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Maybe something to watch...

PostPosted: Sat Dec 24, 2011 4:31 pm
by Redneck
http://sherriequestioningall.blogspot.c ... rader.html

Email sent out by Roger Weigand (Trader Rog) to David Morgan (Silver-Investor) - Something Odd is happening with the Banks in Europe and exchanges Today 12/24/11.

Here is the email:

Trader Tracks Situational Alert Saturday, 12-24-11 -Christmas Eve at 740am PST - roger wiegand -Traderrog:
"We have received a report of unusual banking activity. Banking screens on 138 different currencies are show 00.000. Some rate fluctuations are beginning to appear. There have been no answers on this activity but banks have been notified to expect a large change in currency rates." (quote not attributed to protect the source).

In our view, what is happening is a massive devaluation in probably the Euro Currency relative to the values versus individual nations. The ECB loaned over $600 Billion (produced out of thin air with no collateral) last week to European Central Bank Member Nations. We think this next step is to re-configure the values of the Euro within each member country.

Obviously the little broken ones like Greece, Portugal and Ireland will be de-valued MORE relative to Germany and France. Last report we got said the consortium of countries amounted to 27 total. The B.I.S., the Bank for International Settlements in Basel, Switzerland is the bankers' bank. The BIS is very secret about their work and activities. They are probably the orchestra leader in this event.

We also noticed later Friday that the ECB is taking a $40 Million dollar lease in a New York City Building. Are they moving the whole headquarters from Brussels, or is this a newer and bigger expansion of the ECB? I think its an expansion and the IMF is fin charge for sure in charge. The IMF is gathering cash from member nations to cover their activities in propping-up Europe and who knows who else. This is all part of the grand scheme moving to a One World Government and One World Currency.

In our view, when the credit and bond markets break-down, the global Super-Crash is underway in an expansion of Greater Depression II. Read your history from 1900 to 1918. This is being exactly replicated from 2000 to 2020. The Panic of 1908 was repeated in our Panic of 2008. The bigger world war begins on schedule from 2013-2014 to 2018. We think the gold and silver rally can peak in 2017 but perhaps extend all the way to 2024.

After Obama is re-elected next year, we forecast a larger expansion of demonstrations not only throughout the world but in major cities in the USA. The calls for impeachment will reach new screaming levels after the dirtiest political campaign in history. There will be lawsuits and re-calls with lots of voter fixing and tampering. We think Romney is the GOP candidate and he will not have one chance in a one million to be elected.

Someone has filed a $1 Trillion Dollar lawsuit in this mess and there is a lock-down on information relative to the suit and to the impending (we think) devaluation. It is obvious to us that this is being done over the Christmas holiday so markets cannot react as they are closed. Many will not open until next Tuesday after the designated Monday, Christmas holiday in the USA.

If my prognosis is correct, this could be a real market mover and perhaps a real market shocker. If I am correct in my surmising what these people are doing, precious metals might rally in a vicious snap-back valuation on fear and security. Gold and silver are being technically pressured to the high side anyway. If this event proves to be true, hang on to your hat. I would not be trading anything but watching first to see what markets do in Asia on Monday evening on Bloomberg in America. -Traderrog


Re: Maybe something to watch...

PostPosted: Sat Dec 24, 2011 7:03 pm
by 68Camaro
That's an odd report - we'll see what happens soon.

Re: Maybe something to watch...

PostPosted: Sat Dec 24, 2011 11:03 pm
by aloneibreak
2011 was a rough year in a lot of ways

things HAVE to reach a boiling point soon...

Re: Maybe something to watch...

PostPosted: Sun Dec 25, 2011 1:09 am
by theo
On one hand the author is speculating off of very little hard data; a technical glitch and price flunctuations which can be explained by very light holiday trading volumes along with the lease of some NYC real estate, which could frankly mean anything. But on the other a major holiday weekend is a good time to make a dramatic move as fewer people are watching the news. I believe I saw an article about a month ago which argued exactly that point.

Thanks for posting this!

Re: Maybe something to watch...

PostPosted: Sun Dec 25, 2011 1:51 pm
by Sheikh_yer_Bu'Tay
Thanks Redneck.

That is an interesting read. It sounds like what many South American countries did in the last fifty years. Who knows if it's real?? By the time we know if it's real, it will be too late to anything about it, unless you are already 100% hard asset invested.

Re: Maybe something to watch...

PostPosted: Thu Dec 29, 2011 2:10 am
by avidbrandy
Well shorting the euro is always nice. I started at 1.42 last month and made 150% profit off of it. I'm out for now though.