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Poll...Should I.D. Be required to vote?

PostPosted: Fri Aug 17, 2012 4:56 pm
by slickeast
What are your thoughts and opinions on this?

No I.D. Required to vote in this poll

Re: Poll...Should I.D. Be required to vote?

PostPosted: Fri Aug 17, 2012 5:08 pm
by barrytrot
Of course an ID should be required. Otherwise couldn't you just walk in anywhere and say you are Joe Shnrub and vote away?

Re: Poll...Should I.D. Be required to vote?

PostPosted: Fri Aug 17, 2012 5:23 pm
by fasteddy
hell ya, you should be required to prove who you are when you want all of my thoughts on this subject?

Re: Poll...Should I.D. Be required to vote?

PostPosted: Fri Aug 17, 2012 5:29 pm
by fb101
Yes. Keeps the dead from voting too many times.

Re: Poll...Should I.D. Be required to vote?

PostPosted: Fri Aug 17, 2012 5:37 pm
by Chaboo
Son of a......! I'm the lone no voter. :evil: I voted on my phone and fat fingered it. :lol: :lol:
I quit, I'm going home and starting my weekend. :oops:

Re: Poll...Should I.D. Be required to vote?

PostPosted: Fri Aug 17, 2012 5:58 pm
by slickeast
Chaboo wrote:Son of a......! I'm the lone no voter. :evil: I voted on my phone and fat fingered it. :lol: :lol:
I quit, I'm going home and starting my weekend. :oops:

I fixed it, you can edit your vote

Re: Poll...Should I.D. Be required to vote?

PostPosted: Fri Aug 17, 2012 6:24 pm
by Rodebaugh
fb101 wrote:Yes. Keeps the dead from voting too many times.

Post of the day. :lol:

Re: Poll...Should I.D. Be required to vote?

PostPosted: Fri Aug 17, 2012 6:41 pm
by Treetop
Im a firm believer in voting early and often...


actually, I have no understanding why anyone would be against it. Im more interested in making sure votes are counted correctly, with a paper trail, which we do NOT have right now in many areas. But I still cant figure why anyone is against it. Ive heard all the arguments. they just dont hold weight for me.

Re: Poll...Should I.D. Be required to vote?

PostPosted: Fri Aug 17, 2012 8:39 pm
by NHsorter
fb101 wrote:Yes. Keeps the dead from voting too many times.


Re: Poll...Should I.D. Be required to vote?

PostPosted: Fri Aug 17, 2012 9:52 pm
by Silver Addict
Also should be other requirements, like if more than half of your income comes from gov't assistant programs, you can't vote.

Re: Poll...Should I.D. Be required to vote?

PostPosted: Fri Aug 17, 2012 10:01 pm
by NHsorter
Yeah, or proof that you filed your taxes. :D Well, I am a fan of Liberty, so maybe not. Just proof of citizenship or whatever would be a good start. Fraud being the #1 issue and probably #2 being foreigners voting. I can't go and vote in Mexico. Well, I guess if I paid someone off I could. So Mexico is not the best example, but you know what I mean.

Re: Poll...Should I.D. Be required to vote?

PostPosted: Fri Aug 17, 2012 10:42 pm
by moparal7
NHsorter wrote:Yeah, or proof that you filed your taxes. :D Well, I am a fan of Liberty, so maybe not. Just proof of citizenship or whatever would be a good start. Fraud being the #1 issue and probably #2 being foreigners voting. I can't go and vote in Mexico. Well, I guess if I paid someone off I could. So Mexico is not the best example, but you know what I mean.

Can BHO vote? Yes id should be required.

Re: Poll...Should I.D. Be required to vote?

PostPosted: Fri Aug 17, 2012 10:52 pm
by barrytrot
Where is it not required? Or maybe it's not even required for me? I don't even know. I've always walked up to the little folding table and flashed my wallet while they crossed off my name.

Are you saying I just had to say, "I'm Beunaderos" and they nod and give me my packet anyway?

Re: Poll...Should I.D. Be required to vote?

