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April 2012 Market Report

PostPosted: Thu Apr 12, 2012 10:55 am
by 68Camaro
April 2012

Again, I have posted very little the past two months plus, because frankly there has been little new. The global crisis continues, the MSM cover-up continues, the PM futures market manipulation continues, and unlike "Rantin' Andy" I'm not going to get myself worked up into a stroke about something that just is, which I can't change.

However, the Indian jeweler's strike has ended, and after a record-setting series of weeks of significant PM market supression, another attempt to lift-off is happening today. Sooner or later one of these is going to take off, and we will have no warning of it, because - frankly, we don't have the data behind what is driving the forces. We don't know the real amounts of shorting, or who the player's are. We don't know the real above-ground reserves. We don't know the real demand. But the sense is that the amount of available physical is dimininshing, and when it hits a certain point, all hell will break loose.

(Mar 2012 thread is here) viewtopic.php?f=17&t=13243
(Feb 2012 thread is here)
(Jan 2012 thread is here)
(Dec 2011 thread is here)
Post on pro/cons/procedure for taking possession of physical stock certificates
- ... 59#p104013
(Nov 2011 thread is here)
(Oct 2011 thread is here)

Re: April 2012 Market Report

PostPosted: Thu Apr 12, 2012 11:59 am
by 68Camaro
Broad market going up, so PMs are allowed to go up. Let's see if gold will get capped at 1%.

Re: April 2012 Market Report

PostPosted: Thu Apr 12, 2012 12:48 pm
by theo
As of this minute gold is up exactly 1%. Silver, being more volatile, is allowed to run up between 2% and 3%. Honestly, I don't have the technical understanding to identify the specific manipulation, But the redundant patterns are pretty hard to miss.

Re: April 2012 Market Report

PostPosted: Thu Apr 12, 2012 12:57 pm
by theo
In truth, things aren't too different from when the gold price was set at $35. However today silver is included too and the set "market" prices float allowing the bullion banks to make some money by fleecing the over-extended longs (who foolishly think they are operating in a traditional market). It really is a brilliant system for as long as it lasts.

Re: April 2012 Market Report

PostPosted: Thu Apr 12, 2012 3:23 pm
by 68Camaro
It's laughable that the "rules" are so transparent. That amateurs like us can learn these "rules" of TPTB control within a relatively short period of time (albeit substantially aided by professional market watchers) and know with a fair amount of certainty that gold is going to be capped at a 1% rise on a Dow up day. They even bring it in for a "landing". It overcorrects or undercorrects slightly, so they tweak it down to as close to 1% as possible.