Trading/Investment Thread

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Re: Trading/Investment Thread

Postby NHsorter » Tue Oct 25, 2011 12:26 pm

OK, so less than2 hours ago I was bragging about being out of the market... well I guess I am a spaz because I am already back in. But I am betting against banks, so how can I go wrong? Just picked up a little SEF
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Re: Trading/Investment Thread

Postby beauanderos » Fri Oct 28, 2011 12:37 pm

SVM was my largest mining position inside one of my accts (aside from AGQ) so I thinned it a bit the day before yesterday. Sold some shares at $9.70 and again at $9.80, bought three equal sized amounts (so they can have a race) of AXU, EXK, and AG, and a nice chunk of NUGT that I got for $32.50 a share. NUGT is set to explode... and it's my current recommendation for the daring. It's double GDX, and is up over five percent today. :mrgreen:
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Re: Trading/Investment Thread

Postby beauanderos » Mon Nov 07, 2011 9:50 am

beauanderos wrote:SVM was my largest mining position inside one of my accts (aside from AGQ) so I thinned it a bit the day before yesterday. Sold some shares at $9.70 and again at $9.80, bought three equal sized amounts (so they can have a race) of AXU, EXK, and AG, and a nice chunk of NUGT that I got for $32.50 a share. NUGT is set to explode... and it's my current recommendation for the daring. It's double GDX, and is up over five percent today. :mrgreen:

NUGT is up to $36.74 and going alot higher. I hope some of you got on board this one.

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Re: Trading/Investment Thread

Postby beauanderos » Tue Nov 08, 2011 10:38 am

Another new way for the very bold to play precious metals: ... 8.html?x=0

Triple gold and silver, double platinum and palladium. If you are firmly convicted, as am I, that precious metals, though not in a straight line, have no other eventual outcome than to be multiples higher than at present, there is a way to arbitrage between AGQ and USLV. I'm testing this on a small basis, but correct me if I'm wrong in my hypothesis. If silver continues to move higher, AGQ benefits. If TPTB slam silver, USLV is hurt worse than AGQ, but we know they will recover. So... when the markets are getting hammered, buy USLV. When it's had a nice recovery run (at 150% the speed of AGQ, 300% the speed of SLV) then sell your position and switch back over to AGQ. You will still have an aggressive position betting on silver, but will have the potential to repeat the process over and over again each time a subsequent plunge is engineered. Anyone see holes in this idea? I recommend only doing this within a 401k or IRA to avoid immediate tax repercussions, and only do it with a small portion of your funds that you can afford to lose in a worst case scenario meltdown. Silver and gold are long term plays, but this paper ploy can be worked to advantage, methinks. ;)
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Re: Trading/Investment Thread

Postby NHsorter » Tue Nov 08, 2011 10:56 am

you should change your name to BALLSanderos
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Re: Trading/Investment Thread

Postby beauanderos » Tue Nov 08, 2011 11:15 am

Well, I'm trying it today. If you're selling AGQ or DGP to generate cash, and get back quickly into the USLV or UGLD, it's an even trade. I'm too gutless to try it for more than $50,000 though :roll: (some strength of conviction, eh?) :lol:
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Re: Trading/Investment Thread

Postby beauanderos » Sun Nov 13, 2011 10:57 am

Am I the only one playing or watching NUGT??? Up 6.94% yesterday, my top performer, even beat out triple silver USLV on a decent up day :mrgreen: All my profits from other trades are stockpiling (pun intended) into this one :lol:
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Re: Trading/Investment Thread

Postby fasteddy » Mon Nov 21, 2011 6:59 pm

Noo I have been glad I have only been watching...however is the downward done, maybe one more day?
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Re: Trading/Investment Thread

Postby beauanderos » Tue Nov 22, 2011 1:08 pm

fasteddy wrote:Noo I have been glad I have only been watching...however is the downward done, maybe one more day?