PostPosted: Fri Aug 17, 2012 11:15 pm
by natsb88
barrytrot wrote:Are you saying I just had to say, "I'm Beunaderos" and they nod and give me my packet anyway?

Up to the state. Previously in PA you only had to show ID the very first time you voted, or the first time after your registration changed (address, party, whatever). Otherwise you just gave your name and signed in the box. They have your signature to compare to, but that's rarely looked at and completely subjective when it comes to poll workers. You (or somebody claiming to be you) could go your entire life without showing ID after the first time.

For the first time this November, PA voters will be required to show a photo ID to vote. Driver's license, state/city/municipality employee ID, nursing home / long term care ID, ID from any university accredited in PA, passport, any military ID, or PennDOT non-driver photo ID. If you don't have an acceptable ID, PennDOT will give you a non-driver photo ID for free (instead of the regular $13.50) with your social security card, birth certificate, and two things to show current residency (utility bill, etc.).

Democrats are throwing a hissy-fit. Every single one voted against it, and started fighting it in the courts as soon as it passed. Wonder what they're afraid of...

Re: Poll...Should I.D. Be required to vote?

PostPosted: Fri Aug 17, 2012 11:52 pm
by Silver Addict
We have to show photo id in Ohio

Re: Poll...Should I.D. Be required to vote?

PostPosted: Sat Aug 18, 2012 12:22 am
by slickeast
Do you have to have an ID to get registered to vote?

If you don't have an ID how do you get a job? Drive,open a bank account, cash your welfare check, apply for food stamps. If you are paying taxes through a job, you needed an ID to get the job. If you are getting a welfare check or food stamps you needed an ID to apply for them. So why would you not need to Identify yourself when you vote?

My mom is 71, she has dementia and can't vote yet she does have a state issued ID card.

If you are unable to get an ID card, then something is wrong.

Re: Poll...Should I.D. Be required to vote?

PostPosted: Sat Aug 18, 2012 7:06 am
by 68Camaro
That's like asking if I should be required to pay for items I buy.

Re: Poll...Should I.D. Be required to vote?

PostPosted: Sat Aug 18, 2012 8:05 am
by NHsorter
No ID required in NH or .MA. You Walk in and tell them your name. If the name tht you said is on their list and has not been checked off yet, they hand you a ballot. That's it.

You know your neighbor is out of town? Go use his vote. Your friend is on vacation. Your other neighbor never leaves the house before 10, so go use his vote first before he gets there. Oh yeah, those lists use large print so the old volunteers can read them. Real easy to see other peoples names that have not voted yet when they are checking off your name.

I am always nervous that someone will use my vote so I go early. So far I have been ok.

It's my understanding that in a lot of the big cities, if you look like a democrat, you don't even need to be on the list they just hand you a ballot anyway.

The whole thing is a complete and total joke and to think that there is not rampant corruption is the pinnacle of ignorance!

Re: Poll...Should I.D. Be required to vote?

PostPosted: Sat Aug 18, 2012 11:05 am
by Bluegill
NHsorter wrote:No ID required in NH or .MA. You Walk in and tell them your name. If the name tht you said is on their list and has not been checked off yet, they hand you a ballot. That's it.

You know your neighbor is out of town? Go use his vote. Your friend is on vacation. Your other neighbor never leaves the house before 10, so go use his vote first before he gets there. Oh yeah, those lists use large print so the old volunteers can read them. Real easy to see other peoples names that have not voted yet when they are checking off your name.

I am always nervous that someone will use my vote so I go early. So far I have been ok.

It's my understanding that in a lot of the big cities, if you look like a democrat, you don't even need to be on the list they just hand you a ballot anyway.

Yeah, you just described MI's 2002 state election to a TEE. That was the last time I wasted my fricking time "voting".

NHsorter wrote:The whole thing is a complete and total joke and to think that there is not rampant corruption is the pinnacle of ignorance!


Re: Poll...Should I.D. Be required to vote?

