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Re: Trump

PostPosted: Fri May 31, 2024 7:35 am
by Cu Penny Hoarder
The verdict was no surprise to me. Trump could never get a fair trial in NYC.

I'm not a Trumper, but what they are doing (and have done) to this man is absolutely criminal.

Just more proof how the entire US justice system is totally corrupted. Politically motivated judges, DA's and jurors that are totally biased. These people are diabolically evil. Republicans talk a good game, but do NOTHING about it.

It's only going to get worse from here. It's going to take an American Revolution 2 to change/fix things. TPTB will go full draconian in their response. This corrupt, tyrannical, unconstitutional government needs to be dismantled NOW.

Re: Trump

PostPosted: Fri May 31, 2024 9:53 am
by Doctor Steuss
Corsair wrote:
68Camaro wrote:The hush money trial will continue to add to his popularity. Regardless of what actually happened, him paying off Daniels by means of a lawyer fee out of his personal funds is not a crime. Even CNN commentary is starting to admit that is a biased court and a non crime, and if it was anyone other than Trump no charges would have been filed.

You are correct. It is not a crime.

It's 34 crimes.

I'm honestly surprised. I never thought he'd be found guilty. I thought for sure the defense would be able to peel off at least one juror (this is New York, after all, where getting even 3 people to agree on something takes an act of providence).

Had an interesting conversation with a friend of mine who's a forensic accountant. He's been silent about it, until now, since he didn't want to breach any ethical standards, but Trump's team had tried to hire him before the trial began. So, he reviewed the indictment, the prosecution's discovery, and basically told them "I can't help you, as there's no defense from a forensic accounting perspective. The falsification of business documents is open-and-shut." I wish I knew some criminal defense lawyers though, because I'd love some insights on the felony modifiers. For the misdemeanor stuff, from what I've seen (and from the friend I trust), it seems pretty cut and dry. The felony modifiers though seem really wonky to me though. Probably standard fare for the US justice system of piling on charges knowing you just have to have *something* stick, but they just seem off to me.

In my totally-non-expert opinion, if there's a chance for appeal, it'll be on the felony aspect. The question kind of becomes whether Trump truly wants an appeal granted, as that'll almost definitely mean the DA re-tries it. I guess it'll likely come down to sentencing. I'm guessing maybe a modified house-arrest (at most), but likely just probation. If it's just probation, I don't think Trump and his team will bother with appeals, other than half-assed ones for political theater that they know won't be granted. The judge has already shown a willingness to grant Trump special treatment that no regular citizen would get, so I can't imagine them going with jail at this point. The real wild-card will be Trump's probation officer. I think people don't realize just how much power those guys/gals ultimately wield in regards to people's freedom.

From pure speculation (since I'm on a roll of farting out my brain, with no filter), the PO will likely be annoyed at having high-profile individual, that complicates their daily operations, and will always side with the path of least resistance just to save their own sanity.

Re: Trump

PostPosted: Sat Jun 01, 2024 7:15 am
by Lemon Thrower
On the bright side, 45 will not replace JKF on the half dollar.

Re: Trump

PostPosted: Sat Jun 08, 2024 8:50 am
by frugi
Doctor Steuss wrote:……it seems pretty cut and dry.

The saying is actually: “Cut and dried.”

Refers to the fact that you cut the tobacco, hung it, and it has now dried.

Re: Trump

PostPosted: Tue Jun 11, 2024 9:36 am
by Doctor Steuss
frugi wrote:
Doctor Steuss wrote:……it seems pretty cut and dry.

The saying is actually: “Cut and dried.”

Refers to the fact that you cut the tobacco, hung it, and it has now dried.

Thank you Frugi! I love the etymology of idioms. Being set on the right path of usage also makes for a groovy day.

Re: Trump

PostPosted: Wed Jun 12, 2024 7:38 am
by frugi
I said cut and dry for years until someone set me straight. Now I look for the opportunity to set others straight. ✌️

Re: Trump

PostPosted: Thu Jun 13, 2024 8:11 pm
by neilgin1
frugi wrote:I said cut and dry for years until someone set me straight. Now I look for the opportunity to set others straight. ✌️

here's where the action is! boy howdy!.....all i got to say is with my avatar, i miss Ike, a man who literally gave his whole life in service to country. service to country, not to his ego, or pocketbook....was he "perfect"? who is?....but he wasnt a sell out!!!!...that is all, smoke 'em if you got 'em.