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Land of the free?

PostPosted: Wed Nov 17, 2010 5:26 pm
by UDEric ... hon=501,ny

You see stories like this pop up all over the place....closing down brownie/lemonade stands, etc.

Re: Land of the free?

PostPosted: Wed Nov 17, 2010 8:22 pm
by billo
Terrible. We did what we could in DC (actually did pretty well, the Senate was only partially up for election) now it's time to focus on local government.

Re: Land of the free?

PostPosted: Wed Nov 17, 2010 10:41 pm
by agmoose
Local gov't has to be the initial focus. These issues have to be fixed at the lowest levels first, then work your way up. Lowest levels include city commissioners, CDD boards, hell - even getting proper control over HOA boards. Communities have to get their "shumer" together and push that mindset UP from community to town to city to county to state levels.

The people that will truly fix out six aren't in DC now. They are at your local levels, being groomed for DC. Respect for the Constitution, preservation of Liberty, limited government, all part of the equation that won't be solved by one pretty successful set of elections. The changes in DC were good, don't get me wrong, but more important were all of the state and local elections across the country that swayed AWAY from Progressivism/Liberalism/Socialism or whatever -ism you wish to attach to it.

/// stepping down from the soapbox.

Re: Land of the free?

PostPosted: Sun Nov 21, 2010 12:25 am
by beauanderos
Unfortunately, I think Congress is too far gone for any newcomers to effect positive change. It is all too common for well-intentioned inductees to the legislative halls to find, once they arrive, that the "good ole boys" system is too well-entrenched for them to dislodge. ImageDespite high hopes, they find, too often, that "tit for tat" is the rule of the day... quid pro quo... if you want something, then you have to give something up. I think you are naive if you feel confident that an influx of new politicians will be able to make any substantive changes.

Re: Land of the free?

PostPosted: Sun Nov 21, 2010 8:57 am
by billo
True, Beau. I said only we did what we could this time. Congress needs a complete reboot, but the Senate especially is set up wrong for that.