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Re: Why Nate thinks Trump is Trump & should NOT be President

PostPosted: Sun Oct 16, 2016 4:56 pm
by daviscfad

Re: Why Nate thinks Trump is Trump & should NOT be President

PostPosted: Sun Oct 16, 2016 5:57 pm
by Treetop
WOW hadnt seen that one. I honestly expect alot of these things to backfire. Alot of sanders supporters were already upset, and they might not be likely to go to trump, but we might see enough of them not vote or go to stein or johnson to make an impact. The last thing the media should be doing is proving is IS indeed at this level of bias and collusion to keep in an establishment candidate imo. Guess we will see soon enough. So hoping hillary doesnt win, but cant wait for this to be over.

Re: Why Nate thinks Trump is Trump & should NOT be President

PostPosted: Wed Oct 19, 2016 12:54 am
by Thogey
Thogey wrote:Got my ballot,voted my ballot. I'm now on a self imposed media blackout. As much as possible :shifty: :roll:
I will avoid the news.

I'll read the history on Nov 9th.

My final, maybe hopeful prediction.


Obviously, my media blackout was a miserable failure.

Do you guys remember when I did an auction or pool during a Daytona 500? It set the RC online number record that might still stand. We were all watching the race. Do you remember the wreck and during a yellow. Montoya hit that jet dryer on the track and there was that huge fireball ? Do you remember the way that felt watching that?

This $hit [the news]has made me feel that way for the last week.

Is all this un frickin believable or what? It's like bustin a rotten swollen dead cat open with a stick. It's like a tire fire. It's like getting a roaring fire going in the family room stove and realizing the flu is shut.
Regardless of who wins. All this is just not going to be packed away. Even if Trump looses he has done a favor IMO. There may be a geometric progression of people who can be buried or imprisoned.

Ever pull the lid off a water valve box and its loaded with bugs, roaches? Man when that sun hits them....:thumbup:

I'm getting all my news from youtube. Are you?. I'll decide for myself what is reasonable.

I'm not quite sure I know the words to describe this. It's like a seat belt spring uncoiling. hows that?

Re: Why Nate thinks Trump is Trump & should NOT be President

PostPosted: Wed Oct 19, 2016 9:33 am
by Treetop ... 68196.html

I thought this was a fun one. Appantly the betting pattern mirrors the brexit betting pattern. Perhaps signalling a trump win.

Re: Why Nate thinks Trump is Trump & should NOT be President

PostPosted: Wed Oct 19, 2016 3:16 pm
by daviscfad

Re: Why Nate thinks Trump is Trump & should NOT be President

PostPosted: Wed Oct 19, 2016 4:57 pm
by Treetop
Trump has broken two republican records this cycle. Most votes in a primary was number one. He also recently broke the record for number of individuals giving to his campaign. Not the overall amounts given, he is decidedly low on that for a modern presidential election since most of the big donors apparently dont want anything to challenge "globalism", but it is interesting nonetheless.

I still think he will win. About half the people I debate politics with who used to think he was going to win now think hillary will.

Re: Why Nate thinks Trump is Trump & should NOT be President

PostPosted: Wed Oct 19, 2016 5:47 pm
by Treetop ... king-poll/

Trump is up 1 in this poll on the above link which according to the below link was the most accurate of 2012. ... tial-race/

Trump is very possibly the last republican to even have a chance in most of our lives if our borders stay open as Hillary wants. We can also say goodbye to the second amendment if she picks the supreme court. OH well, our warped form of liberty was cute while it lasted. We might all be on the reservation soon. "it takes a village".

Re: Why Nate thinks Trump is Trump & should NOT be President

PostPosted: Wed Oct 19, 2016 6:54 pm
by Thogey
1980 polls.

Re: Why Nate thinks Trump is Trump & should NOT be President

PostPosted: Wed Oct 19, 2016 7:04 pm
by Thogey
This is the result

Re: Why Nate thinks Trump is Trump & should NOT be President

PostPosted: Wed Oct 19, 2016 7:09 pm
by 68Camaro
Margin of error in polling really means that. Someone "leading" by 6 - 45 to 39 with a margin of plus/minus 4 means that 45 could really be 41 and 39 could really be 43.

If that's the outcome the pollsters still consider themselves fully successful.

Re: Why Nate thinks Trump is Trump & should NOT be President

PostPosted: Wed Oct 19, 2016 9:58 pm
by Treetop
Just finished watching the last debate. Definitely disagree with the announcers commentary afterwards that called it trumps best debate. IMO, he had the slight edge in the first debate, destroyed her in the second and she had the slight edge in this last one. There were several times he could have called her out effectively on things she said with facts and failed to do so. Basically softballs even and he failed. I wont bore you with the list, lol. But imo with the questions asked and her answers it was his debate to win and he failed.

