Please VOTE today, unless you are a DEM, than just stay home

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Re: Please VOTE today, unless you are a DEM, than just stay

Postby barrytrot » Wed Aug 08, 2012 9:32 am

frugi wrote:for me I have an undying respect and love for America. this is a fact that has been passed down to me through the generations of my family history.....I have 2 family members that were signers of the Decleration of Independance.....Francis Lightfoot Lee, and Richard Henry Lee. I was raised knowing the sacrifices our "forfathers" made for our independence, and the rights that we have, and the truths and freedoms to which our nation was founded upon. These truths, freedoms, and God given rights have fallen by the wayside. Some of us, will never forget, and will always be patriots whether it is in the voting both or elsewhere.

Very cool info on your relations!
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Re: Please VOTE today, unless you are a DEM, than just stay

Postby shinnosuke » Wed Aug 08, 2012 12:39 pm

Lemon Thrower wrote:I think i have as much love for America as you do; i just don't delude myself into thinking it still exists.

fwiw, here are Doug Casey's thoughts on not voting. I'm not some sort of Casey disciple or something, but Doug usually manages to hit an idea from angles you haven't previously thought of.

I have read Doug Casey in the past and the dialogue you linked in your post is Classic Casey. Imagine if the voting public could both read and comprehend the magnitude of the argument he's making. We'd have a near 100% turnover in Congress as well as many state and local governments. How refreshing to dream of something that liberating. Unfortunately, most people don't have the patience to read something longer than a few paragraphs if it differs from their worldview.

I agree with much of what Casey is saying in the link. One point that bothers me is trying to figure out how to "vote with my feet," as he says. How do I move my stuff to another country? Some of my valuables fell out of the canoe in an unfortunate boating accident. They are not easily recoverable. I can't leave them at the bottom of a bottomless lake and move to Argentina, for example, where Casey is trying to sell lots to freedom-loving ex-pats. Besides, Argentina has its own woes as do/will many other countries. Guess I will just have to stick it out in the US, for better or worse.
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Re: Please VOTE today, unless you are a DEM, than just stay

Postby shinnosuke » Wed Aug 08, 2012 12:57 pm

And how have we gone from being a bastion of freedom to a nation that has implemented the entire Communist Manifesto? Slowly...slowly...
When in the Course of human events it becomes necessary for one people to dissolve the political bands which have connected them with another and to assume among the powers of the earth, the separate and equal station to which the Laws of Nature and of Nature's God entitle them... (Thomas Jefferson)
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