Somebody stole my Mitt Romney sign!!!!!

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Somebody stole my Mitt Romney sign!!!!!

Postby frugi » Thu Nov 01, 2012 5:35 pm

Worst part is I was right inside my house. I just got home, it was there. My wife came home 20 minutes later and told me it was gone! WTF? I went outside and looked around, and found someone uprooted it, bent it in half and threw it down the sewer across the street from me. I proceeded to lay down in the street and stretch my body half way down the sewer and managed to pull it up and out. I un-bent it, and had to tape the plastic back together, and put it right back where it was in my yard, next to my American flag and other political signs. I might just stay up all night and keep watch. I want to be sure that nobody trespasses on my property again, and steals from me. They stole not only my property, but my freedom of speech. If someone tries it again there will be MAJOR consequences they WILL regret.
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Re: Somebody stole my Mitt Romney sign!!!!!

Postby IdahoCopper » Thu Nov 01, 2012 7:45 pm

Think twice before doing anything drastic.

When I was 19, I bought my first house in a bad neighborhood. One night I woke up and heard sounds outside. I looked out my bedroom window and there was a guy stealing the stereo out of my truck. I went to the closet, pulled out the Marlin lever-action .44 rifle, stuck the end up against the window screen and put him in my sights.

Some how I guess I wasn't young and dumb enough to pull the trigger, I knew it would blow his head clean off his shoulders, if I had twitched my finger.

I put down the rifle and called the cops. Of course the thief was gone before the cops finally came around.

So I had my life outside of prison, instead of inside. It was a good choice.
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Re: Somebody stole my Mitt Romney sign!!!!!

Postby frugi » Thu Nov 01, 2012 8:57 pm

While I am a NRA life member, I was not thinking along the lines of using deadly force. However, depending on who it is that trespasses on my property, I may be so inclined to subdue and handcuff the person and make a citizens arrest. I have the right to protect my property from theft and vandalism. Worst case scenario I crack them over the head with a police baton or use pepper spray if necessary (if they are an adult). However, chances are it will be a minor or some dumb kid in which case I will have no choice but to just watch him/her destroy my property (while I film it) to be used as evidence when I press charges. In any case, if I catch the sorry sack of sh*t who thinks they can trespass on my property and get away with it, I will have them prosecuted to the fullest extent of the law. It is a crime to destroy campaign signs, I believe it falls under larceny.
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Re: Somebody stole my Mitt Romney sign!!!!!

Postby NHsorter » Thu Nov 01, 2012 10:00 pm

I have considered running over a Carol Shea-Porter sing a few times. I get eenraged when I see it. She is such a damn kook. I would never actually do it, but the thought often crosses my mind as I pass it each day. It's just sitting there in the perfect spot begging to get run over :twisted:

That is what popped into my head when I read your post. Does it make me a bad guy just thinking about it? :? Or has supporting republicans and being a capitalist already establish that? ;)

Maybe an undecided voter witnessed the assult on your sign and it swayed them to the Romney side!!!
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Re: Somebody stole my Mitt Romney sign!!!!!

Postby Thogey » Thu Nov 01, 2012 10:07 pm

Honest question. Please don't take is as loaded or an insult.

Why do you have a campaign sign in your yard?
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Re: Somebody stole my Mitt Romney sign!!!!!

Postby frugi » Thu Nov 01, 2012 10:15 pm

NHsorter you will always be cool in my book. In these past few hours I was able to dig up my stash of Extreme Take Down MK-IV (For Military & Corrections Use Only) 1.9% Capsicum Pepper Stream, I bought a case of this stuff from a retired Military Police officer last year....These sell online for around $20.00 per bottle if you can locate it & provide the credentials to purchase it. Really nasty stuff, might be just what I need to inform the trespasser he/she is on private property and theft/ destruction of property is not allowed.......followed by a handcuffing, and a call to the authorities.

@Thogey.........Because it is my right as a US citizen to do practically whatever I want in my yard, and it is my right as well to NOT have to explain myself. Just assume the obvious and let that be your answer. :clap: :clap: :clap: :clap: :clap:
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Re: Somebody stole my Mitt Romney sign!!!!!

Postby NHsorter » Thu Nov 01, 2012 10:33 pm

The only sign I have ever displayed is a Ron Paul sign. Any other sign and I figure I am just automatically alienating 50% of those around here. But the Ron Paul sign does not do that. It automatically makes me great friends with the best 2% of the people in the area and the other 98% know better than to try to pull any sh.. If they did not already get the point with all the gunfire. :D

It's just a sign man. I would be pissed off too if someone was messing with my stuff, but don't get into trouble over it! Got any of that spray to spare? I can't convinced wife to pack heat, but she would probably carry that stuff around. :mrgreen:
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Re: Somebody stole my Mitt Romney sign!!!!!

Postby frugi » Thu Nov 01, 2012 10:41 pm

NHsorter wrote:Got any of that spray to spare? I can't convinced wife to pack heat, but she would probably carry that stuff around. :mrgreen:

I could spare a bottle, but it is illegal to ship as far as I know.

I dont mind getting into "trouble" if it means protecting my property or myself, or my family. How do I know this trespasser wasnt going to firebomb my house, or break in and threaten my family. If you are on my property you are breaking the law, and you better be prepared to handle the consequences. "I would rather be judged by 12 than by 6." if you know what I mean. I wont be chasing someone down the street, if anything happens it will be on MY private property, and the as*hole should consider him/herself lucky that I would be so "nice" as to ONLY subdue, handcuff and prosecute them to the fullest extent of the law. Trespassing and property destruction is equal to looting in my book, you just dont do it, and if you do, you need to be aware of the consequences, which in some cases could be fatal, depending on who and what you are stealing, vandalizing, or looting.
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Re: Somebody stole my Mitt Romney sign!!!!!

