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We Are This Far From A Turnkey Totalitarian State" - Big Bro

PostPosted: Sat Mar 17, 2012 9:08 pm
by theo
George Orwell was right. He was just 30 years early.

In its April cover story, Wired has an exclusive report on the NSA's Utah Data Center, which is a must read for anyone who believes any privacy is still a possibility in the United States: "A project of immense secrecy, it is the final piece in a complex puzzle assembled over the past decade. Its purpose: to intercept, decipher, analyze, and store vast swaths of the world’s communications as they zap down from satellites and zip through the underground and undersea cables of international, foreign, and domestic networks.... Flowing through its servers and routers and stored in near-bottomless databases will be all forms of communication, including the complete contents of private emails, cell phone calls, and Google searches, as well as all sorts of personal data trails—parking receipts, travel itineraries, bookstore purchases, and other digital “pocket litter.”... The heavily fortified $2 billion center should be up and running in September 2013." In other words, in just over 1 year, virtually anything one communicates through any traceable medium, or any record of one's existence in the electronic medium, which these days is everything, will unofficially be property of the US government to deal with as it sees fit... As former NSA operative William Binney who was a senior NSA crypto-mathematician, and is the basis for the Wired article (which we guess makes him merely the latest whistleblower to step up: is America suddenly experiencing an ethical revulsion?), and quit his job only after he realized that the NSA is now openly trampling the constitution, says as he holds his thumb and forefinger close together. "We are, like, that far from a turnkey totalitarian state." ... ember-2013

I've always feared something like this. However, even if only half of this article is true, its much worse than I thought.

Re: We Are This Far From A Turnkey Totalitarian State" - Big

PostPosted: Sat Mar 17, 2012 9:27 pm
by aloneibreak
good read

hard to comprehend the sheer volume of data that can be stored

even harder to comprehend how the american people can stand for this...

Re: We Are This Far From A Turnkey Totalitarian State" - Big

PostPosted: Sat Mar 17, 2012 10:12 pm
by Z00
Orwell wasn't 30 years early.
As usual it took our government 30 years to get it's act together.

Now that it has the ducks all lined up, let's see if it can get them all marching in the same direction.

I seriously believe this will be a pivotal year. If you are not prepared for almost any eventuality, you better practice putting you head between your knees.

Re: We Are This Far From A Turnkey Totalitarian State" - Big

PostPosted: Sat Mar 17, 2012 11:05 pm
by theo
I started worrying about this when I first saw "Person of Interest" on CBS, where a powerful computer program predicts futue crimes using captured personal data. I thought that if they are discussing this capability during a T.V. show, what can their actual systems do?

Until recently I argued that overt oppression on the part of the government would be very difficult, since it doesn't possess the necesaary security forces to physically control such a large popluation. Unfortunately I miscalculated. Who needs the Gestopo to rough up troublesome individuals, when they could just as easily be hit with a computer virus or become the victim of identity theft.

Re: We Are This Far From A Turnkey Totalitarian State" - Big

PostPosted: Sun Mar 18, 2012 12:41 am
by Z00
Here is some more good news: ... lance.html

If you understand the implications of the new IPV6 adressing system then you will fully understand the capabilities of this scenario.

Re: We Are This Far From A Turnkey Totalitarian State" - Big

PostPosted: Sun Mar 18, 2012 9:03 am
by 68Camaro
Just an hour ago the wife and I were drinking coffee while she flipped through her usual early morning home improvement shows when on comes this ad for a product / service that allows you to control your entire home remotely from anywhere. Of course I know this has been developing, and parts of it available for some time, but this is the first true commercial that I've seen for a whole house, if not whole life, product. I turn to her and we give each other the look, and I say - the sad thing is that people will line up for this and be eager to get it. They are just making it easier for big brother to control them. We are there folks, there is nothing left except powder, lead, and disobedience to protect us from a dictator. And there are, I fear, too few of us to make a difference, as the sheep will actively participate in surpressing freedom lovers and will help hunt us down and turn us in. For any president that declares emergency powers - once those declared he/she will never have to give that power up. And we've done it to ourselves because we - as a society - value "security" over liberty. How sad... and scary for my children.

