Occupy Wall Street

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Re: Occupy Wall Street

Postby frugalcanuck » Sat Oct 15, 2011 11:08 pm

Great thread

I dont know which thread to post this in (there are so many threads about this 99% and 1%) but its not the 1% that are causing the social injustices in our society. Its more like .01% but that would be harder to express at a protest. It is the people who are using the FED RES to pad their pockets along with those who arent listed on the FORBES richest people list because if it showed their wealth it would expose how broken our monetary system is. These are the people that I believe the protesters are really thinking about (the smart ones that is) when they are complaining about the rich. I dont think anyone in their right mind would ever argue and complain about someone becoming rich as a result of hard work and determination.
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Re: Occupy Wall Street

Postby Mossy » Sun Oct 16, 2011 3:57 pm

frugalcanuck wrote: I dont think anyone in their right mind would ever argue and complain about someone becoming rich as a result of hard work and determination.

There's a lot of people not in their right minds, then. There's a quote around about convincing people of something when their paycheck depends on them saying they believe the opposite.

I'm hearing of "help wanted" ads in Craig's List, hiring people for the "occupy" movement. Never seen an example of a want ad for Tea Party.

Soros and his buddies are manufacturing "popular" discontent. Recall that Hitler was actually one of the people behind the Brown Shirts, and he was elected on a platform of putting a stop to the violence he was behind, and he used murdering his supporters to propel himself into power on the night of the long knives. Soros got his start helping the SS gather the Jews to be shipped to the death camps, and he got a share of the loot. (Soros was a Jew, knew where to find the Jews, and knew who was trying to pretend to not be Jewish.)
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Re: Occupy Wall Street

Postby blackrabbit » Sun Oct 16, 2011 5:22 pm

People on all sides are trying to manipulate things sure but there is plenty of worldwide popular discontent to go around.........



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Re: Occupy Wall Street

Postby Mossy » Sun Oct 16, 2011 5:54 pm

blackrabbit wrote:People on all sides are trying to manipulate things sure but there is plenty of worldwide popular discontent to go around...

That there is. We are in for "interesting times".
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Re: Occupy Wall Street

Postby Thogey » Sun Oct 16, 2011 5:57 pm

Mossy wrote:
blackrabbit wrote:People on all sides are trying to manipulate things sure but there is plenty of worldwide popular discontent to go around...

That there is. We are in for "interesting times".

My Wal-mart is out of 45 ACP :o
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Re: Occupy Wall Street

Postby Mossy » Sun Oct 16, 2011 6:04 pm

Thogey wrote: My Wal-mart is out of 45 ACP :o


Well, maybe I can start selling some of what I put away when zero got elected.
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Re: Occupy Wall Street

Postby avidbrandy » Mon Oct 17, 2011 5:52 pm

Thogey wrote:My Wal-mart is out of 45 ACP :o

Damn Wal-mart! What is it good for if there's no ammo there?
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Re: Occupy Wall Street

Postby Tourney64 » Mon Oct 17, 2011 6:38 pm

I am occupying a JOB! Suggest they do the same.
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Re: Occupy Wall Street

Postby Copper Catcher » Mon Oct 17, 2011 7:52 pm

Things like this can be the spark that could cause a mass riot:


The police are doing their job to keep people moving and this guy is losing it.....people are frustrated for a lot of different reasons.
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Re: Occupy Wall Street

Postby NotABigDeal » Tue Oct 18, 2011 5:22 pm

Thogey wrote:
Mossy wrote:
blackrabbit wrote:People on all sides are trying to manipulate things sure but there is plenty of worldwide popular discontent to go around...

That there is. We are in for "interesting times".

My Wal-mart is out of 45 ACP :o

How much you want? I have access to virtually unlimited supplies....

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Re: Occupy Wall Street

Postby MikeyPooh » Tue Oct 18, 2011 5:56 pm

Tourney64 wrote:I am occupying a JOB! Suggest they do the same.

With 6.9 million jobs vaporized since Dec 2007, your suggestion seems more than a little trite.

http://www.shadowstats.com/charts/emplo ... ce_Dec2007
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Re: Occupy Wall Street

Postby avidbrandy » Tue Oct 18, 2011 8:48 pm

Copper Catcher wrote:Things like this can be the spark that could cause a mass riot:


The police are doing their job to keep people moving and this guy is losing it.....people are frustrated for a lot of different reasons.

I had a coworker ask if I'd seen this video this morning.
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Re: Occupy Wall Street

Postby Redneck » Wed Oct 19, 2011 4:35 pm


This pretty much sums it up...


The 1% enjoy total immunity for their crimes aganist the 99%...

There should not be two different standards.

This is but one reason why the movement needs to continue.

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Re: Occupy Wall Street

Postby Mossy » Wed Oct 19, 2011 4:44 pm

Redneck wrote:.
The 1% enjoy total immunity for their crimes aganist the 99%...

More like "0.01%", IMO.
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Re: Occupy Wall Street

Postby shinnosuke » Wed Oct 19, 2011 4:50 pm

A little more clarity. Taxing the rich won't get the job done. 6 minutes of pure delight.


