Occupy Wall Street

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Re: Occupy Wall Street

Postby Mossy » Fri Oct 07, 2011 6:28 pm

Thogey wrote:These are the people I'll probably be shooting when TSHTF.


They come across as people who have been taught all their lives that they are owed an easy life. No one is going to teach them anything until they figure out that they have to work and stop whining. Until they figure that out, they will try to take what they want, instead of earn it.
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Re: Occupy Wall Street

Postby MikeyPooh » Fri Oct 07, 2011 7:00 pm

Hm. I guess that's why so many vets showed up...

http://www.zerohedge.com/contributed/up ... t-protests

That's nice you guys plan on shooting WWII vets lol.
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Re: Occupy Wall Street

Postby Thogey » Fri Oct 07, 2011 7:13 pm

Plan on shooting WWII vets?

By far the most ridiculous response to any post I've ever read here,

Don't assume I have disrespect toward vets, I did my time.
I don't believe a 90 year old would be a threat or complicit in a riot or a threat.

I would aim past the old geezer. I will shoot ANYONE who threatens my security, or my family's security in a SHTF situation.

These jack-asses protested in Prescott yesterday. They were to usual bunch of (30)BUMS who couldn't explain what the "fed" was if you paid them and sent them to library to figure it out.
Last edited by Thogey on Fri Oct 07, 2011 7:17 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Occupy Wall Street

Postby Thogey » Fri Oct 07, 2011 7:14 pm

Hey MickeyPooh,

Have you been involved in a occupy whatever protest?
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Re: Occupy Wall Street

Postby MikeyPooh » Fri Oct 07, 2011 7:18 pm

Naw, I'm too much of a wimp lol. I'm with them in spirit though ;)
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Re: Occupy Wall Street

Postby Double3 » Fri Oct 07, 2011 7:24 pm

Thogey wrote:These are the people I'll probably be shooting when TSHTF.


These people remind me of why I collect the things I do.
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Re: Occupy Wall Street

Postby Mossy » Fri Oct 07, 2011 7:41 pm

Most of those claiming to be vets in this sort of situation don't even know what a DD-214 is, but I know some legit vets who would really be there, and are total deadbeats as well. So? They have never grown up to be responsible for their own mistakes. Yes, I'd shoot them.

(Viet Nam era vet)
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Re: Occupy Wall Street

Postby avidbrandy » Fri Oct 07, 2011 7:41 pm

I think perhaps some of you don't see the point behind this. Either because of the news slanting it (WOW Fox News), or because there are people there just for the sake of whining. Kind of like the anarchist groups that piggybacked on the Vietnam protests. It dilutes the message. The media will always pay more attention to them because they're more 'interesting'. However, perhaps the numbers are needed.

It's not just about the dumb people who screwed up and have lots of credit card debt, or student loans. I lived with an Indonesian family with 7 people in an apartment for a year. The mother and father were supporting their 3 daughters and a grandchild. They both worked for companies that manufactured car parts. They both got laid off within a few months of each other after the 08 crash. They didn't find work during the next 9 months I lived with them, till I moved. They're as hard working as anyone else, but nobody would give them the chance. California. It's all a bunch of hippies.

There's thousands of people right now out there at those protests like that, mixed in with the hippies and druggies and slackers, because what other option is left to them to be heard. What else have they not tried. I'll be in Austin this weekend for this event, talking to people. Because though there's a lot of dumb people in America, those arn't the only people in America. There's you.

Do you live on such a high pedestal that you pretend people like that arn't part of our country.

When we say 'end the fed', why? What for? For you personally? Does it really make that large of an impact on your individual life that you care so much about it? Is it about your image of this country and what it should be? Does that not include the dumb people?

I've lived with people like that as well. People I thought worthless. I spent a year living with a Mexican family. They had 3 kids, two of which had their own children, one at 19 and the other at 17. They're people too. Perhaps their world is smaller than mine. Perhaps they can't look beyond their next decision. But where is it my place to condescendingly dismiss their existence because I think I'm more ambitious?