Re: Why Nate thinks Trump is Trump & should NOT be President

PostPosted: Wed Oct 19, 2016 10:47 pm
by Rosco
How close is the debate results to an actual vote

We will see what the voters want in November

I want Trump and pray that occurs as the Courts are very important to me
I do not have a Bunker to crawl into and I'M only 79 :thumbup:

Re: Why Nate thinks Trump is Trump & should NOT be President

PostPosted: Thu Oct 20, 2016 8:06 am
by 68Camaro
Trump had several unnecessary unforced errors that the Clinton/msm camp are trumpeting this morning, to unknown effect. He did ok but didn't knock it out of the park, but then it's difficult to do that when Clinton lies and evades and almost no one holds her accountable. The points he did score (and there were many) go vitually unnoticed in the media, whereas they latch on to minute phrases of his and blow them up and out of context. When trump speaks of the election being rigged (and he isn't making this point well) he's right. But it's not so much about rigged ballot boxes or voter roles (even if there is truth in that) as it is rigged government and msm. He's not making that point well, not is he communicating other points well. In that sense I was disappointed.

However instant reactions from independents seems to be favorable so maybe some folks were read between the lines.

Wallace did as good a job as has been done as moderator.

Re: Why Nate thinks Trump is Trump & should NOT be President

PostPosted: Thu Oct 20, 2016 9:49 am
by Thogey
My wife doesn't follow politics.
Regardless of my jokes about her in the past, she is very pretty, smart, strong and Christian.

I tried to ask non leading questions to her about the debate.

Here's what she saw:
-Trump acts like a genuine human being who is very concerned about our country.
-Hillary's smiling is REALLY creepy. Especially when the subjects are so dire.
-All the Putin stuff went over her [my wife's] head.
-Trump burned hillary to the ground on roe v wade and late abortions.
-She is concerned about the deficit numbers Wallace mentioned regarding Trump's economic plan.
-It used to bother her in the first debates when Trump would say "wrong" Now she says it seems appropriate.
-She says Hillary's responses were practiced, contrived and had nothing to do with the issues discussed.
-She would fire anyone who makes serious global decisions bases on a picture of a bleeding 5 year old.
(there are plenty of horrible pictures of situations around the world) My wife was adamant about this.
-Admittedly biased, she said Trump, by far, seemed like a better President.

This is how an educated, yet marginally informed middle aged woman saw it.

BTW I don't understand all the uproar over Trump's admission he will not concede a rigged election.

Seems like yesterday Al gore's lawyers held up an election over Florida ballot problems.
If a key state is close and the fraud is evident I would hope he wrings that $hit out!

My wife totally forgot about 2000 I'm sure lot's of American's have too.

Re: Why Nate thinks Trump is Trump & should NOT be President

PostPosted: Thu Oct 20, 2016 10:11 am
by 68Camaro
Interesting insight, thanks.

Re: Why Nate thinks Trump is Trump & should NOT be President

PostPosted: Thu Oct 20, 2016 10:16 am
by Thogey
68Camaro wrote:Margin of error in polling really means that. Someone "leading" by 6 - 45 to 39 with a margin of plus/minus 4 means that 45 could really be 41 and 39 could really be 43.

If that's the outcome the pollsters still consider themselves fully successful.


This is a 12 point swing, for Reagan.

And it looks like Rassmussen just swung 4 points toward Trump in one day.

Re: Why Nate thinks Trump is Trump & should NOT be President

PostPosted: Thu Oct 20, 2016 10:38 am
by 68Camaro
Yeah I don't think he's out of it. The so called elite vastly underestimate the dissatisfaction of the middle class and the flyover folks toward the establishment; they want true change. Obama got in in part on the change mantra but didn't deliver any "good" change so the pressure and dissatisfaction has reached a seething point that may boil over into an anti-establishment win for trump, just as happened with the UK brexit vote. Nov 8 is going to be dang interesting.

Re: Why Nate thinks Trump is Trump & should NOT be President

PostPosted: Thu Oct 20, 2016 11:48 am
by Treetop
Not only did gore not concede the election immediately in 2000, the left expected Kerry to not give in and actually fight it in court if there were provable discrepancies in 2004. He insisted he would fight it to the end, on this point there is definitely video of him insisting he will fight until the end, and after discrepancies were found within days and he had not fought it at all there are also video of commentators calling him out on this and bringing up the fact that kerry and bush were both skull and bones. With as much as everyone is making out of this point it would be easy to make them look much more corrupt if trump maybe grabbed these clips and put them up on his twitter or wherever else, while also explaining himself better.

There was around 6-8 times I was cringing because Trump could have made points that made her look crooked as he always insists or otherwise shown a hard hitting point the mainstream media isnt giving much or any coverage to. The sheer amount donated to haiti was one of these, and how much of it was directed towards clinton friends. Or the number of homes the money was to pay for in haiti instead of some larger number it ended up a tiny one. (forget the numbers off the top of my head but Id sure as heck wouldnt if I was debating a women who re directed hundreds of millions out of haiti)

Her foundation was another. She implied it was a world class charity, when in fact less then 10% goes towards charitable work. There were several others.

I get that christians love his stance on abortion, but I wish that never came up at all. He didnt win any of the discouraged bernie supporters with that, or most independents either.