Why aren't any politicians talking about shrinking the size of the government? Oh wait, one guy is. Dr. Ron Paul.

Why isn't anybody talking about ending the Fed so these governmental abuses can't continue? See answer above.
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Re: Occupy Wall Street

Postby Sheikh_yer_Bu'Tay » Thu Oct 20, 2011 12:38 am

shinnosuke wrote:A little more clarity. Taxing the rich won't get the job done. 6 minutes of pure delight.


Why aren't any politicians talking about shrinking the size of the government? Oh wait, one guy is. Dr. Ron Paul.

Why isn't anybody talking about ending the Fed so these governmental abuses can't continue? See answer above.

Great youtube vid. It proves it is mathematically impossible to pay off our nationals debts and obligations.
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Re: Occupy Wall Street

Postby Treetop » Sat Oct 22, 2011 5:21 am

great thread guys.... I wish i was a better writer. I have a lot of thoughts on this...

First of all I know many involved with this. a few get it. Overall most i know do not. Ive read things from many many sources involved with this.

Almost ALL did help the "1 percent".... how? we keep electing the same bought out fools for starters!!!!! How else? people shop at wal mart and buy food from mexico, shirts from slave sin indosnesia, chocolate made from cocoa picked by african slaves and on and on!!!! Id bet 98-99 percent of those at these protests support the actions of the "1 percent" with almost all economic decisions they make as most americans do. Otherwise we never would of gotten here!!!

So now that we spent like 5 generations of wealth supporting terrible wars and a welfare/ police state the tiniest of the first cuts sends people to the streets to blame bankers? SCREW YOU... Sorry for my french here, but it annoys the crap out of me. Ive been tryint to tell people to change course on ALL of this since I was a CHILD!!! r the lesser of two evils and bend over sonny boy. Sorry man you reap what you sow. Sure the banksters pulled the strings on much of this, theres a revolving door between powerful interests and government. Its HORRENDOUS. but it only worked because americans let it work, make no mistake WE, that is most of us are the problem. WE are the ones who failed to play OUR part in keeping government honest.

Since 1913 we all know whats happened to the dollar. Or the nickel as we might as well call it in 1913 dollars. Over time inflation slowly killed wealth. Part of the way americans ignored this was for one forcing our dollar into new markets backed by the myth it was as good as gold. hey we are america!!! another part though was building debt, and another was over time buying lower and lower quality and slave made goods. all of which drove away work for americans....

Yes the powers that be made out like bandits during this and helped guide it as they ALWAYS do and did. But americans were the ones lined up collecting their social security checks paid for by grandkids, and lining up at wal mart for their slave made soccer balls. you reap what you sow.....

So now in the final hour people stand up and demand a slice of the falling empire for themselves??? throw our grandkids into DEEPER debt, because the bankters tricked us? bought off our leaders? why didnt people care decades ago? I knew this was happening as a child. I barely knew many details of it at the time but I knew enough to know the general idea of it at 8 years old.

I know many of these folks on other forums. they want to give government MORE power. most of them anyway. they think if we jst end the wars we can fund social security medicare medicaid and have healthcare for all!! yippeee... then rebuild infrastructure, have a great job for everyone. oh its gonna be great. If we just tax the banks and end the wars. I hear we will get flying unicorns to. (I want an orange one) Yet if you show them the ACTUAL NUMBERS and that it is 100 percent impossible to fund even SS medicare and medicaid even if the miltary was completely disbanded and taxes went up greatly, they just think your a buzz killer and ignore you!!!! You explain how wrong it is to steal from another to pay for your lifestyle they think your greedy, but its WAY worse to steal from the unborn, then your peers. this level of debt as most here know simply will not stand....

Is it the handful of bansters fault who positioned themselve son top of the pile ruthlessly? and bought out our government? or is it americans who voted with dollars and in the ballot box for ALL of this!!!!! over and over and over and over... until the very end.... now the wheels are falling off, and only now do people rise up???

And what do many demand? there are now calls among many of these OWS groups for the global tax the banksters wanted the whole time!!! for co2 emmisions... THAT will cover social programs!!! yippeee!!! except earths geological record never shows co2 had this ability, NO ONE has ever proven it has either. NASA satellite data shows that heat was NOT trapped as the models claim it would have. Is it coincidence this "spontaneous" protest was planned for MONTHS through MANY sources all connected to powerful interests????? groups funded by millionaires and billionaires? and that more and more of these groups now call for the same global tax the "1 percent" (more like .00001) wanted to support their global governance? (afterall centralized power is good for business)

Is it coincidence the media plays the OWS off of the tea party? Yes i know there are natural divides but media makes them greater.... much greater actually.

so how does taking over street corners and parks begging for things help anyway? how about building LOCAL economies? How about buying american? how about balanced budgets? how about the socialists among them build their own collectives so as not to enslave my kids to their lifestyles? How about we take OUR LIVES BACK instead of begging for government to have MORE power, while pretending to ourselves its okay if gov has mor epower if we just make them honest this time...

