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D'Souza's take on the 99% vs 1%

PostPosted: Sat Sep 15, 2012 12:32 pm
by theo
I'm watching Dinesh D'Souza on C-Span2 and he is making some interest points. He is continuing his arguement that Pres. Obama is a global redistributionist. Obama continually makes the point that America with 5% of world population consumes 20% to 25% of the world's resources, basically argueing that our standard of living is unnaturally high. Therefore Obama would likely include in his "1%" America's middle class, working class and many of those below the poverty line.

As a few of you may remember I spent a month teaching in De Nang, Vietnam. Most of the people I worked with were pretty wealthy (upper middle class and higher), however their spending power seemed to be roughly equivalent to that of the American working class. For example, in Vietnam only the truly wealthy can afford cars. This is partly due to government taxation, but the pre-tax cost is still far beyond what most Vietnamese can afford. Most urban Vietnamese own motor scooters. It was also my impression that for many middle and working class vietnamese, running water and electricity are either luxuries or simply unavailable. These are amentities that even America's poor take for granted.

Since Obama has spent so much of his life abroad, he has obviously seen far more this disparity and has apparently concluded that it is unsustainable and must be corrected.