Hawaiian punch

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Hawaiian punch

Postby moparal7 » Wed Jun 20, 2012 9:14 pm

Sunday, June 17, 2012The Sun Yat- sen (first Communist President of China) and Obama connection. Both got "Birth Certificates out of Hawaii" besides more coincidences.
Someone alerted me to read about Sun Yat-sen - China's first President that took the country to communist rule from the Dynasty.

The man began working on a revolution in China and formed an alliance with communist parties. He had trouble going in and out of the U.S.. Though he was born on 12 November 1866 in village of Cuiheng China, in 1904 Hawaii issued him a birth certificate, stating he was born there.

The "Live Certificate of Birth" in Hawaii was a full 38 years after he was born! They gave a 38 year old person a document stating he was born in Hawaii! They did this due to "witnesses" that stated he was born there! They did this so he would be a "citizen" of the U.S. and thus did not have problems going in and out of the U.S.! He had to be able to go back and forth to put together the full revolution and take over the country of China with some help from some inside the U.S.

Here is the information including the Birth Certificate for Sun Yat-sen

It seems Hawaii has a history of Fraud in creating and giving out birth certificates to anyone who asks!

I just found that Hawaii in the 2000's has had an average of 18,000+ babies born there per year over that decade.

Lets look at some important information about Sun Yat-sen:

Sun Yat-sen was born on 12 November 1866 to a Cantonese Hakka family[7] in the village of Cuiheng, Xiangshan (later Zhongshan county), Guangzhou prefecture, Guangdong province in Qing China.[1] He was the third son born in a family of farmers, and herded cows along with other farming duties at age 6.[1]

Sun enrolled in Oahu College (now Punahou School) for further studies for one semester.

Note: ****Obama went to the same college:
1979 Graduated from Punahou School
(formerly Oahu College 1859-1934), Hawaii:****

Sun was in exile not only in Japan, but also in Europe, the United States, and Canada. He raised money for his revolutionary party and to support uprisings in China. In 1896 he was detained at the Chinese Legation in London, where the Chinese Imperial secret service planned to kill him. He was released after 12 days through the efforts of James Cantlie, The Times, and the Foreign Office, leaving Sun a hero in Britain.[36] James Cantlie, Sun's former teacher at the Hong Kong College of Medicine for Chinese, maintained a lifelong friendship with Sun and would later write an early biography of Sun.[37]

Heaven and earth society, overseas travel
A "Heaven and Earth Society" sect known as Tiandihui has been around for a long time.[38] The group has also been referred to as the "three cooperating organizations" as well as the triads.[38] Sun Yat-sen mainly used this group to leverage his overseas travels to gain further financial and resource support for his revolution.[38]
According to Lee Yun-ping, chairman of the Chinese historical society, Sun needed a certificate to enter the United States at a time when the Chinese Exclusion Act of 1882 would have otherwise blocked him.[39] But on Sun's first attempt to enter the US, he was still arrested.[39] He was later bailed out after 17 days.[39] In March 1904, Sun Yat-sen obtained a Certificate of Hawaiian Birth,[40] issued by the Territory of Hawaii, stating he was born on 24 November 1870 in Kula, Maui.[41] Official files of the United States show that Sun had United States nationality, moved to China with his family at age 4, and returned to Hawaii 10 years later.[42]

Forerunner of the revolution
On the mainland, Sun is also seen as a Chinese nationalist and proto-socialist, and is highly regarded as the Forerunner of the Revolution (革命先行者).[65] He is even mentioned by name in the preamble to the Constitution of the People's Republic of China. In recent years, the leadership of the Communist Party of China has increasingly invoked Sun, partly as a way of bolstering Chinese nationalism

Sun died of liver cancer on 12 March 1925 at the age of 58 at the Rockefeller financed Peking Union Medical College.

What is also another coincidence is that Sun Yat-sen had connections in Malaysia and Indonesia (Obama spent his childhood there)

I find it completely fascinating that there are parallel similarities between Obama and Sun Yat-sen. It seems Hawaii is the place for those who are communist and will be in power at some point, to be born there for convenience. But not just that, but taking over a country and promising one thing to the people but then having "absolute" power.

Obama has been taking "Power" upon himself of which our constitution does not allow. But you see we have the problem that our elected officials are not standing up to Obama's sweeping dictatorship. It really is so hard to believe the difference between the man that ran for office, talking about reinstating the U.S., back to the freedoms of the people and stopping the consolidation of power of the President, to doing the absolute opposite of his promises and rhetoric.

What does all of this Prove.... It Proves that Hawaii does issue Fake birth certificates to people, even 38 years after their births! Why should anyone believe that Obama was really born in Hawaii when there is so much evidence showing that he was not born there. Why should anyone believe the Hawaiian officials when it is proven they have falsified and created birth certificates out of thin air previously. Considering that Obama's birth certificate he released has also been proven to be forged and created through a photo shop program.

It is almost as if Obama was put in place to take down the United States from being a Free country to becoming a controlled communist country. The U.S. is being taken over from the inside out and the citizens do not even realize it. They keep believing that all the "police state' actions are for their safety and consolidating the power of the President to do as he wills without over sight from the Legislative branch.

Will people wake up before it is too late? With the information that Sun Yat-sen was given a birth certificate from Hawaii when he was 38 years old, will that make people think twice about Obama and his birth certificate?

Knowledge and education, through uncovering truth and getting it out what ever way possible to the masses is the way to stop what is going on. Through truth people can help themselves and others to become awake and aware, we then take the power in our hands to change what is happening before our eyes. We just all have to open our eyes and help others open their eyes too.
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Re: Hawaiian punch

Postby NiBullionCu » Wed Jun 20, 2012 9:29 pm

Why should anyone believe that Obama was really born in Hawaii when there is so much evidence showing that he was not born there.

What about the birth announcements printed in the Honolulu papers at the time :?:
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Re: Hawaiian punch

Postby Mossy » Tue Jun 26, 2012 10:30 pm

NiBullionCu wrote:
Why should anyone believe that Obama was really born in Hawaii when there is so much evidence showing that he was not born there.

What about the birth announcements printed in the Honolulu papers at the time :?:

Did he have a proud granny living there, wanting to announce to all her friends that she had a new grandson?
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