Specific Examples of Ridiculous Inflation

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Specific Examples of Ridiculous Inflation

Postby Recyclersteve » Mon Oct 24, 2022 12:59 am

I'm starting this new thread to provide a place for us to discuss specific examples where inflation has gotten out of hand. Please provide specific details rather than vague comments like "gas has gone up a lot lately." Here is my example:

At our local Walmart, a box of 18 Extra Large eggs (Great Value store brand) cost me $4.96 on 10/10/22. On the 23rd, just 13 days later the same exact thing cost a whopping $7.24. That is an increase of 46% in just 13 days, which would be an unbelievable 1,291% for a year. Put another way, that box which cost $4.96 would cost $64.00 in just a single year! Yikes!

What examples do you have where inflation has gotten out of hand?
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Re: Specific Examples of Ridiculous Inflation

Postby wheeler_dealer » Mon Oct 24, 2022 3:59 am

Egg-flation! Our local store raised their prices by $1.00 on the same 18 pack of eggs in one week time. I tried a different store and they had followed suit. They said it was because of the bird flu. The producers have had to kill off whole flocks to prevent spread. Less birds/less eggs. I suspect it is more than that as well. Boneless chicken has increased from $1.99 to $2.99 just recently (less than a month time). They're saying Turkeys will be much more expensive this year and possibly hard to find. Plan accordingly if you're a traditionalist.
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Re: Specific Examples of Ridiculous Inflation

Postby JerrySpringer » Mon Oct 24, 2022 10:32 am

Wholes Foods has some brands of eggs that go for $10/dozen now. Last year, $6 was the high water mark for premium organic, cage-free, etc. egg dozen. Whole Foods here though has a dozen eggs going for $3.49:

https://www.wholefoodsmarket.com/produc ... b07pfdyt9t

Two other things. Egg producers inflated the description of egg sizes. The large is what medium used to be and x-large is what large use to be IMHO. I see it with all the store brand eggs. Second, I figured egg prices were going up simply because the producers realized people would substitute their meat choices with something cheaper as meat prices went up. I did not know that bird flu and maybe facility fires caused an egg shortage.

I did get some chicken breasts last night for $1.99/lb. I could not see myself spending $6,$7,...$10,etc. for a cut of beef. Chicken was on sale.
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