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Who will win GOP nomination?

PostPosted: Mon May 07, 2012 9:26 pm
by moparal7
Sherrie Questioning All
I am a seeker of TRUTH sharing it with others. Sometimes truth frightens people which is not my intent. My intent is for everyone to claim their own power through knowledge! Everyone has untapped Energy within themselves and truth channeled into LOVE for each other and all things can change our world, we do have the Power on our side! We ARE the Power together and able to change it all through LOVE and LIGHT!


Monday, May 7, 2012Maine Republican Delegates: Ron Paul 21 - Romney 3! Romney side says "Will not recognize Paul Delegates at GOP Convention," Video of Proof of Romney cheating at the Maine Convention
The Maine GOP State Convention happened this weekend (5/5-5/6). Ron Paul walked away with 21 delegates to Romney's 3 delegates.

Ron Paul got the majority of the delegates from Maine. The Romney group is saying since rules were not adhered to they will not seat the delegates at the GOP convention nor recognize the delegates for Ron Paul.

Charles Cragin, a Romney supporter who lost Saturday's bid to chair the convention, called the turn of events at the Maine convention "bizarre."

Cragin said the Paul-led delegation may not be recognized at the national convention because of violations of rules of procedure.

"They have so phenomenally screwed this up that they will go to Tampa and not be seated," Cragin said.

Paul supporters/delegates at the Maine Convention said that the Romney people tried to cheat in various ways, from copying Paul's sheet and putting Romney's delegates on it to confuse the Paul people and then putting FAKE delegates for Paul on sheets and ballot tampering.

The announcement of Maine's at-large delegates came in the wake of charges and counter-charges of ballot tampering and other indiscretions leading to the election of a Paul slate and the mainstream faction's efforts to block it.
Paul supporters accused the Romney crowd of photocopying copies of the Paul slate and substituting Romney backers to trick delegates.
Here is a video proving the Romney cheating

The convention was the best attended ever and the Romney mainstream people were out numbered by the Paul supporters.

The state convention was one of the best attended, with nearly 2,800 delegates, party leaders said. Despite the division, many mainstream Republicans who were outflanked by the Paul supporters drew consolation from the injection of new energy in the party.

Iowa's Convention was dominated by Paul supporters with Ron Paul walking away with the majority of the delegates for that state too. He has a minimum 10 of the 13 delegates for the state for the GOP convention.

Ron Paul won 25 of the 28 delegates from Nevada.

It seems Romney is so desperate and the main stream is so desperate now that they are doing all they can to cheat and get delegates. Yet MSM is still saying "Romney is the GOP candidate."

As I see it the voting has been fraud throughout the states and has been proven over and over again. Now they are trying to cheat with the election of delegates. What is great is the Paul supporters are among the Awake and Aware and they are looking and watching for all the cheating that is trying to be done by Romney. They are not going to let it happen.

Now..... just imagine what it is going to be like at the convention! WOW it will be possibly the most amazing GOP convention ever! Ron Paul Delegates Standing UP over and over again causing a brokered convention due to Romney not getting the 1144 delegates needed during the first round to be the GOP candidate! Once going to a brokered Convention............. Paul could come out the WINNER and the GOP Candidate!

The stuttering and stammering from MSM would/will be priceless!

It is getting EXCITING!

WE the People ARE Waking UP!

Re: Who will win GOP nomination?

PostPosted: Tue May 08, 2012 11:56 am
by Jonflyfish
Asking who will win is different than pumping and pushing Ron Paul.
But to answer the question, 100% certain that Romney wins.
I'll bet 100 oz of gold on that for equal payout.
BTW- in case one is curious about reality vs fantasy before betting their gold-

Ron Paul has 76 delegates and Mitt Romney has 832.
Ron Paul needs 1068 more to win the GOP
Romney needs 312
Do the math.

Re: Who will win GOP nomination?

PostPosted: Tue May 08, 2012 12:20 pm
by 68Camaro
Hey that's better odds than Greek bonds at 20% par (which there are actually people buying)!


