in my lifetime we nearly saw the current paradigm completely upended. Remember the issues of the era? Debt, sending jobs elsewhere.... So if events happened only slightly differently at the time the dem versus rep nonsense would have been severely hindered. We always hear though how voting doesnt matter. HMmmm then why are they spending so damn much on these elections? 3 times more at this point then even other recent big spending elections. I think they matter very much, we just failed ourselves horribly at picking people worth voting for. Both can be true though and I think that is what we are seeing. The elite always win, because thus far we keep electing people they own. This is NOT mandatory even if they insist it is and tell us this constantly. Ist it interesting that so many "alternative" sources fail to portray the perot campaign in context?? I mean go look at the numbers had his support remained and he hadnt dropped out of the election he have likely won, and even if you disagree with him, it was very clear he sold a different paradigm then the democrats and republicans. Yet you almost never see it portrayed tht way even by sources that on the surface act like they speak out against the current paradigm. Or are they helping ensure things stay as they are? Most will take apathy away from such articles and stances. apathy ensures we cannot change it. Back in 1992 I remember well many totally thought perot COULD win. and he literally was on track to do so had he not dropped out. Yet when you bring up third parties currently everyone "knows" they cant win. So since they "know" this it is indeed true. If elites exist in the context articles like this portray, then there is no doubt they DO think elections are important because they are spending more money on them then ever and they desperately want US to think they dont matter. unfortunately they seem to be winning on that front most people think only a D or R can win even though collectively most are fed up with both to varying degrees and most of the time hate the other side more then they actually like their side.
"Elite rule is not a conspiracy. The Elite are out of touch with reality because they do not interact with those of us in the trenches keeping the world running. They rub elbows with each other because they are to important to talk to us."
I used to think this was true, I highly doubt it now. I like to watch several left, and right , and alternative sources of many flavors, especially their comments sections. We can see direct ways, like sanders related supporters being led to protest trump rallies through "alternative" news sources tied directly to soros. That is hardly the only alarming trend I see here though. The internet in theory gives you access to whatever you like and on the surface one might assume more people would see truth or closer to truth. The exact opposite seems true in practice though, people can seek out the truth they WANT to be true and associate only with those inside their mindset or living dream. It is easier then ever to wall yourself off from outside opinion and heck through mst sources you will see the "other" stance rebranded in such a way the left in large part amongst themselves is debating a right that doesnt exist and vice versa. They dont even know or understand the other sides stances in many cases because they had the other sides stance defined for them rather then having looked themselves. (many exceptions but this is increasingly true in my exp) This magnifies our inability to meet in the middle and clean up politics. So if th elite exist as articles like this portray I would lean to thinking they understand most of us very well and are adept at guiding public opinion, including through alternative sources most currently think are outside their influence. You cant guide people this well if that is indeed what is happening by not understanding your target. There are other things Id call redflags in this article but these two I addressed especially. Both of them are seen as obvious to many but are not and only serve to solidify the elitist position. They understand us very well and clearly they think election matter because they spend more and more on them by the year. But when one decides elections dont matter, BUT maybe there is a chink in the armor of the elite because they are so out of touch you end up in a place you are less likely to bother caring to much about a vote or seeking out real candidates while simultaneously not realizing how well the elite really do understand us and thus can direct public policy through emotion. These two mindsets ensure the elite stay the elite more then most anything else.