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SEC Mulls Investigation Call Grow For John Boehner to Resign

PostPosted: Sat Jan 28, 2012 6:30 pm
by Ardent Listener
The SEC Mulls An Investigation Calls Grow For John Boehner To Resign

It is an ethics violation for elected officials to use their political office to perform official acts on behalf of special interests, and particularly when special interests are campaign donors. There is also a serious problem when a sitting congressional representative performs official acts for personal financial profit by promoting a project the representative has a financial stake in. The problem becomes egregious when the elected official lies about a project to profit himself and campaign donors and our current Speaker of the House has taken those issues a step farther. On Thursday, the Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) received a complaint from an environmental group with accusations that the proposed Keystone XL pipeline’s owners (TransCanada) are in violation of SEC Rule 10b(5) – Employment of Manipulative and Deceptive Practices to bolster stock prices.

Re: SEC Mulls Investigation Call Grow For John Boehner to Re

PostPosted: Sat Jan 28, 2012 11:24 pm
by theo
Sounds a little far fetched not to mention desparate. A mutual fund that Boehner doesn't have any control over owns a few shares of Transcanada and this is supposed to be Watergate? Also I believe the Boehner's comments are statements of opinion supported by expert analysis. Any investigation by SEC would be nothing more than political intimidation.