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Ron Paul and the 5 state rule

PostPosted: Tue Aug 28, 2012 7:50 pm
by moparal7

Re: Ron Paul and the 5 state rule

PostPosted: Tue Aug 28, 2012 11:12 pm
by CtrlAltBernanke
As a former co-state coordinator for the Ron Paul campaign in Ohio I came to this forum tonight to see if anybody had posted anything about Ron Paul tonight. After watching what had happened today at the convention today I am sick to my stomach. I had no doubt that Romney mathematically had the votes to be the nominee. That is not why I am so outraged. I am outraged for the disrespect the establishment dogs had for the Ron Paul delegates and the Romney delegates that supported the right to have Ron Paul's name up for nomination. You need a petition of five states to be nominated. Ron Paul had six. The Virginia delegation was not allowed to enter the convention because they would have not allowed a illegal rules change to be passed. It was disgusting!!! For those of you who care, here are two links:

Anger Erupts At Convention Due To GOP Corruption ... e=g-user-u

Ron Paul's Maine delegates erupt after getting barred from Republican convention. ... _embedded#!

All they had to do was follow their own rules and Romney still would have won the nomination. Us Paul supporters would have patted each other on the back and would have said better luck next time. Now because of what the GOP did today, every Paul supporter I talked to today said that they are going to make sure Romney doesn't win.

Political fun fact: Bush beat Gore in 2000 by 537 votes. Political fun fact 2: Gary Johnson is expected to have 667,000 Ron Paul supporters vote for Gary Johnson.

Re: Ron Paul and the 5 state rule

PostPosted: Tue Aug 28, 2012 11:26 pm
by Sheikh_yer_Bu'Tay
CtrlAltBernanke wrote:As a former co-state coordinator for the Ron Paul campaign in Ohio I came to this forum tonight to see if anybody had posted anything about Ron Paul tonight. After watching what had happened today at the convention today I am sick to my stomach. I had no doubt that Romney mathematically had the votes to be the nominee. That is not why I am so outraged. I am outraged for the disrespect the establishment dogs had for the Ron Paul delegates and the Romney delegates that supported the right to have Ron Paul's name up for nomination. You need a petition of five states to be nominated. Ron Paul had six. The Virginia delegation was not allowed to enter the convention because they would have not allowed a illegal rules change to be passed. It was disgusting!!! For those of you who care, here are two links:

Anger Erupts At Convention Due To GOP Corruption ... e=g-user-u

Ron Paul's Maine delegates erupt after getting barred from Republican convention. ... _embedded#!

All they had to do was follow their own rules and Romney still would have won the nomination. Us Paul supporters would have patted each other on the back and would have said better luck next time. Now because of what the GOP did today, every Paul supporter I talked to today said that they are going to make sure Romney doesn't win.

Political fun fact: Bush beat Gore in 2000 by 537 votes. Political fun fact 2: Gary Johnson is expected to have 667,000 Ron Paul supporters vote for Gary Johnson.

Thank you so much for posting these links. I have been trying all evening to get the straight facts. I am still in disbelief the party of Abraham Lincoln could stoop so low.

Ironically, after work I was at a victory party where another TEA Party candidate won his runoff primary election! There was no Democratic contender for this seat in the State Legislature, so he won the seat! While we were celebrating, news of this terrible injustice came filtering into our party.

Be sure to mark this event in your history books. This is the moment Mitt Romney lost the election.

It is truly time for the rise of a third party in America.

Re: Ron Paul and the 5 state rule

PostPosted: Tue Aug 28, 2012 11:28 pm
by natsb88
CtrlAltBernanke wrote:As a former co-state coordinator for the Ron Paul campaign in Ohio I came to this forum tonight to see if anybody had posted anything about Ron Paul tonight. After watching what had happened today at the convention today I am sick to my stomach. I had no doubt that Romney mathematically had the votes to be the nominee. That is not why I am so outraged. I am outraged for the disrespect the establishment dogs had for the Ron Paul delegates and the Romney delegates that supported the right to have Ron Paul's name up for nomination. You need a petition of five states to be nominated. Ron Paul had six. The Virginia delegation was not allowed to enter the convention because they would have not allowed a illegal rules change to be passed. It was disgusting!!! For those of you who care, here are two links:

Anger Erupts At Convention Due To GOP Corruption ... e=g-user-u

Ron Paul's Maine delegates erupt after getting barred from Republican convention. ... _embedded#!

All they had to do was follow their own rules and Romney still would have won the nomination. Us Paul supporters would have patted each other on the back and would have said better luck next time. Now because of what the GOP did today, every Paul supporter I talked to today said that they are going to make sure Romney doesn't win.