Re: Who will win GOP nomination?

PostPosted: Tue May 08, 2012 1:38 pm
by Jonflyfish
68Camaro wrote:Hey that's better odds than Greek bonds at 20% par (which there are actually people buying)!


Who, the Spaniards? :lol:

Re: Who will win GOP nomination?

PostPosted: Tue May 08, 2012 8:02 pm
by natsb88
Jonflyfish wrote:BTW- in case one is curious about reality vs fantasy before betting their gold-

Ron Paul has 76 delegates and Mitt Romney has 832.
Ron Paul needs 1068 more to win the GOP
Romney needs 312
Do the math.

Not saying RP is going to win, but the delegate counts the media is "reporting" are wrong. They are awarding delegates in non-binding states proportionally, which is not how it works. Those delegates can vote for anybody they please, and those are the states the RP campaign has (successfully) focused on getting supporters into delegate slots. In reality, nobody can say what the real delegate count is until the convention, because those unbound delegates don't have to make up their mind until they pass out the ballots. Ron Paul doesn't need 1068 more delegates to affect the convention, all he has to do is prevent Romney from getting 1144 on the first round. On a second round vote, ALL delegates are unbound. Then who knows...

The GOP has already shown that it will do whatever it takes to prevent RP from being the nominee; my point is simply that the media is lying when they say authoritatively that "this is the delegate count." It is factually impossible to provide an accurate count. All they can do is estimate.

Re: Who will win GOP nomination?

PostPosted: Tue May 08, 2012 8:23 pm
by Jonflyfish
natsb88 wrote:
Jonflyfish wrote:BTW- in case one is curious about reality vs fantasy before betting their gold-

Ron Paul has 76 delegates and Mitt Romney has 832.
Ron Paul needs 1068 more to win the GOP
Romney needs 312
Do the math.

Not saying RP is going to win, but the delegate counts the media is "reporting" are wrong. They are awarding delegates in non-binding states proportionally, which is not how it works. Those delegates can vote for anybody they please, and those are the states the RP campaign has (successfully) focused on getting supporters into delegate slots. In reality, nobody can say what the real delegate count is until the convention, because those unbound delegates don't have to make up their mind until they pass out the ballots. Ron Paul doesn't need 1068 more delegates to affect the convention, all he has to do is prevent Romney from getting 1144 on the first round. On a second round vote, ALL delegates are unbound. Then who knows...

The GOP has already shown that it will do whatever it takes to prevent RP from being the nominee; my point is simply that the media is lying when they say authoritatively that "this is the delegate count." It is factually impossible to provide an accurate count. All they can do is estimate.

I wasn't saying what is needed to affect the convention. My point was to show how many delegates are needed to win outright, given the 1144 threshold. Looking at

and the Romney endorsements, it is not even a remote chance for anyone else to win. I'll put 100 oz gold bet on it. That's more than old man Jack and crew mined for an entire season in the Klondike :lol:
BTW- I'm not endorsing or stating my political views, just answering the thread topic.


Re: Who will win GOP nomination?

PostPosted: Wed May 09, 2012 11:58 am
by copperhead57
Romney obviously will be the nominee.

If Romney wins in November, Ron Paul may end up being the Secretary of the Treasury.

Re: Who will win GOP nomination?

PostPosted: Wed May 09, 2012 12:32 pm
by NHsorter
Oh, Sec of Treasury would be cool. Then we would just need 5 people to simultaneously croak.

Re: Who will win GOP nomination?

PostPosted: Fri May 11, 2012 9:18 am
by natsb88

Re: Who will win GOP nomination?

PostPosted: Sun May 13, 2012 9:44 am
by CtrlAltBernanke
I made this a few months ago and it scared the crap out of all my GOP friends who did not vote for Paul. If the election were held today, Ohio would go to Obama and that's a fact.

Re: Who will win GOP nomination?

PostPosted: Sun May 13, 2012 7:31 pm
by deacon
Romney will probably win the nomination, but not the general election. With that said; RP 2012!