Re: We Are This Far From A Turnkey Totalitarian State" - Big

PostPosted: Sun Mar 18, 2012 10:07 am
by NDFarmer
I just had my drivers license picture taken last week. I wear glasses all the time and have always had my picture taken with my glasses on. Well this time the guy tells me I have to take my glasses off. I said I always wear them and I prefer to leave them on. He said no you HAVE to take them off. I ask why? Then he tells me because my glasses might interfere with the states facial recognition software. So I asked if I refuse to take them off then what. He said if you don't take them off you don't get your drivers license renewed. I didn't want to do it but I took them off because I was forced to comply with the states rules. I can't live without a drivers license.

I wonder how advanced the states facial recognition software is? Every time I go to a store or through an intersection that has a camera will they be able to track my movement?

Re: We Are This Far From A Turnkey Totalitarian State" - Big

PostPosted: Sun Mar 18, 2012 10:43 am
by Delawhere Jack
I've got to believe a lot of what is stated in the article is psych-ops. Capturing a phone call by "sniffing" the fiber is possible, since (so far as I know), most phone calls still rely on virtual circuit connections, ie. a path is established when the call begins, and remains consistent until the call ends. Internet packet traffic is much different, there is no single path for a given "transaction". If you send a large email, it could consist of tens or hundreds of packets. These packets may not all follow the same path to the destination. Routing is dynamic, and if one of the routes along the way becomes congested during the transmission, the remaining packets are rerouted through different "hops". This would make "sniffing the wire" rather ineffectual in capturing Internet traffic. UNLESS they have the cooperation of the large telecoms in capturing everything that crosses their networks.

The shear volume of data that crosses the Internet is mind boggling. If they can efficiently ignore streaming audio and video (Netflix, Hulu, I Heart Radio etc.), then they've probably reduced the volume by 90% +. That still leaves an enormous amount of data. Without filtering for specific(s) of source or destination IP or email address, I doubt that any supercomputer could ever keep up with the flow. If they had to cache everything, they would never catch up, especially if they mirrorred everything crossing the fiber to a single location.

Don't get me wrong, I am VERY concerned about Big Brother aspect emerging in our Federal government. Personally I'd be more concerned about ISP's sharing your browsing habits, which could get you categorized as a person of interest.

BTW, I wholeheartedly believe that Google is working hand in hand with our intelligence agencies.

Re: We Are This Far From A Turnkey Totalitarian State" - Big

PostPosted: Sun Mar 18, 2012 11:41 am
by Z00
NDFarmer wrote:I wonder how advanced the states facial recognition software is? Every time I go to a store or through an intersection that has a camera will they be able to track my movement?

The short answer is YES.
The technoligy is becoming more sophisticated every day. Retinal scan ID is as good as fingerprinting.

Re: We Are This Far From A Turnkey Totalitarian State" - Big

PostPosted: Sun Mar 18, 2012 12:07 pm
by Z00
As far as the "whole house" monitoring thing is concerned, many people think that it makes no difference if they are not actually connected to the net all the time. They need to pay attention to BPL (Broadband by Power Line) and the experimental programs that are underway as we speak. A couple of years ago a test program was launched with BPL in Tazmania. It was selected because of the ease of having a fairly large population on the grid and within a defined area of a manageable size. BPL is 1000's of times faster than any present broadband that you currently know of. That combined with IPV6 which has the capability of each individual on this planet to be assigned 1000's of net addresses for their appliances etc. makes for a total surveilance of your daily activity from when you open the fridge door for your morning OJ to when you set your alarm clock at night.
These chips are being embedded into every device you buy today.

Think about it folks. Think very very hard. You wont like where this could possibly be headed.

Re: We Are This Far From A Turnkey Totalitarian State" - Big

PostPosted: Sun Mar 18, 2012 3:48 pm
by NDFarmer
Z00 wrote:These chips are being embedded into every device you buy today.

Think about it folks. Think very very hard. You wont like where this could possibly be headed.

How long before they put a chip in us?

Re: We Are This Far From A Turnkey Totalitarian State" - Big

PostPosted: Sun Mar 18, 2012 4:42 pm
by Z00
NDFarmer wrote:
Z00 wrote:These chips are being embedded into every device you buy today.