Political fun fact: Bush beat Gore in 2000 by 537 votes. Political fun fact 2: Gary Johnson is expected to have 667,000 Ron Paul supporters vote for Gary Johnson.


RP delegates were seated on the outskirts and at the back of the convention floor to keep their signs off camera as much as possible. On the stream I was watching, the sound was lowered when "Ron Paul" chants could be heard from the back of the room, and the volume was raised when "Mitt Mitt Mitt" broke out. The lady on stage repeated Romney's, and only Romney's, vote count after each state, even for states where Ron Paul had a majority. Wolf Blitzer even called them out on CNN for blatantly ignoring Ron Paul.

I'm not so much of the mindset of "making sure Romney doesn't win," but I'm sure not voting for him now. I tried to keep an open mind...the party could have encouraged me to vote for Romney by choosing the right running mate or cabinet staff, by adopting some of the libertarian-leaning and fiscally-conservative platform policies, or by at least acknowledging and respecting the liberty movement/segment. Instead they continued to attempt to ignore it, run it off, and bury it. Today the party establishment killed any last chance of getting a Romney vote out of me.

Re: Ron Paul and the 5 state rule

PostPosted: Tue Aug 28, 2012 11:35 pm
by CtrlAltBernanke
Lol! I've just read what I posted. Sorry for the grammatical errors. I am a bit emotional and drunk at the moment.

Re: Ron Paul and the 5 state rule

PostPosted: Wed Aug 29, 2012 10:17 am
by AGCoinHunter
Sickening, absolutely sickening.

Re: Ron Paul and the 5 state rule

PostPosted: Wed Aug 29, 2012 11:13 am
by barrytrot
Obama is laughing.

But it matters not: Obama is a mortal lock anyway.

Re: Ron Paul and the 5 state rule

PostPosted: Wed Aug 29, 2012 1:13 pm
by Neckro
What do you expect from a corrupt 2 party system.

Re: Ron Paul and the 5 state rule

PostPosted: Wed Aug 29, 2012 6:04 pm
by John_doe
barrytrot wrote:Obama is laughing.

But it matters not: Obama is a mortal lock anyway.

the joke is on them. cheaters never win.

Re: Ron Paul and the 5 state rule

PostPosted: Wed Aug 29, 2012 9:41 pm
by Redneck

This sums it up...


This system they call "the free-est system in the world" is totally controlled. FDR, in his letter to Edward Mandel House, correctly stated "presidents are not elected, but selected by a small elite". And this elite that controls our electoral process, has, through a series of corrupt actions & events, stolen delegates & twisted their own rules to benefit their selected puppet(s)


Re: Ron Paul and the 5 state rule

PostPosted: Tue Sep 04, 2012 12:13 am
by Numis Pam
Redneck wrote:.

This sums it up...


This system they call "the free-est system in the world" is totally controlled. FDR, in his letter to Edward Mandel House, correctly stated "presidents are not elected, but selected by a small elite". And this elite that controls our electoral process, has, through a series of corrupt actions & events, stolen delegates & twisted their own rules to benefit their selected puppet(s)


+1 True, But....... How sad.... :(

Re: Ron Paul and the 5 state rule

PostPosted: Tue Sep 04, 2012 10:52 pm
by Chief
Not to crap all over this thread, but...
Ron Paul had no chance at the nomination.
It is foolish to vote 3rd party or to just sit out the election.
Not voting is helping Obama. I truly believe that Romney could do very much towards getting out of this debt/deficit spending phase/recession. Elect him and then hold his feet to the fire. Make your voice heard on all issues. Engage the debate. Unless, you think we're screwed either way. Then what is there to hope for/look forward to?
We all know what the past 42 months have been like economically. Obama's BS isn't working at all. Romney has experience with building up failing organizations into successes.
Our great country, America, does not deserve to have a president that routinely apologizes for America's greatness. We have succeed in the past over great obstacles. We will be a greater nation because we got back on the right track of fiscal responsibility.
Ron Paul/Gary Johnson/Barack Obama/3rd Party supporters are not helping our current situation. Obama has nothing new to offer and by not voting for Romney you are furthering our debt/destruction.
Romney isn't the reincarnation of our founding fathers, but if we keep up the pressure on Washington, we can overcome this.
Just my two large cents, inflation adjusted. 8-)

Re: Ron Paul and the 5 state rule

PostPosted: Tue Sep 04, 2012 11:18 pm
by Engineer
Chief wrote:It is foolish to vote 3rd party or to just sit out the election.

