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Burger King Vows Cage Free Chicken and Pork

PostPosted: Thu Apr 26, 2012 1:09 pm
by smartinson
[url][/url] 47172360/business-us business

Just another fast food establishment trying to make our life better and that of all the animals. After all we must be concerned about where the eggs and bacon come from and who wouldn't want the dear chickens and pigs to be uncomfortable before we decide to take them to the slaughter house so that we can have a bacon, sausage, egg crousant.

Maybe the do gooders might decide to let the Michigan Farmers sell their pigs to Burger King instead of just shooting them. Pigs out of the cage or pigs in the cage??????

Opinions?? Mine, just another way to have to raise prices to compensate for the cost of making the chickens and pigs more comfortable.

Re: Burger King Vows Cage Free Chicken and Pork

PostPosted: Thu Apr 26, 2012 1:15 pm
by 97guns
tastes the same to me

Re: Burger King Vows Cage Free Chicken and Pork

PostPosted: Thu Apr 26, 2012 3:24 pm
by smartinson
Don't eat at Burger King or McDonalds or Wendy's, there isn't any in our area but now I wonder if the eggs were collected or the pigs were fed by a child on a family farm. Should we ask when we order. What will come next that we should worry about. Should we ask if the eggs they use are from cage free chickens?

Personally, to me it doesn't matter either way, it is just another really stupid thing that someone dreamed up.

Re: Burger King Vows Cage Free Chicken and Pork

PostPosted: Thu Apr 26, 2012 3:27 pm
by hobo finds
Only way prices rise is when Mc Donnalds follows #2 BK on this. BK is only doing this to make people feel better!

Re: Burger King Vows Cage Free Chicken and Pork

PostPosted: Thu Apr 26, 2012 3:58 pm
by smartinson
Ok, you are probably right. When I get up in the morning and fry the bacon and eggs I will feel much better knowing that I at least have bacon and eggs in the ref. to cook. Probably won't worry about if it came from cage free animals or not.

Think I will just go turn off the TV, sort some more CU and not listen to the news so much.

Re: Burger King Vows Cage Free Chicken and Pork

PostPosted: Thu Apr 26, 2012 5:05 pm
by Beau
you can add WalMart to the list.
when you buy sausage and biscuits you expect to get a little sausage, but that is what you get now a little.
you get mostly biscuits and thin sausage that is not big enough to cover the biscuits.
everything in WalMart is the same size package, but half full now.

I think I will kill a pig to get sausage for Wal Marts BISCUITS.

Re: Burger King Vows Cage Free Chicken and Pork

PostPosted: Thu Apr 26, 2012 5:27 pm
by Market Harmony
PETA folks need to eat, too I guess

Re: Burger King Vows Cage Free Chicken and Pork

PostPosted: Thu Apr 26, 2012 5:44 pm
by Engineer
I know it isn't feasible for everyone here, but buying half pigs or quarter beefs from a small local meat processor really is the way to go.

Re: Burger King Vows Cage Free Chicken and Pork

PostPosted: Thu Apr 26, 2012 6:17 pm
by smartinson
PETA folks just eat tofu.

Personally, I buy RANGE FED not cage free eggs from a friend for $1.50 a dozen, eat deer sausage when someone wants to share (definately don't hunt), purchase a 4-H animal occassionally and have it processed. All are much better than store bought. I do frequent the grocery store also.

I think it is just all political and someone will profit from the whole thing in the form of tax $$ to rebuild barns and buildings to meet standards set forth. Another committee will have to be set up to police the producers to make sure everything is done properly. I don't feel like Cage Free is much better than caged. Free Range is better.

Re: Burger King Vows Cage Free Chicken and Pork

PostPosted: Thu Apr 26, 2012 8:40 pm
by twentybux
I have no problem with PETA folk. In fact I am one. You know PETA- people eating tasty animals. :twisted:

Re: Burger King Vows Cage Free Chicken and Pork

PostPosted: Thu Apr 26, 2012 8:49 pm
by knibloe
Engineer wrote:I know it isn't feasible for everyone here, but buying half pigs or quarter beefs from a small local meat processor really is the way to go.

We raise our own beef. We have three of them on the hoof in the back yard (literally) right now. The grass in the pasture isn't growing fast enough yet, so I put up a temp fence in the back year adn won't have to mow it this week.

Re: Burger King Vows Cage Free Chicken and Pork

PostPosted: Thu Apr 26, 2012 9:35 pm
by smartinson
When I first read "BK vows cage free chicken and pork" and began reading it sort of made me angry. Why? Not sure. I kept reading and it is not the poor chickens and pigs we should be concerned about but the poor farmers. HR 3798 - HSUS and the Rotten Egg Bill made things alot more clear. Just another way for our gov. to control our lives. Well control the food chain and farmers. Pigs and chickens, next comes beef.

The questions have been answered and so for now enjoy what you have. More is coming.

If things get too bad, there are lots of rattlesnakes and rabbits where I live. No better time to start stocking up on things.

Enjoying all the post!

Re: Burger King Vows Cage Free Chicken and Pork

PostPosted: Thu Apr 26, 2012 10:20 pm
by John_doe
97guns wrote:tastes the same to me

yea where's the fun in that?

Re: Burger King Vows Cage Free Chicken and Pork

PostPosted: Mon Apr 30, 2012 7:45 pm
by fb101
I'm gonna have to concede that the organic chickens we get from a local store actually are better, but I'm not restricting my chicken buying to that.
Around me I notice burger kings are beginning to fail (spell that C.L.O.S.E) while McDonalds are not. I guess it's BK trying to get animal friendly.
Good luck to them. One thing about the radicals, once you give them an inch, they wrap it around your neck real tight.
I hope to see some of them when TSHTF and they come to realize how incredibly spoiled they (we) are to be able to pick and choose what we eat at all.

Re: Burger King Vows Cage Free Chicken and Pork

PostPosted: Tue May 01, 2012 9:56 pm
by smartinson
It is not really about the chicken or the egg or the pig or the pork. They really could care less about chickens or pigs. It is about the $$$'s. It is about having control of the small farmers and regulations, rules, laws and again $$$'s. You are right, when they get their foot in the door, no way to get them out. Control, Control, Control.

I, too, have be guilty of purchasing a certain brand of eggs that are better than the cheaper kind. They are much fresher and taste totally different. I checked on the package today and it said vegetarian fed. Not sure what that means. Never even noticed it, just like the eggs.