Are these people your 'Average Americans'? How many Americans really understand what happened in 2008. My guess is 1%, maybe 2%. How do these people fight it? The intricacies of what happened are likely beyond the understanding of someone's who's entire life revolves around scrounging up the money to feed themselves and their family. All they know is that they're angry about something, and that someone screwed them over somehow, and things are worse than they used to be. Most people don't realize that the major banks arn't even on Wall Street anymore. But they know wall street = bankers, so go there. Because as a mass, as a hivemind, that idea can be understood and acted upon.

A smarter man would pick the right place to protest. A smarter man would write to their Congressman. A smarter man would know that they could never get the number of people together who understood what is wrong to make a difference. A smarter man would know those things are futile efforts allowed to deceive people into thinking they have a voice. But these are your average, dumb Americans. Dumb enough to maybe make a difference. Because I never thought there would be even 1000 people.
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Re: Occupy Wall Street

Postby 68Camaro » Fri Oct 07, 2011 9:05 pm

I've debated with myself about whether I want to get involved in this discussion; finally decided that, as with almost all like this one, that it is tilting at windmills. So this will be my one and only post here. Those that wouldn't like the points I would make will never ever agree with them, no matter how well argued. So, why stress myself out over it. The world is made of people that are willing to be responsible for their actions, and those wanting others to take care of them. Those that are willing to be responsible sometimes, very rarely, have a hard-luck event happen - in such a case they deserve a helping hand to get back on their feet, and I will and do willingly help such folks until they can take care of themselves. For the rest of them, if they are able to work, and just won't, as far as I'm concerned they can starve. And that is Biblical. But they won't starve. Instead, our bleeding heart liberal friends insist on taking from me, without my permission, of what has been granted me by grace of God and hard work, and giving that to these others that don't want to work. That CHOOSE not to work. Because there is work out there, for those that so choose to look for it. So this growing cancer of people that take and don't earn or give back, is formally perpetuated on our society, and are now most of the population. We have met the enemy, and he is... ourselves.
In the game of Woke, the goal posts can be moved at any moment, the penalties will apply retroactively and claims of fairness will always lose out to the perpetual right to claim offense.... Bret Stephens
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Re: Occupy Wall Street

Postby MikeyPooh » Fri Oct 07, 2011 10:17 pm

Alright I'll give it one last shot then bow out of this thread myself.

Realcent is a forum borne from people who collect copper cents because TPTB are destroying/debasing the currency to such an extent that the metal in the coin is worth more than its face value. This has been going on for quite some time (see silver coinage, and gold coin before that).

The 99ers have had nothing to do with this process; it's safe to say this is entirely the 1%ers doing.

Is it that much of a stretch to think that the 1% are indeed directly responsible for a lot more misfortune in the world?

Blaming the sorry sacks is exactly what the 1% wants; everyone who does this essentially shills for the same banksters who we so often rail against. And I don't understand this disconnect; this muddied thinking. I believe the 99ers have clarity, inasmuch as they are not busy nit-picking this that and the other thing, they are keeping it nice and general, and rightly so, that the 1% is the problem here, everything else is just a symptom.

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Re: Occupy Wall Street

Postby Thogey » Fri Oct 07, 2011 10:35 pm

MikeyPooh wrote:Alright I'll give it one last shot then bow out of this thread myself.

Realcent is a forum borne from people who collect copper cents because TPTB are destroying/debasing the currency to such an extent that the metal in the coin is worth more than its face value. This has been going on for quite some time (see silver coinage, and gold coin before that).

The 99ers have had nothing to do with this process; it's safe to say this is entirely the 1%ers doing.

Is it that much of a stretch to think that the 1% are indeed directly responsible for a lot more misfortune in the world?

Blaming the sorry sacks is exactly what the 1% wants; everyone who does this essentially shills for the same banksters who we so often rail against. And I don't understand this disconnect; this muddied thinking. I believe the 99ers have clarity, inasmuch as they are not busy nit-picking this that and the other thing, they are keeping it nice and general, and rightly so, that the 1% is the problem here, everything else is just a symptom.


