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Dire Predictions by Porter Stansberry

PostPosted: Thu Dec 02, 2010 11:43 am
by beauanderos ... 138&r=Milo Worth listening to, description of events that already happened...hyperinflation in Yugoslavia, bad times in England... and what is very likely to occur in America in the near future. Disregard the fact that the guy is (of course) trying to sell a newsletter subscription... and listen to what he says. Image

Re: Dire Predictions by Porter Stansberry

PostPosted: Thu Dec 02, 2010 3:46 pm
by AGCoinHunter
Listened to the whole thing. Long but a good listen. Marketing parts a bit annoying but overall info is useful.

Re: Dire Predictions by Porter Stansberry

PostPosted: Thu Dec 02, 2010 4:09 pm
by beauanderos
Yeah, sorry about the length of the presentation, once he starts trying to persuade you how to make money you can probably stop listening without missing much. I did like what he has to say about the mindset of people, alluding to Nazi Germany and the cosmopolitan Jewish elite, who for the most part felt "it can't happen here," and the rapidity with which the repercussions of the dollar losing its reserve status could affect us quite negatively. Better have a hideaway and a six month supply of basics to weather the unrest he foresees. Good timing on his part, the unemployment benefits for 2,000,000 just ended as of yesterday. Guess that means the unemployment statistics will improve dramatically Image

Re: Dire Predictions by Porter Stansberry

PostPosted: Thu Dec 02, 2010 4:24 pm
by Lemon Thrower
porter is good and very insightful. i've read his newsletters and its worth your time.

he is a protege of Bill Bonner so he is heavy on marketing and he occassionally forgets about his mistakes. for example, one of his newsletters recommended icelandic bonds before iceland blew up. another recent mistake was St. Joe. one his newsletters reluctantly cut its losses on that one

even considering his occassional mistakes, i would still recommend him, esp. his namesake newsletter and True Wealth. both are about $100/year.

Re: Dire Predictions by Porter Stansberry

PostPosted: Thu Dec 02, 2010 10:16 pm
by theo
On balance I thought it was a good listen, however a few of his points were a little thin. The implication that the dollar is not being accepted in Europe and elsewhere due to our fiscal troubles didn't ring true to me (at least right now). Especially since we'll be lucky to still have the Euro this time next year. My guess is that that the American tourist was experiencing typical European helpfulness. And I had to smirk when he soberly announced that the dollar is no longer accepted in Cuba. Really?

On the positive side, I thought his discussion of the Normalcy Bias along with the example of the wealthy Jews in 1930s Germany was powerful. Also his portrayal of Great Britain in the 1960s and 1970s was very educational. 26% inflation? I had no idea it was that bad. If this account is accurate, it could be a close template of what awaits the U.S. However, I fear we may not get off that easily.

All in all its worth listening to if you have the time.

Re: Dire Predictions by Porter Stansberry

PostPosted: Fri Dec 03, 2010 12:08 am
by Sheikh_yer_Bu'Tay
26% inflation in Britain in the 70's. Yes, I remember that. There was inflation all over the world at that time. Some countries were worst than others. Israel had 33% inflation at the same time. It was not a cake walk here either. USA had 13% inflation in 1976-77 alone. Then in 1979-80 time period, the prime interest rate was incredibly high. I remember it peaked at 20+%. Many business failed at that time.

Most of his stuff sounds like Agora Financial. They have been saying these things for years now. And for the most part, they are right.

I am not as ready as I need to be. Still trying to get there.

Re: Dire Predictions by Porter Stansberry

PostPosted: Fri Dec 03, 2010 1:03 am
by billo
People are always making dire predictions. And mistakes. I almost didn't click.

However, I'm impressed with the predictions before. And that led on to a good presentation. It's worthwhile. You can pause by clicking on it.

Mind that the format (matching text and audio) is more powerful than the same text as an article if you watch while listening, so be aware and shake off that effect to think critically. Some connections and supporting evidence are flaky as others noted. Others are solid. But overall it's a great risk warning. If you treat it like a prophecy though, you might be disappointed on details. Analysis can prove true, but the future is always unknown.

Some great points.

Re: Dire Predictions by Porter Stansberry

PostPosted: Fri Dec 03, 2010 6:27 am
by Lemon Thrower
all valid points.

porter did call for fannie and freddie to go bust, and is predicting GM to go bust. Most people don't realize that GM was bailed out under TARP and is really just a giant hedge fund.