I just bought more today, at just under $30. NUGT is going to be reconfigured to be triple GDX starting December 1. We ALL know this stuff is going higher (long term). I want the most action for my limited bucks that I can get. If anyone comes up with quadruple silver or gold... I'll be all over that too.
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Re: Trading/Investment Thread

Postby fasteddy » Tue Nov 22, 2011 2:03 pm

I jumped in this morning also as the market opened.
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Re: Trading/Investment Thread

Postby beauanderos » Mon Nov 28, 2011 3:37 pm

Ok, silver was up today so I sold some shares of USLV which were purchased lower and bought back into AGQ. Sold 1058 shares which made me enough replace my original position and to buy 13 additional shares of AGQ I didn't have before. About a $750 "profit" over the course of three weeks approx, with $40,000 as the capital at risk. Works out to be a 32.5% annual return. Not great, but better than nothing, and it gives me a course of action to take (aside from gnashing my teeth) when the markets are forcibly sold off.
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Re: Trading/Investment Thread

Postby beauanderos » Wed Nov 30, 2011 5:34 pm

NUGT up $3.84 a share today, 12.95% :mrgreen: My best performer today, on a day when most were up 5 to 6 percent, and a few 8 to 10 percent. Converts to triple, instead of double, GDX tomorrow. :D Of course... you guys gotta know... I don't post much on my BIG LOSER days :lol:
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Re: Trading/Investment Thread

Postby beauanderos » Tue Jan 03, 2012 12:33 pm

beauanderos wrote:NUGT up $3.84 a share today, 12.95% :mrgreen: My best performer today, on a day when most were up 5 to 6 percent, and a few 8 to 10 percent. Converts to triple, instead of double, GDX tomorrow. :D Of course... you guys gotta know... I don't post much on my BIG LOSER days :lol:

December has been a quiet month for me as noted by this thread being demoted to page two. It's been rough for everyone, but my buy and hold philosophy for NUGT and USLV are finally starting to show some life again after a horrific bloodletting. I'm hanging onto my NUGT for now, but I did manage, on the nice silver price rise today, to reconvert back on my strategy of buying USLV on weakness and selling on strength. I was able to sell 877 shares of USLV and buy back 611 shares of AGQ. Since I started this transaction with 569 shares of AGQ, that's a profit (albeit a gut-wrenching, hard-won victory) of 43 shares of AGQ... or about $1900. I'm too timid to ride the total USLV holdings forward, but the renewed position in AGQ will allow gains from further silver strength, and permit purchase of USLV once more should the market sell off again. The strategy I devised is working... slowly... but boy is it harrowing when you're temporarily on the losing end. :? :lol: Anyway, USLV was up over 20% today, my presumption being some short-covering was occuring, so no point in getting greedy. Time to sell a few of the shares and rebalance. :mrgreen:
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Re: Trading/Investment Thread

Postby fasteddy » Tue Jan 03, 2012 2:00 pm

Agreed, it is nice to be back in the green....I stopped looking at the price a few weeks back....but knew it would come up in January.
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Re: Trading/Investment Thread

Postby beauanderos » Tue Jan 10, 2012 10:32 am

Was able to pick up some more USLV on Friday and sold today. Started with 428 shares of AGQ and now have 452 after selling the USLV and repurchasing the AGQ. My plan is working, albeit slowly... but something is better than nothing :D
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Re: Trading/Investment Thread

Postby beauanderos » Wed Jan 11, 2012 10:32 am

I've explained myself more fully here: ... e-run.html :mrgreen:
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Re: Trading/Investment Thread

Postby beauanderos » Fri Jan 13, 2012 11:19 am

beauanderos wrote:Was able to pick up some more USLV on Friday and sold today. Started with 428 shares of AGQ and now have 452 after selling the USLV and repurchasing the AGQ. My plan is working, albeit slowly... but something is better than nothing :D

Decided to try something different today. Anticipating a sell-off at 10:00am EST, on top of the downward drift of silver prices in the overnight market, once the market move in that direction began I sold off half my position in SLW, and all of my EXK, MVG, and AXU in one account and was able to buy more USLV at $32.65 and $33.11. I will wait a few days and see if the triple leveraged USLV outperforms the relatively more stable mining equities to the upside, and if so, will liquidate the USLV after a moderate profit and reinvest in the miners that were sold, hoping to gain shares in each on in the process. We'll see what happens, this is far from an exact science. The tape has moved favorably since I made the trades, but these executions usually take several days to actualize. USLV is at $33.76 as I type this. :)
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Re: Trading/Investment Thread