Insanity has been defined as doing the same thing over and over, and expecting a different result. IMHO, it is insane to vote for a second party candidate while hoping for change from the broken two party system.

Not voting is helping Obama.

I disagree. Not voting and/or choosing the lesser of two evils helps the two party system to remain in place, while voting 3rd party is a vote against the stacked deck.

Re: Ron Paul and the 5 state rule

PostPosted: Tue Sep 04, 2012 11:22 pm
by CtrlAltBernanke
Chief wrote:Not to crap all over this thread, but...
Ron Paul had no chance at the nomination.
It is foolish to vote 3rd party or to just sit out the election.
Not voting is helping Obama. I truly believe that Romney could do very much towards getting out of this debt/deficit spending phase/recession. Elect him and then hold his feet to the fire. Make your voice heard on all issues. Engage the debate. Unless, you think we're screwed either way. Then what is there to hope for/look forward to?
We all know what the past 42 months have been like economically. Obama's BS isn't working at all. Romney has experience with building up failing organizations into successes.
Our great country, America, does not deserve to have a president that routinely apologizes for America's greatness. We have succeed in the past over great obstacles. We will be a greater nation because we got back on the right track of fiscal responsibility.
Ron Paul/Gary Johnson/Barack Obama/3rd Party supporters are not helping our current situation. Obama has nothing new to offer and by not voting for Romney you are furthering our debt/destruction.
Romney isn't the reincarnation of our founding fathers, but if we keep up the pressure on Washington, we can overcome this.
Just my two large cents, inflation adjusted. 8-)

I don't agree with you when you say that he had no chance but I do understand your point. He had a better chance than most of the candidates and Paul had the nest organization second only to Romney. Paul and Romney were also the ONLY candidates that were on the ballot in all 50 states. Now after all of that, I believe I know what you meant when you say that he had no chance. Unlike some of his supporters, I was very realistic on his chances. I very much looked at his campaign as more of pushing the movement forward and maybe somebody like Rand could win in 2016. Now when it comes to 3rd party I will be voting for Gary Johnson, not because I believe he will win but as a protest vote to the GOP. I think any reasonable person can agree that the two party system does not work. I hope you are right that Romney can turn the economy around but I strongly believe that we are far past the tipping point and the collapse has already started. Morgan Stanley is getting ready to collapse and die and there is nothing that Romney or Obama can do about it. The people who have parked their asses on the couch for the last two decades are the ones who hurt this country, not the Ron Paul/3rd party types. Everybody after the RNC has clung on to the battle cry that, "We own America." Those people are delusional. Goldman Sachs owns America. If the co-opted tea party would have came out and said that we will support Romney and after he is elected we will make sure he has a primary challenger, I might have drank the Kool-aide. Realistically I don't believe that elections really matter any more and when you cut through the hype and the WWE promos, these people are all the same.

I would also like to add that as a M. Div. candidate that is a student at the most Christian, right wing school in the country, Liberty University, I am celebrating the fact that the Democrats are taking any mention of the word "God" out of their party platform. I would also prefer that the Republicans do the same. While there are many Christians in both parties, the party bosses and elected officials do walk the walk when it comes to anything biblical, so in my opinion putting the word the word, God, in any party platform is the ultimate example of hypocrisy.

Re: Ron Paul and the 5 state rule

PostPosted: Tue Sep 04, 2012 11:41 pm
by Chief
Engineer wrote:
Not voting is helping Obama.

I disagree. Not voting and/or choosing the lesser of two evils helps the two party system to remain in place, while voting 3rd party is a vote against the stacked deck.

How is Romney the lesser of two evils? A successful businessman, God fearing, and genuinely good person vs. a community organizer, raised by communists, and doesn't understand or respect America's greatness. The choice is clear.

