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Interesting Experence

PostPosted: Mon Jul 16, 2012 8:03 pm
by Copper Catcher
I recently surfed on to this video on YouTube. It is the second video I have seen of people saying they have had a hard time withdrawing money from the bank...

Have banks gone MAD??? ... re=related

It is the ladies money and she should not have to answer to why she is pulling money out of the bank. However the bank is required to fill out paperwork on you.

If she had a concealed carry permit and was actively carrying she should have known that it is against the law to carry a loaded firearm in a bank or public building. If the bank manager knew that she would be arrested in a heart beat. Plus it is not a wise idea to broadcast on YouTube that information as well. The things people do are crazy nowadays!

Re: Interesting Experence

PostPosted: Mon Jul 16, 2012 9:12 pm
by Lemon Thrower
didn't watch the vid but i have had trouble taking out large amounts. part of it is the bank doesn't want to lose a customer, the other part is the bank paperwork obligations.

Re: Interesting Experence

PostPosted: Mon Jul 16, 2012 9:18 pm
by natsb88
Copper Catcher wrote:If she had a concealed carry permit and was actively carrying she should have known that it is against the law to carry a loaded firearm in a bank or public building.


That's entirely a state issue. In many (most) states, it's perfectly legal to carry a concealed gun in a bank, as long as the bank itself doesn't prohibit it.

Re: Interesting Experence

PostPosted: Sun Jul 22, 2012 7:00 pm
by chris6084
The last time I tried to make a large cash withdrawal, I was turned away empty handed from three branches because they allegedly did not have that much cash on hand. Well, one of the three said they did but only in 20 dollar bills, and I did not want that many bills. I did not believe them. Although it was a large amount, it was hardly an amount that I could imagine was more than they had on hand. BTW, it was much less than the woman on the video withdrew.

Re: Interesting Experence

PostPosted: Sun Jul 22, 2012 7:51 pm
by John_doe
they are probably concerned with people making bank runs. fractional reserves can only withstand so much. this is why I never put large amounts in to begin with. I find better places for my money. inflation is probably outrunning intrest rates anyways.

Re: Interesting Experence

PostPosted: Wed Jul 25, 2012 9:08 am
by frugi
natsb88 wrote:
Copper Catcher wrote:If she had a concealed carry permit and was actively carrying she should have known that it is against the law to carry a loaded firearm in a bank or public building.


That's entirely a state issue. In many (most) states, it's perfectly legal to carry a concealed gun in a bank, as long as the bank itself doesn't prohibit it.

yes. it is a state issue. And in the case where a sign is 15" X 12" with lettering no smaller than 1 inch, and in plain view, the only penalty you will face is a $100.00 trespassing fine, that is if they 1st ask you to leave, and you refuse, and the police are called, they will issue you a trespassing ticket, and if you decide to "hang out" and wait for the police to show up, you deserve the trespassing ticket. In Missouri, you can legally carry if you are a ccw holder anywhere, except a federal meeting place building, and public transportation. If you carry into a federal meeting place building (such as a court, but not the post office) it is a felony. If you carry onto a taxi, public bus, trolley, or subway, etc. it is a felony. Other than that you can carry anywhere you want, if you accidentally show your weapon, and you are somewhere you shouldn't be like a hospital, or a stadium, or a school, and you decide to wait for the police to show up, then it is a trespassing penalty, that is it.

Re: Interesting Experence

PostPosted: Wed Jul 25, 2012 9:18 am
by NHsorter
Frugi, are you sure about the school part? I thought there was a FED law about schools. I could be wrong, but I thought that was a pretty big no-no. Maybe it is just my state. Other than that, NH sounds a lot like MO. Heck in NH you can even carry in the State House. :D

Re: Interesting Experence

PostPosted: Wed Jul 25, 2012 10:03 am
by frugi
on the Missouri Constitution site, there is a long list of weapons offenses, and places you cannot CCW, but the penalty if you are caught is only a $100.00 trespassing ticket (schools are one of those places). It also depends on the school, whether it is public or private. I dont go into schools often, but I do occasionally, the point is if you are a CCW, keep it concealed, dont let anyone see it, or you are breaking the law no matter where you are unless you are at home. I would rather be judged by twelve, than by six. I dont go anywhere without protection. Sometimes I just dont go anywhere. :)

Re: Interesting Experence

PostPosted: Wed Jul 25, 2012 11:09 am
by TXBullion
If you look at the terms of the contract, it probably says they need a reasonable amount of time to get it but with an order you should not have issues. Cash is an inventory . If 95% of the time, having 15 grand on hand takes care of your daily business, a bank will not keep 30 grand on hand for the person that comes in needing 15 grand. Just like if you go to pizza hut and they have enough pizzas to make you 1000 but if you orderer 1000 for one order, they will need some time to make sure they have it for when you need it.

Another thing, I have not seen this in the US, but as I understand it, there are some foreign banks that charge transaction fees (percent based of the total amount) if you are doing large cash withdrawals.......

Re: Interesting Experence

PostPosted: Wed Jul 25, 2012 12:09 pm
by slickeast
If you want easy access to your cash at the bank, put it in a safe deposit box. You won't be drawing interest on it but you will have fast access to it. If she had 350 $100 bills in her safe deposit box she could have been in and out in a few minutes.

Re: Interesting Experence

PostPosted: Wed Jul 25, 2012 1:06 pm
by frugi
slickeast wrote:If you want easy access to your cash at the bank, put it in a safe deposit box. You won't be drawing interest on it but you will have fast access to it. If she had 350 $100 bills in her safe deposit box she could have been in and out in a few minutes.

that is of course, unless your particular area is "under a state of emergency" which is martial law. No firearms or cash may be removed from any FDIC banks under federal law. They are under guard by federal agents. They will accompany you in to the "private" room. If you try to remove cash, or firearms it will be confiscated.

Re: Interesting Experence

PostPosted: Wed Jul 25, 2012 3:57 pm
by IdahoCopper
You can fill out a form to increase your ATM daily withdrawal limit. Some banks will increase it to $10,000, my bank would only go up to $3,000 for me. Most ATMs are restocked with $60,000.

Re: Interesting Experence

PostPosted: Sat Jul 28, 2012 5:08 pm
by Mossy
frugi wrote:on the Missouri Constitution site, there is a long list of weapons offenses, and places you cannot CCW, but the penalty if you are caught is only a $100.00 trespassing ticket...

The tax on a machine gun is "only" $200 and "any other weapon" is "only" $5, but breaking the laws regarding either can get you shot on sight. Being suspected of breaking the relevant laws can get you and your family burned to death, by the feds at least.

Maybe the Missouri cops would simply body slam you into the ground or a wall, but I recommend not risking it.

Re: Interesting Experence

PostPosted: Sat Jul 28, 2012 7:37 pm
by frugi
nobody is going to know that I am carrying. that is the whole point of concealed carry. if somebody thinks I am carrying, than I can accept the punishment even if that includes a body slam.