Dude. You just made me go Hummmm!

Good post. But they are still a bunch of stinky low lifes, can we agree on that?
If I have the gift of prophesy, and know all mysteries and all knowledge, and if I have all faith, so as to move mountains but do not have love I am nothing. And if I give all my possessions to feed the poor, and if I surrender my body to be burned but do not have love it profits me nothing.
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Re: Occupy Wall Street

Postby MikeyPooh » Fri Oct 07, 2011 10:54 pm

Thogey wrote:Dude. You just made me go Hummmm!
Good post. But they are still a bunch of stinky low lifes, can we agree on that?

Ha! Wow, frankly I'm flattered. (that's why I will make one more post lol) How many times do you cruise the web and see arguments spiral out of control and no one is any better off at the end of it - no one changes their mind or even thinks a bit, so I'm totally flattered I got someone to say Hmmmmmm.

And lol sure, most of them probably are stinky low lifes anyway I don't think I ever argued they weren't :)

Peace (again lol)
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Re: Occupy Wall Street

Postby theo » Sat Oct 08, 2011 12:56 am

68Camaro wrote:I've debated with myself about whether I want to get involved in this discussion; finally decided that, as with almost all like this one, that it is tilting at windmills. So this will be my one and only post here. Those that wouldn't like the points I would make will never ever agree with them, no matter how well argued. So, why stress myself out over it. The world is made of people that are willing to be responsible for their actions, and those wanting others to take care of them. Those that are willing to be responsible sometimes, very rarely, have a hard-luck event happen - in such a case they deserve a helping hand to get back on their feet, and I will and do willingly help such folks until they can take care of themselves. For the rest of them, if they are able to work, and just won't, as far as I'm concerned they can starve. And that is Biblical. But they won't starve. Instead, our bleeding heart liberal friends insist on taking from me, without my permission, of what has been granted me by grace of God and hard work, and giving that to these others that don't want to work. That CHOOSE not to work. Because there is work out there, for those that so choose to look for it. So this growing cancer of people that take and don't earn or give back, is formally perpetuated on our society, and are now most of the population. We have met the enemy, and he is... ourselves.


I've heard several accounts of companies looking to hire skilled workers but then not being able to because of the lack of qualified applicants. I think our education system has failed us in a big way; from the kindergarten to the post graduate level. I'm guessing that a lot of those kids have a university degree along with 100k in debt, but very few employable skills. A few might even sense that they've been duped, but still find it more palletable to demonstrate against corporations and banks.
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Re: Occupy Wall Street

Postby 68Camaro » Sat Oct 08, 2011 6:40 am

Thogey wrote:
MikeyPooh wrote:Alright I'll give it one last shot then bow out of this thread myself.

Realcent is a forum borne from people who collect copper cents because TPTB are destroying/debasing the currency to such an extent that the metal in the coin is worth more than its face value. This has been going on for quite some time (see silver coinage, and gold coin before that).

The 99ers have had nothing to do with this process; it's safe to say this is entirely the 1%ers doing.

Is it that much of a stretch to think that the 1% are indeed directly responsible for a lot more misfortune in the world?

Blaming the sorry sacks is exactly what the 1% wants; everyone who does this essentially shills for the same banksters who we so often rail against. And I don't understand this disconnect; this muddied thinking. I believe the 99ers have clarity, inasmuch as they are not busy nit-picking this that and the other thing, they are keeping it nice and general, and rightly so, that the 1% is the problem here, everything else is just a symptom.


Dude. You just made me go Hummmm!

Good post. But they are still a bunch of stinky low lifes, can we agree on that?

