above 105 degrees huh? It has been between 100-112 almost everyday for the past 30-40 days here in Saint Louis.....I was wondering why this has been my worst season ever for my garden, I thought all the sun would help..I have been watering every day, and no change
but that makes since what you said. But so far in early spring I got a bunch of English peas, my kale plants have been doing pretty good, mustard greens are all okay, I also got raspberries, and blackberries, and some brussel sprouts before the heat wave, and cucumbers were doing great and still are, but absolutely ZERO tomatoes, ZERO tomatillos, ZERO strawberries, and my squash and zucchini are practically ZERO, and my grapes were doing great until the heat wave, now they are turning into raisins without ever being ripe....