Postby NHsorter » Fri Jan 13, 2012 1:13 pm

Here is my amateur trader gut feeling right now. The market is gonna drop below 12K before we see 12,500. PM's are going down with it. I just feel like the bad news is gonna continue at least in the short term. So... I'm loading up on DXD for now. Maybe if I feel a bounce coming in the future I'll grab some NUGT to triple my pop on the way back. (Still holding physical and won't turn away a good deal under spot)

At the end of the day, I am certain that the bottom line will be much much better than a trip to Vegas.
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Re: Trading/Investment Thread

Postby beauanderos » Fri Jan 20, 2012 3:45 pm

ok, so since Nov 8th when I devised this strategy... I have now pulled it off 4 times. Today was a bit different though :mrgreen: ... place.html
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Re: Trading/Investment Thread

Postby Market Harmony » Fri Jan 20, 2012 10:23 pm

Ray, I've been enjoying your blog tremendously! Thanks for sharing and PLEASE keep it up. You have a flare for everything precious!
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Re: Trading/Investment Thread

Postby beauanderos » Sat Jan 21, 2012 3:29 am

beauanderos wrote:ok, so since Nov 8th when I devised this strategy... I have now pulled it off 4 times. Today was a bit different though :mrgreen: ... place.html

I now have 94 more shares of AGQ than when I started. Along with the bottom of the deck dealing I employed today, up a bit over 24K since I started tweaking. Not much, but a new wrinkle to make the ride more fun.
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Re: Trading/Investment Thread

Postby beauanderos » Wed Jan 25, 2012 3:42 pm

Nobody else playing with paper? I sold another 494 shares of USLV into the rally and reacquired more AGQ. Started with 380 shares of AGQ and now have 396. I sure like this system better than buy and hold. Now up 110 shares total from when I started.
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Re: Trading/Investment Thread

Postby beauanderos » Thu Jan 26, 2012 10:19 am

Sold another 491 shares of USLV and reacquired AGQ. Started with 372 and ended with 386. Now up 124 shares of AGQ from when I started. Is anyone else willing to try this?
Sold another 461 shares of USLV and reacquired AGQ. Started with 359 and ended with 366. Now up 131 shares of AGQ from when I started. 2/3/12
Sold another 233 shares of USLV and reacquired AGQ. Started with 179 and ended with 187. Now up 139 shares of AGQ from when I started. 2/22/12 Been a slow sideways month.
Sold several positions and reacquired AGQ. Added another 18 shares to original position, now up 157 shares of AGQ from when I started. 2/23/12. Nice pop today.
Sold several positions and reacquired AGQ. Added another 37 shares to original position, now up 194 shares of AGQ from when I started. 2/24/12. Sold USLV within two cents of the peak, hehehe, bought back the AGQ after a considerable drop :mrgreen:
TPTB took the precious metals markets down on 2/29/12. Started buying back in, in several tranches. Sold the last purchased today and picked up an extra seven shares of AGQ on the reacquisition. Now up 201 shares from when I started.
Da boyz have been holding the market in consolidation mode. Sold a tranche on the price rise today and picked up an extra eight shares of AGQ. Now up 209 shares. It's a slow process.
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Re: Trading/Investment Thread

Postby 68Camaro » Thu Jan 26, 2012 10:20 am

With my more conservative approach, I won't be restarting with any significant paper trading again until we get back up to gold in the 1800s and silver in the upper 30s.
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Re: Trading/Investment Thread

Postby beauanderos » Thu Jan 26, 2012 6:47 pm

68Camaro wrote:With my more conservative approach, I won't be restarting with any significant paper trading again until we get back up to gold in the 1800s and silver in the upper 30s.

You mean tomorrow? :shock: :mrgreen: :lol:
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