Re: Why Nate thinks Trump is Trump & should NOT be President

PostPosted: Thu Oct 20, 2016 12:03 pm
by 68Camaro
You don't have to be a Christian to not agree with a policy that doesn't allow viable unborn children any civil rights until they meet an arbitrary and unscientific (much less irreligious) liberal definition of an acceptable delivery. We should be able to have a national debate on when they attain rights, and any reasonable definition has to include at a minimum those who are viable outside the womb. The accepted procedures remain nothing short of barbaric - they make ISIS beheadings look "humane" by comparison. Partial birth abortion and related procedures are nothing short of murder. So I only regret.that his attack on them was relatively weak. If his position on that issue loses him the election then this country deserves what it gets.

Re: Why Nate thinks Trump is Trump & should NOT be President

PostPosted: Thu Oct 20, 2016 12:24 pm
by Thogey
Camaro +1 :thumbup:

I get that christians love his stance on abortion, but I wish that never came up at all. He didnt win any of the discouraged bernie supporters with that, or most independents either.

How about "sane human beings" love his stance on abortion? All he said was, states will decide and that it is disgusting to kill a baby in the womb. The subject came up because of the SCOTUS question and Hillary already said she will appoint judges that will make sure the right to grind up late term pregnancies is upheld and protected by the federal government.

Under a Trump administration, if a woman has a burning desire to mutilate their late term pregnancy, they can always go to California.
There will be plenty of sick twisted doctors who will make a lot of money doing this there.

Trump is bold and correct for not pandering to "people" who think this is OK.
There is no grey area.

Re: Why Nate thinks Trump is Trump & should NOT be President

PostPosted: Thu Oct 20, 2016 12:46 pm
by Treetop
If he was going to push that hard on abortion he should have mentioned margaratte sanger who hillary has some quote in reference to saying how great she was. Sanger is the founder of planned parenthood and has been known to have attended KKK meetings happy that african americans would be more likely to do an abortion which proved true. Still though I know several barely leaning to trump that if they saw it would definitely not like that stance. They grew up with it and see it as a womens rights issue.

Another way he might have played it is saying something like... "look we are told it is a womens right to chose and Ive thought about this. Does a man get a right to choose? No! society forces a man to pay for the baby even if he doesnt want it. We are told we are holding women down if they get pregnant based on consequences of their own choices but then we turn around and force men who might not want anything to do with their baby and make them pay for 18 years? We cant have it both ways folks. I dont think anyone wants to give men the same freedom to not care for their own child that the left wants to give women only, which is really the only option if we want to keep abortion but but have equal laws for both sexes. My heart tells me killing babies is wrong so I have to side with no abortions and men also taking care of their responsibilities. It is a very decisive issue though so perhaps it is better decided at the state level."

Re: Why Nate thinks Trump is Trump & should NOT be President

PostPosted: Thu Oct 20, 2016 2:09 pm
by Thogey

You all may not know this but the 4 minute figure she put out there is extremely classified.

When I was a Minute Man Combat Crew Commander, that number in context was the highest classification.

In fact, the exact classification is classified. This will not be discussed because anyone who has a clearance will not discuss the fact that she blew through, at least, a Top Secret item.

I would love to explain exactly what that 4 minutes means, and what exactly happens. But I am still liable for the info and could be prosecuted.

Re: Why Nate thinks Trump is Trump & should NOT be President

PostPosted: Thu Oct 20, 2016 2:18 pm
by Treetop
lol drudge is going off on this whole deal with rigged elections, and the idea trump is the first ever to believe this.

here is hillary in 2002. "bush was selected not elected" ... 91792.html

here is gore refusing to concede ... count-ensu

here is john kerry still thing he got robbed years later. ... -election/

here is 8 time the left thought an election was stolen or rigged. ... en-rigged/

I know dang well many on the left remember this because I was on forums back then debating it heavily. The left stopped talking about rigged elections once obama won, but I knew a ton of people who thought obama could never win over this issue in 2008. The younger voters might not remember but all these little things like this just make the media look even worse. Things like CNN telling people its illegal to look at wikileaks when everyone knows it isnt. All these little things add up. Im not sure they help their cause at all. Even if the voters dont turn to trump I wouldnt be shocked to see many of them less likely to show up election day. ... laws-fraud

Re: Why Nate thinks Trump is Trump & should NOT be President

PostPosted: Thu Oct 20, 2016 2:20 pm
by 68Camaro
Thogey wrote:Also,

You all may not know this but the 4 minute figure she put out there is extremely classified.

When I was a Minute Man Combat Crew Commander, that number in context was the highest classification.

In fact, the exact classification is classified. This will not be discussed because anyone who has a clearance will not discuss the fact that she blew through, at least, a Top Secret item.

I would love to explain exactly what that 4 minutes means, and what exactly happens. But I am still liable for the info and could be prosecuted.

Yeah I winced and blinked when she said that although the Russians will probably second guess it as misinformation.

Re: Why Nate thinks Trump is Trump & should NOT be President

PostPosted: Thu Oct 20, 2016 2:21 pm
by Treetop
Not surprising at all thogey. She clearly doesnt respect clearance AT ALL. She claimed with the FBI she was never even trained on how to handle such things when she definitely was. Of course maybe she doesnt remember, with her brain injuries.