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Chinese silver exports to be cut 40%

PostPosted: Thu Oct 21, 2010 4:40 pm
by Kurr
I read thison zerohedge and was wondering what every one else thought. ... ts-drop-40

And soon after the announcement which I would take to mean that pressure would be on silver to rise, we have like a 1.00 drop today on the prices. What gives?

Re: Chinese silver exports to be cut 40%

PostPosted: Thu Oct 21, 2010 8:06 pm
by theo
Interesting article. I think its more proof of the fact that China wants to have access to or be in control of as many sources of hard assets (gold, silver, copper, oil and REEs) as possible when this great game of musical chairs crashes to a halt.

Why didn't this news push silver over $25? The article was more of a summary of what as happened over the past year or two. My guess is that many of the big Ag traders already knew of the decrease in Chinese exports. Don't get me wrong announcing this to the public is positive for silver. Its just that it is apparantly not enough to counter silver's overbought condition right now.