Re: Ron Paul and the 5 state rule

PostPosted: Tue Sep 04, 2012 11:46 pm
by Chief
CtrlAltBernanke wrote:I don't agree with you when you say that he had no chance but I do understand your point. He had a better chance than most of the candidates and Paul had the nest organization second only to Romney. Paul and Romney were also the ONLY candidates that were on the ballot in all 50 states. Now after all of that, I believe I know what you meant when you say that he had no chance. Unlike some of his supporters, I was very realistic on his chances. I very much looked at his campaign as more of pushing the movement forward and maybe somebody like Rand could win in 2016. Now when it comes to 3rd party I will be voting for Gary Johnson, not because I believe he will win but as a protest vote to the GOP. I think any reasonable person can agree that the two party system does not work. I hope you are right that Romney can turn the economy around but I strongly believe that we are far past the tipping point and the collapse has already started. Morgan Stanley is getting ready to collapse and die and there is nothing that Romney or Obama can do about it. The people who have parked their asses on the couch for the last two decades are the ones who hurt this country, not the Ron Paul/3rd party types. Everybody after the RNC has clung on to the battle cry that, "We own America." Those people are delusional. Goldman Sachs owns America. If the co-opted tea party would have came out and said that we will support Romney and after he is elected we will make sure he has a primary challenger, I might have drank the Kool-aide. Realistically I don't believe that elections really matter any more and when you cut through the hype and the WWE promos, these people are all the same.

I would also like to add that as a M. Div. candidate that is a student at the most Christian, right wing school in the country, Liberty University, I am celebrating the fact that the Democrats are taking any mention of the word "God" out of their party platform. I would also prefer that the Republicans do the same. While there are many Christians in both parties, the party bosses and elected officials do walk the walk when it comes to anything biblical, so in my opinion putting the word the word, God, in any party platform is the ultimate example of hypocrisy.

Very interesting read. :thumbup:
I'd love to have Ron Paul as Fed Reserve Chairman and to audit the Fed. Why are we doing what we are doing fiscally? It makes no sense to print more money when businesses are holding onto money and lending is slow. They want America to fail.

Re: Ron Paul and the 5 state rule

PostPosted: Tue Sep 04, 2012 11:59 pm
by natsb88
Engineer wrote:
Chief wrote:It is foolish to vote 3rd party or to just sit out the election.

Insanity has been defined as doing the same thing over and over, and expecting a different result. IMHO, it is insane to vote for a second party candidate while hoping for change from the broken two party system.

Not voting is helping Obama.

I disagree. Not voting and/or choosing the lesser of two evils helps the two party system to remain in place, while voting 3rd party is a vote against the stacked deck.


The Republican establishment has made it crystal clear that they don't want Ron Paul supporters in their organization. They are too stubborn to change their failing policies and arrogant enough to believe they can win without those votes. A million people can yell and scream that voting third party or write-in is a waste, a vote for Obama, or whatever. But the vast majority of liberty movement supporters wouldn't vote for Romney with a gun to their head. These aren't generic straight-ticket Republicans or people will hold their nose and vote for the lesser of two evils; these are people who will vote their conscience through and through. Good, bad, or otherwise, the GOP put the last nail in their own coffin with the convention shenanigans. Maybe Romney's loss in November will be the wake-up call the GOP establishment needs to embrace a liberty candidate in 2016.

Chief wrote:
Engineer wrote:
Not voting is helping Obama.

I disagree. Not voting and/or choosing the lesser of two evils helps the two party system to remain in place, while voting 3rd party is a vote against the stacked deck.

How is Romney the lesser of two evils? A successful businessman, God fearing, and genuinely good person vs. a community organizer, raised by communists, and doesn't understand or respect America's greatness. The choice is clear.

There's an entire thread on this. Your "qualities" are just empty buzzwords; you could easily do the same in reverse. Substantive things like voting records and corporate donors suggest that Obama-Biden and Romney-Ryan are really just two sides of the same coin. They will take us down slightly different paths, but they both lead to increased federal power and economic disaster. Romney is slightly "less bad" than Obama; that doesn't make him a good choice.

Re: Ron Paul and the 5 state rule

PostPosted: Wed Sep 05, 2012 12:08 am
by CtrlAltBernanke
I meant to say that, "party bosses and elected officials do NOT walk the walk when it comes to anything biblical."

Re: Ron Paul and the 5 state rule

PostPosted: Wed Sep 05, 2012 5:30 am
by IdahoCopper

That is why people vote "3rd Party".

In reality, they are voting 2nd Party, because the real truth is the Rs & Ds are both puppets with strings going up to the same puppetmaster.

Not voting R or D is a valid vote for a statement of "None of the Above".

So what is Obama wins? The collapse will happen sooner; you are ready for that, so who cares?

So what if Romney wins? There will be no real change, not a whit. We will still be on the path to destruction. You are ready for that, so who cares?

Re: Ron Paul and the 5 state rule

PostPosted: Wed Sep 05, 2012 7:58 am
by Treetop
The republi-crats, and demo-cans are scared imo. The liberty movement isnt big enough to challenge either of them directly.... yet. But it is gaining steam, and it definitely isnt going away. It is populated with some very intelligent folks as well who wont go silently into the night.

Our day will come...