Think about it folks. Think very very hard. You wont like where this could possibly be headed.

How long before they put a chip in us?

You do NOT even want to go there. Dont get me started on that one, my blood pressure is bad enough as it is!

Re: We Are This Far From A Turnkey Totalitarian State" - Big

PostPosted: Sun Mar 18, 2012 5:37 pm
by avidbrandy
Ha. was gonna link to Wired's article on this as soon as I saw this topic but then I realized ZeroHedge links to it.

Re: We Are This Far From A Turnkey Totalitarian State" - Big

PostPosted: Sun Mar 18, 2012 10:45 pm
by John_doe
what is the purpose of law if no one obeys it, including the individuals writing legislation.

Re: We Are This Far From A Turnkey Totalitarian State" - Big

PostPosted: Sun Mar 18, 2012 10:48 pm
by John_doe
i personally feel more violated and threatened by these things as opposed to being "protected."

i in all honesty don't see this working. they will be overthrown or the failure to produce the type of intelligence they were looking for will eventually make the funding outweigh the reward. the reward being that they are nerdy peeping toms. creepy.

Re: We Are This Far From A Turnkey Totalitarian State" - Big

PostPosted: Sun Mar 18, 2012 11:01 pm
by Z00
John_doe wrote:i personally feel more violated and threatened by these things as opposed to being "protected."

i in all honesty don't see this working. they will be overthrown or the failure to produce the type of intelligence they were looking for will eventually make the funding outweigh the reward. the reward being that they are nerdy peeping toms. creepy.

And how long will it take for that realization to surface? Will you live that long?
What are you doing to CYA in the meantime? Do you not feel the need to do so?
Do you know what a BOHICA is? How many US citizens do you think are even paying attention?

Re: We Are This Far From A Turnkey Totalitarian State" - Big

PostPosted: Mon Mar 19, 2012 2:39 am
by Rosco
Thanks Guys that is really going to help ME sleep better Not

Re: We Are This Far From A Turnkey Totalitarian State" - Big

PostPosted: Mon Mar 19, 2012 8:36 am
by Hawkeye
Great. This gives me a warm, fuzzy feeling. I'm sure I've already been flagged. A couple years ago, a guy around here killed another guy, burned the body and dumped the ashes in a field. But he just dumped them in one big pile, somebody noticed and he got caught. I was talking about it with a friend and we were wondering how much ash a body would produce. So, being an idiot, I googled "how much ash does a burned body produce." I got my answer, and few minutes later, my mind had changed tracks and I started looking at old military rifles. Google search: "cheap military surplus rifles." If those two searches back to back didn't get me flagged, I don't know what will. :shock:

Re: We Are This Far From A Turnkey Totalitarian State" - Big

PostPosted: Mon Mar 19, 2012 8:39 am
by 68Camaro
Great - now I'm flagged by association with you! ;)

Re: We Are This Far From A Turnkey Totalitarian State" - Big

PostPosted: Mon Mar 19, 2012 9:22 am
by beauanderos
Hawkeye wrote:Great. This gives me a warm, fuzzy feeling. I'm sure I've already been flagged. A couple years ago, a guy around here killed another guy, burned the body and dumped the ashes in a field. But he just dumped them in one big pile, somebody noticed and he got caught. I was talking about it with a friend and we were wondering how much ash a body would produce. So, being an idiot, I googled "how much ash does a burned body produce." I got my answer, and few minutes later, my mind had changed tracks and I started looking at old military rifles. Google search: "cheap military surplus rifles." If those two searches back to back didn't get me flagged, I don't know what will. :shock:

Be interested in knowing what kind of pop-up ads you get? Sniper schools? Cemetery plots? Crematoriums? :lol:

Re: We Are This Far From A Turnkey Totalitarian State" - Big

PostPosted: Mon Mar 19, 2012 12:58 pm
by moparal7 Here are 2 websites for privacy minded indivduals.

Re: We Are This Far From A Turnkey Totalitarian State" - Big

PostPosted: Mon Mar 19, 2012 3:49 pm
by Engineer
Here's another good one. It not only blocks hidden trackers, but it also shows you what its blocking.

