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Will Obama move more towards the center economically?

PostPosted: Thu Nov 04, 2010 10:29 am
by Ardent Listener
Now that the Republicans hold the majority in the house do you believe that President Obama will move towards the center economically and work with them much like President Bill Clinton did?

Re: Will Obama move more towards the center economically?

PostPosted: Thu Nov 04, 2010 11:22 am
by AGCoinHunter
From looking at the highlights of his speech yesterday (I will never listen to this POS) I firmly feel the answer is No. He is an ideologue who refuses to listen. Thing with Clinton was he had been in the position as a state governor to work with the other side to get things done. Obama sat in a chair and voted present on things where he didn’t want to make a decision. He has never had to work with anyone to get anything done. This was concern was repeatedly made during the primaries and during his election run but everyone was caught up in all the hype. Many saw through him. He feels he was brought in as a mandate on capitalism and must fundamentally change the US to socialism. I am looking forward to 2 years of his repeated attempts to circumnavigate the constitution and the bit*h slaps that are coming his way.

Re: Will Obama move more towards the center economically?

PostPosted: Thu Nov 04, 2010 9:27 pm
by Rosco
AGC You clearly Said what I believe. The left an the teachers of that ilk' poke at any challenge to their Knowing It All. A Conservative ran against a out spoken Socialist an is still being attack after the Election With Bulling hateful words in letter to editor from A high School Journalism teacher ( fringe scientist Art Robinson an his crackpot Ideas).
I think primarily due to his Home Schooling his children until they went to Collage, several now have Doctorates of their own. School teachers gave money to his opponent an he did win , But Robinson has declared he will be back in two years to run again. He will get my contribution again an probably twice as much.

Hopefully the Republicans realize we want Smaller government an less top down direction, I also desire fairer tax programs thought out in Public hearings not behind closed doors :evil:

Re: Will Obama move more towards the center economically?

PostPosted: Fri Nov 05, 2010 9:06 pm
by apdigs8
republicans and dems want the same thing; bigger government; more wars; more money printing; less personal freedom. Stop giving your money to democrats and republicans. INCLUDING RON PAUL, etc... anyone they let on the Tel Avision is a shill at best... This is all a charade. Behind closed doors, reps + dems are the same team... in public... they put on an act for the masses and pretend to hate each other... only the very best actors go on to become politicians. ( like arnold for example - very good actor... I would say 10/10... very good politician... I would say 10.5/10... extra .5 is for him wearing that nazi swastika belt buckle on the cover of a famous magazine... he completely bankrupt ( aka completely enslaved ) commiefornia... played a big role in bringing our economy to a grinding halt when you think about it...
some of the most productive land in this country is in california... but they are so saddle with debt... they will raise taxes so high and kill off practically every business except a few big monopolies

I think Obama will be president one way or another for at least 2 full terms. Just my opinion. I could see him being blamed for the economy getting very bad-- and I wouldn't blame the nwo for throwing him under the bus in favor of new blood... Just my wild ass guess from where I'm sitting right now...

It's frustrating to see so many people STILL stuck in the left/ right paradigm in 2010... but I'm always encouraged by the few waking up each day...

Re: Will Obama move more towards the center economically?

PostPosted: Sat Nov 06, 2010 7:10 pm
by AGCoinHunter
apdigs8 wrote:republicans and dems want the same thing; bigger government; more wars; more money printing; less personal freedom. Stop giving your money to democrats and republicans. INCLUDING RON PAUL, etc... anyone they let on the Tel Avision is a shill at best... This is all a charade. Behind closed doors, reps + dems are the same team... in public... they put on an act for the masses and pretend to hate each other... only the very best actors go on to become politicians. ( like arnold for example - very good actor... I would say 10/10... very good politician... I would say 10.5/10... extra .5 is for him wearing that nazi swastika belt buckle on the cover of a famous magazine... he completely bankrupt ( aka completely enslaved ) commiefornia... played a big role in bringing our economy to a grinding halt when you think about it...
some of the most productive land in this country is in california... but they are so saddle with debt... they will raise taxes so high and kill off practically every business except a few big monopolies

I think Obama will be president one way or another for at least 2 full terms. Just my opinion. I could see him being blamed for the economy getting very bad-- and I wouldn't blame the nwo for throwing him under the bus in favor of new blood... Just my wild ass guess from where I'm sitting right now...

It's frustrating to see so many people STILL stuck in the left/ right paradigm in 2010... but I'm always encouraged by the few waking up each day...

I think you are correct in saying that Republicans and Democrats are the same thing just different sheep skins. I do believe that we as Americans can hold them accountable and if they are not willing to do as we want to get rid of them. I believe there is an awakening happening in this country. Will it gain steam and actually throw out all the bums who have gotten us to where we are now? Who knows but it is time for citizens to stick up for themselves and for what is right with this country. Anything less we will become Europe lite.