Arrgh. I said I wouldn't post again. Ok, one more for me also. I'll agree that it's a good post, and good thought. However (and I'll use that word), I'll note that while TPTB (and I wouldn't even call them 1%, because it's a much smaller number even than that) are doing these things, this is a democratic republic - or used to be - and the 99% ALLOWED them to do this. The 99% had the power, and lost it. They had the education, and lost that. Now they barely know why they are even protesting. Ultimately it is their fault that they allowed TPTB to take their power. This is the common downfall, well documented, of democracy.
In the game of Woke, the goal posts can be moved at any moment, the penalties will apply retroactively and claims of fairness will always lose out to the perpetual right to claim offense.... Bret Stephens
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Re: Occupy Wall Street

Postby silverflake » Sat Oct 08, 2011 2:50 pm

68camaro - the U.S. is not a democratic republic, we are a constitutional republic with three branches. We use representatives elected by the people to represent our interests. It is the three branches of government's job to interpret the constitution and implement policy.

That's all I have. You guys keep going though. By the way, if the 'Dumb' of America are the 99%ers, then Big Government has won. They would love for the majority to remain "Dumb" (I believe the term most used in these forums is "SHEEP".

We here at realcent don't have all the answers. What I appreciate about you all is that we are the few that seem to be asking the RIGHT QUESTONS!!!!!!
We should all sit down on the front porch and light up a stogey (Macunudo Prince Phillip...) to discuss these things.
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Re: Occupy Wall Street

Postby Mossy » Sat Oct 08, 2011 2:56 pm

I was born into one of the lowest levels of society, migrant farm workers. Many of my relatives remain in the lowest levels voluntarily by refusing to change the way they think and act, and many have served time in prison for it.

Yes, there are people who really are poor and are working to get out of the pit, but implying that those honest poor are all there is in the pit is definitely wrong. And I really doubt you will see any of the honest poor at those demonstrations.

I see people born in higher levels of the economy and society picking up exactly the same way of thinking and acting as my relatives. You might say that they are "downwardly mobile". Voluntarily. And they are claiming others have stolen what they are in the process of throwing away. I feel the same contempt toward them as I feel toward my white trash relatives, and the relatives still on the rez.

To change the subject slightly, head over the FerFALs blog and look up the protestors the crooks in office down there are using as tools. The word "socialism" is thrown around a lot, but the leaders are not liberals or socialists, but crooks and conmen singing the tune so they can control a segment of the population that adheres to those ideas. And to cooperate with other predators preying on the same fools. We may well be seeing the beginning of the end as these (sarc)"peaceful protests"(/sarc) spread and turn into full fledged riots, and provide those inclined to tyranny the excuses they need to pass laws and seize even more property "for the common good" (and somehow their bank accounts turn out to be the safest place to "store" the wealth).

No matter how many people are honestly victimized by those in office, of any political party, how people react and how they deal with it, and who they vote for, is their own choice, just as they can decide to take part in riots, or accept money to take part in riots. Yes, some are already exposed as being paid to be there, just as some of the "Strikers" carrying signs on the street have been exposed as being day hires, and not union members.
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Re: Occupy Wall Street

Postby Saabman » Sat Oct 08, 2011 4:00 pm

Mossy wrote:

To change the subject slightly, head over the FerFALs blog and look up the protestors the crooks in office down there are using as tools. The word "socialism" is thrown around a lot, but the leaders are not liberals or socialists, but crooks and conmen singing the tune so they can control a segment of the population that adheres to those ideas. And to cooperate with other predators preying on the same fools. We may well be seeing the beginning of the end as these (sarc)"peaceful protests"(/sarc) spread and turn into full fledged riots, and provide those inclined to tyranny the excuses they need to pass laws and seize even more property "for the common good" (and somehow their bank accounts turn out to be the safest place to "store" the wealth).

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Re: Occupy Wall Street

Postby 68Camaro » Sat Oct 08, 2011 6:47 pm

silverflake wrote:68camaro - the U.S. is not a democratic republic, we are a constitutional republic with three branches. We use representatives elected by the people to represent our interests. It is the three branches of government's job to interpret the constitution and implement policy.