PostPosted: Sat Aug 18, 2012 11:32 am
by NHsorter
Don't get me wrong, I still go vote every time and I encourage others to as well. If we give up than they don't even have to try to cheat. Make them work for it at least!

Re: Poll...Should I.D. Be required to vote?

PostPosted: Sat Aug 18, 2012 12:45 pm
by Kurr
Some opposing views would be that since it costs money to get an ID, then that requirement is akin to a poll tax. If they jumped the cost of the ID to $250 many could not afford to vote. My state has rectified that by issuing a free State ID in lieu of a drivers license.

Also, I do not know if the State ID part has the same contractual requirements, but many in the sovereignty movement have pointed out and shown that applying for and receiving an ID or license does place you into a certain contracual obligation that many are not willing to participate in. Such as, you agree to obey all the rules, laws, ordinances, codes of the State and agree to be regulated by such. After you have signed this "contract" you must submit to any law, code or ordinance they deliver whether it is in compliance with State and Federal constitutions or not for example the fourth amendment is regularly violated by roadside checkpoints complete with search dogs, that you have to submit to or face arrest, because it is in the terms you agreed to when you got your license. Rights can not be taken from you, but may be surrendered or contracted away.

I have not voted yet because I am undecided, just offering alternative views here.

Re: Poll...Should I.D. Be required to vote?

PostPosted: Sat Aug 18, 2012 12:53 pm
by Chaboo
slickeast wrote:
Chaboo wrote:Son of a......! I'm the lone no voter. :evil: I voted on my phone and fat fingered it. :lol: :lol:
I quit, I'm going home and starting my weekend. :oops:

I fixed it, you can edit your vote

Thx!! :oops:

Re: Poll...Should I.D. Be required to vote?

PostPosted: Sat Aug 18, 2012 1:29 pm
by NHsorter
Kurr, I think that you make excellent points. A method could and should be devised that would not only be protective of voter fraud, but one that would also not tax or subject any voter to any contract or other stipulations. How that is achieved is above my pay grade, but I can't imagine any tremendous obstacles(other than politicians).

Way back in the day it was easier. Towns were small and any outsider at a polling place would stick out like a sore thumb. Hell, even Afghanistan has a better system with dipping their fingers in ink. Sure some Pakis could jump the border to vote once, but that is it. One per person. I suppose with that system, you might be able to still pull a "Weekend at Bernies" move if someone just died though :lol:

Re: Poll...Should I.D. Be required to vote?

PostPosted: Sat Aug 18, 2012 1:36 pm
by natsb88
Kurr wrote:Some opposing views would be that since it costs money to get an ID, then that requirement is akin to a poll tax. If they jumped the cost of the ID to $250 many could not afford to vote. My state has rectified that by issuing a free State ID in lieu of a drivers license.

Same in PA. Normal fee for a non-driver photo ID is $13.50, but they will waive the fee if you sign a paper that says you need one to vote because you have no other acceptable photo ID.

What happens if I show up at the polls without an acceptable photo ID?

Starting in November, if you don’t come to the polls with an acceptable photo ID, you will not be permitted to vote by the election officials. If you are denied the right to vote at the polling place, you will still have a right to vote by provisional (paper) ballot. You can also vote by provisional ballot if you say you can’t afford to get proof of your identity without paying a fee.

Will my provisional ballot count?

Not automatically. If you cast a provisional ballot, then within six calendar days of an election, you must affirm – either in person at your County Board of Elections or by sending the Board an electronic, faxed or paper copy of an affirmation – that you are the same person who appeared at the polls on election day and cast a provisional ballot and, if this applies, that you can’t afford to get proof of your identity without paying a fee. You can be prosecuted for perjury if you give false information.

Re: Poll...Should I.D. Be required to vote?

PostPosted: Sun Aug 19, 2012 6:15 pm
by Tourney64
I didn't have to show I'd during the primaries in Indiana. There were several irregularities of getting BHO on the ballot in some Indiana counties. He didn't win by much, and those counties vote very heavy Democrat. I don't like the fact that ou have to be registered in advance to the election.