theres no chance in the world this will end well unless right and left we come together in the middle, force government accountability, take our lives back. stopp letting media and politicos to play us off eachother... empower local communities... sound money. balance budgets... etc etc... "us vs/ them" wont cut it..... there will be blood in the streets, make no mistake.... all the while the .00001 are CHESS MASTERS... they will sit on top of the heap no matter what us peons do. class warfare wont hurt them, they just wont be around to see it. the 1 percent might, but besides having better access to "justice" and an oocational bought off leader or something most of them played no bigger role then the OWS protestor wearing his slave made shirt blogging on his slave made computer who voted for one of the corporate puppets the last election.... Nor some tea party guy who did the same.... exceptions to every rule I know this... but most of us DID buy into this myth as much as it was sold to us.... although on a frum such as this the numbers are greatly skewed....
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Re: Occupy Wall Street

Postby Treetop » Sat Oct 22, 2011 5:31 am

In summary you reap what you sow fellow americans. and though some among us, especially here were sowing quality seed most did NOT.... Including 98plus percent of the OWS folks and tea party folks.... We made our beds and will lay in it no matter what we do. We can choose to adapt, or we can beg for the impossible to happen.

But wed be best served shaking the etch a sketch and starting over. meaning re build our economy from the ground up with sound money and holding leaders accountable. with balanced budgets besides perhaps when there are wars on our soil or other REAL disasters...

First thing you need to do on the path to recovery is stop blaming others and man up to YOU mistakes. take responsibility. Its easy to blame the banksters they sure as heck are as evil as many see them, or many among them are anyway.... But they only pulled it off because americans were sheep begging to be lied to, begging to be sheared. a population of rubes. we failed ourselves much more then anyone else failed us. we wanted to believe in rainbows and fairies so we were sold a story.... then when we got home and read the fine print realized hey I was tricked!!!! sorry america.... you were gullible for decades, you begged to be lied to, you voted for the lesser of two EVILS way to long... you built up WAY to much debt to support your addictions.... then you want to blame the drug pushers? heck yeah the drug pushers were evil, but you were the buyer

Oka... rant off... sorry to anyone i offended.... Ive been pissed about my fellow americans being sheep since childhood. I knew this was coming as I was a preteen. I see a bunch of fools playing right into the same machinations. no wonder the elitists think that we deserve it and its their right!!!
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Re: Occupy Wall Street

Postby 68Camaro » Sat Oct 22, 2011 7:44 am

Treetop - that there are still younger people (relatively speaking) that can figure this out on their own despite media and public school misinformation just proves to me (I sometimes have started to wonder, and have had other people tell me that it isn't possible) that it is still possible for free people to independently understand this. The bulk of the population have made an active choice (albeit with a heavy shove in that direction) to take the "easy" path. Thanks for confirming this. Yes, this path has been underway for a century, and painfully obvious to me since I became fairly self-aware in my early teens in the early 70s, and that was 40 years ago. But it was a very shallow, though slippery, slope early on, often encouraged by well-intentioned people who couldn't understand the big/long-term picture. The slope steepened by the mid-80s and (despite intermittent hope that we could reverse course) has been at a point of practical no return for many years. There was still some hope, however, until the past 3-4 years, when we hit the point of actual no return - it is now impossible without a complete change. The type of change we will see is still up the air, but we are at critical point (see my older post on instability) and if you look at the possible directions off of the critical point, there are no good options, only less bad ones. Thanks again for your post.
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Re: Occupy Wall Street

Postby Mossy » Sat Oct 22, 2011 2:29 pm

Zero may be keeping more campaign promises than any other politician I can remember. He promised to destroy the coal industry, to put the power plants using coal out of business, and make alternative energy competive. What other promises did he keep?
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Re: Occupy Wall Street

Postby frugi » Sat Oct 22, 2011 7:43 pm

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Re: Occupy Wall Street

Postby frugi » Sat Oct 22, 2011 7:59 pm

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Re: Occupy Wall Street

Postby aloneibreak » Sat Oct 22, 2011 10:03 pm

frugi wrote:http://inflation.us/occupywallstreet.html

good read

frightening if those numbers are correct

we've got a bumpy ride ahead folks...
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Re: Occupy Wall Street

Postby John_doe » Thu Oct 27, 2011 1:53 am

I was fortunate enough to grace Oklahoma city with my presence while attending to some personal business. I also was able to drive by "occupy okc." To my amazement I found that they had actually established a tent city right in the heart of downtown. I later went to watch the local news and found out there had been a hail storm with tennis ball sized hail the day before. :D

I guess that's why they weren't protesting that specific day.

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Re: Occupy Wall Street

Postby Sheikh_yer_Bu'Tay » Fri Nov 11, 2011 2:36 pm

Well, after reading up on several different protests in different cities, I finally have a firm opinion of who the "Occupy Wall Street'ers" are...

When the lights go out and the SHTF.... These are the neighbors who will be kicking in you doors to take what you have hoarded to prep for this terrible day. These are the people who will kill you to feed themselves.
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