Not to be too fussy about definitions, but, of course it is a constitutional republic, but it is also (although the countries that have co-opted the term directly are unfortunate poor examples of the term) a democratic republic, and maybe more precisely (even though I don't see this used anywhere) it might be called a democratic constitutional republic (or constitutional democrat republic). It is even more complicated than a simple set of terms; there is no sufficiently descriptive standard term that covers all elements of it. Regardless, I was emphasizing the term of importance as part of the point that the people have a voice, or at least had a voice.
In the game of Woke, the goal posts can be moved at any moment, the penalties will apply retroactively and claims of fairness will always lose out to the perpetual right to claim offense.... Bret Stephens
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Re: Occupy Wall Street

Postby theo » Sat Oct 08, 2011 11:31 pm

68Camaro wrote:
silverflake wrote:68camaro - the U.S. is not a democratic republic, we are a constitutional republic with three branches. We use representatives elected by the people to represent our interests. It is the three branches of government's job to interpret the constitution and implement policy.

Not to be too fussy about definitions, but, of course it is a constitutional republic, but it is also (although the countries that have co-opted the term directly are unfortunate poor examples of the term) a democratic republic, and maybe more precisely (even though I don't see this used anywhere) it might be called a democratic constitutional republic (constitutional democrat republic). It is even more complicated than a simple set of terms; there is no sufficiently descriptive standard term that covers all elements of it. Regardless, I was emphasizing the term of importance as part of the point that the people have a voice, or at least had a voice.

Actually, I believe the term "Consitutional Republic" is redundant since the modern definition of a republic is a representative government which derives its power from a constitution.

As we watch these protests by the 99%ers, we should remember that the founders (specifically John Adams) warned against "the tyranny of the majority" or mob rule. They wrote the Constitution to protect an unpopular minority (the 1%?) from the wrath of an oppressive (an perhaps vengeful) majority. I think the revolutionary left is waiting for their, "let them eat cake." moment.

However, I don't see these protests necessarily as bad. It shows the rest of America (and the world) what the left really is; the monied elite (the top 100th of 1%) financing protests by ignorant, unwashed miscreants.
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Re: Occupy Wall Street

Postby fansubs_ca » Sun Oct 09, 2011 2:23 am

theo wrote:I've heard several accounts of companies looking to hire skilled workers but then not being able to because of the lack of qualified applicants. I think our education system has failed us in a big way; from the kindergarten to the post graduate level.

If companies want people with certain skills they will need to develop these people in house
which requires planning ahead rather than taking your chances that the educational system
happen to by random chance turn out what you need.

Even with people going to college there is a lot of guesswork as to what needs to be learned.
If companies need these specific skills they need to take control of the process of training
the people they will use. There would be a lot less gueeswork, because if your boss sends
you for training you know it's what they will need and they know they'll be getting what
they need. Right now we have a system where people go to college to take what they
like and/or what is being hyped as what's needed but apparently is not. This is causing
tremendous mal-investment society wide.
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Re: Occupy Wall Street

Postby Mossy » Sun Oct 09, 2011 3:11 pm

fansubs_ca wrote:If companies want people with certain skills they will need to develop these people in house ...

They generally don't because the trained people switch jobs to another company that can afford to pay more because they don't spend money on training.
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Re: Occupy Wall Street

Postby shinnosuke » Mon Oct 10, 2011 1:10 pm

Just found this. NOT sure of the accuracy. Read at your own risk.


Maybe we ought to try to get some more facts...
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Re: Occupy Wall Street

Postby John_doe » Mon Oct 10, 2011 3:10 pm

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Re: Occupy Wall Street

Postby Mossy » Mon Oct 10, 2011 4:28 pm

http://biggovernment.com/jpollak/2011/1 ... ago-today/

Premature, if they want an excuse to suspend elections.
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Re: Occupy Wall Street

Postby blackrabbit » Thu Oct 13, 2011 2:17 pm

"If the American people ever allow private banks to control the issue of their currency, first by inflation, then by deflation, the banks and corporations that will grow up around them will deprive the people of all property until their children wake up homeless on the continent their Fathers conquered....The issuing power should be taken from the banks and restored to the people, to whom it properly belongs."
-Thomas Jefferson
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