An added benefit is that it makes pages load MUCH quicker if you're on dialup or saves bandwidth if you're on a data plan.

Re: We Are This Far From A Turnkey Totalitarian State" - Big

PostPosted: Mon Mar 19, 2012 5:46 pm
by avidbrandy
beauanderos wrote:
Hawkeye wrote:Great. This gives me a warm, fuzzy feeling. I'm sure I've already been flagged. A couple years ago, a guy around here killed another guy, burned the body and dumped the ashes in a field. But he just dumped them in one big pile, somebody noticed and he got caught. I was talking about it with a friend and we were wondering how much ash a body would produce. So, being an idiot, I googled "how much ash does a burned body produce." I got my answer, and few minutes later, my mind had changed tracks and I started looking at old military rifles. Google search: "cheap military surplus rifles." If those two searches back to back didn't get me flagged, I don't know what will. :shock:

Be interested in knowing what kind of pop-up ads you get? Sniper schools? Cemetery plots? Crematoriums? :lol:

Naw all his ads are for Lysol, cologne, and large rugs now. :D

Re: We Are This Far From A Turnkey Totalitarian State" - Big

PostPosted: Mon Mar 19, 2012 7:25 pm
by John_doe
Z00 wrote:
John_doe wrote:i personally feel more violated and threatened by these things as opposed to being "protected."

i in all honesty don't see this working. they will be overthrown or the failure to produce the type of intelligence they were looking for will eventually make the funding outweigh the reward. the reward being that they are nerdy peeping toms. creepy.

And how long will it take for that realization to surface? Will you live that long?
What are you doing to CYA in the meantime? Do you not feel the need to do so?
Do you know what a BOHICA is? How many US citizens do you think are even paying attention?

I'm going to do what im going to do, regardless of what they do. :D

It is creepy that they have no life of their own however.

Re: We Are This Far From A Turnkey Totalitarian State" - Big

PostPosted: Wed Mar 21, 2012 3:30 am
by Redneck

"Resistance Is Futile. You Will Be Assimilated!"

Connecticut Advances RFID License Plate Legislation


Connecticut Advances RFID License Plate Legislation

Connecticut Senate Transportation Committee backs bill to explore implanting electronic tracking chips on license plates.

A lobbyist for the Radio Frequency Identification (RFID) industry has convinced Connecticut legislators to consider implanting spy chips on the state's license plates. Last Wednesday, the state Senate Transportation Committee voted unanimously to pass a bill asking the Department of Motor Vehicles to create a report on the implementation of RFID for motor vehicle registration by January 1.

Implanting the chips on license plates would enable real-time monitoring of all vehicles by positioning tracking stations at key points throughout the state. The main interest behind the bill is to generate automated ticket for drivers whose vehicle registration, emissions or insurance certification may have lapsed for a day or two. RFID makes photo enforcement systems far more accurate. Instead of having optical character recognition software identify vehicles from a picture of a license plate -- often guessing when images are unclear -- the chips would broadcast vehicle identity to nearby stations under all weather conditions.

Former astronaut Paul Scully-Power brought the idea to the attention of lawmakers. Scully-Power stands to profit significantly should the technology be adapted at the state level, as he is the former CEO of Mikoh Corporation and SensorConnect Inc, both of which sell RFID solutions. Scully-Power's written testimony to highlighted how legislators would fare equally well by adopting the technology.

"There are two main reasons for the Department of Transportation to adopt this type of program," Scully-Power wrote in his testimony. "One, to validate that every vehicle conforms to state regulations. Two, to provide considerable income to the state by identifying vehicles that are violating the existing laws of Connecticut.... The state would collect $29,619,500 per year or $79,858,500 in the same three-year period compared to the $594,000 it was able to collect."

The financial estimates were based on the number of uninsured drivers the system could hit with $100 tickets. The system also would increase the profitability of red light cameras, which the legislature is currently considering authorizing.

"An RFID program would be phased in gradually and then expanded to accomplish other policing tasks without having to change equipment," Scully-Power wrote. "The second phase would be to implement speeding violations."

A copy of the legislation is available in a 210k PDF file at the source link below.

Source: Senate Bill 288 (Connecticut General Assembly, 3/14/2012)