Postby frugi » Thu Nov 01, 2012 10:43 pm

NHsorter wrote:The only sign I have ever displayed is a Ron Paul sign.

I had a Ron Paul sign in my yard for 2 months before I replaced it with a Romney sign. If I cant have my candidate of choice, I need to focus on the next best thing, removing from office the least fit person and replacing him with someone else, whoever it is.
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Re: Somebody stole my Mitt Romney sign!!!!!

Postby Rosco » Thu Nov 01, 2012 11:30 pm

Depends on Where you Live

I have a Art Robinson Sign in Our Yard he is running against a Progressive Demo Green Party 6 or 8 term Fellow no problem last night or since i put it up. Down the block a supporter of his has a sign up. But we are in a relatively new group of houses in a small town an Neighbors are Polite to other. Small towns down State Oregon are mostly Conservative. Neighbor around corner has Mitt an Ryan sign up no problem there either. Two years ago the Demo Supporters tore down a lot of Robinson Signs, but this time Robinson's Son registered Demo in primary an got 20 % of the vote. So Tons of attack adds on TV for both sides and I'm hoping We Win.

But I also would enjoy seeing a Vandal at either sign get their just desert :twisted:
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Re: Somebody stole my Mitt Romney sign!!!!!

Postby barrytrot » Fri Nov 02, 2012 4:25 am

The fact that a "yard sign" may actually work to gather votes is a shocking statement to the preparedness of our "voters" anyway :)
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Re: Somebody stole my Mitt Romney sign!!!!!

Postby frugi » Fri Nov 02, 2012 7:22 am

barrytrot wrote:The fact that a "yard sign" may actually work to gather votes is a shocking statement to the preparedness of our "voters" anyway :)

I dont know if that is a fact or not. But I do know seeing signs everywhere helps reinforce the name of your candidate of choice in your head, it keeps it there, so you wont forget it (this applies to many people who dont prepare for election day). Now I know there will be 36 items to be voted for on election day, I have already prepared and printed out my sample ballot, I will take it with me when I vote, so there is no way to get confused, or have a brain fart. One of my reasons for having my yard signs so prominently displayed in my yard is because a "too liberal" neighbor 2 houses down, has several liberal signs in their yard. I wanted for him and his family to see, and know I am the furthest possible from their mindset. (By the way, I dont think it was this guy he damaged my sign).
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Re: Somebody stole my Mitt Romney sign!!!!!

Postby brian0918 » Fri Nov 02, 2012 7:58 am

Spray your sign with something nasty that they will want to avoid touching. Maybe the deer/rabbit repellent spray with putrescent egg. But you'd have to re-spray it every few days.
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Re: Somebody stole my Mitt Romney sign!!!!!

Postby frugi » Fri Nov 02, 2012 8:10 am

brian0918 wrote:Spray your sign with something nasty that they will want to avoid touching. Maybe the deer/rabbit repellent spray with putrescent egg. But you'd have to re-spray it every few days.

that is a phenomenal idea! I have some on hand, a big bottle of that stuff, and it does smell foul! :clap: :clap: :thumbup:
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Re: Somebody stole my Mitt Romney sign!!!!!

Postby brian0918 » Fri Nov 02, 2012 8:24 am

Not my original idea. I just read about other people doing it after their signs were stolen.
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Re: Somebody stole my Mitt Romney sign!!!!!

Postby barrytrot » Fri Nov 02, 2012 8:42 am

frugi wrote:
barrytrot wrote:The fact that a "yard sign" may actually work to gather votes is a shocking statement to the preparedness of our "voters" anyway :)

I dont know if that is a fact or not. But I do know seeing signs everywhere helps reinforce the name of your candidate of choice in your head, it keeps it there, so you wont forget it (this applies to many people who dont prepare for election day).

My point exactly -> Those people should NOT be allowed to "vote".

I have never heard someone voting for the "Heisman" saying that he never saw the players play. That would be laughable.

But yet people are making a decision based on whose name they recognize? That's part of the reason incumbents are hard to defeat, people are like, "hey I know this guy, he's famous!" and vote for him/her.

It would make me sick if the whole thing wasn't also rigged.
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Re: Somebody stole my Mitt Romney sign!!!!!

Postby frugi » Fri Nov 02, 2012 8:54 am

and dont forget the MSM does its job by reinforcing in peoples minds who has a "strong lead" because the average joe simply doesnt want to be the one who voted for the loser. It makes me puke that human nature is basically nobody wants to vote for a loser, so many people simply vote for who they think will win, not at all who they actually share common interests with.
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Re: Somebody stole my Mitt Romney sign!!!!!

Postby Engineer » Fri Nov 02, 2012 6:35 pm

I thought of Frugi today when I passed two houses with opposing signs...and then I was tempted to sneak back in the middle of the night to swap the signs from one yard to the other. :mrgreen:
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Re: Somebody stole my Mitt Romney sign!!!!!

Postby Numis Pam » Fri Nov 02, 2012 7:02 pm

Engineer wrote:I thought of Frugi today when I passed two houses with opposing signs...and then I was tempted to sneak back in the middle of the night to swap the signs from one yard to the other. :mrgreen:

+1 :evil: :twisted: :lol:
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Re: Somebody stole my Mitt Romney sign!!!!!

Postby frugi » Fri Nov 02, 2012 10:02 pm

frugi wrote:
brian0918 wrote:Spray your sign with something nasty that they will want to avoid touching. Maybe the deer/rabbit repellent spray with putrescent egg. But you'd have to re-spray it every few days.

that is a phenomenal idea! I have some on hand, a big bottle of that stuff, and it does smell foul! :clap: :clap: :thumbup:

I did this, my wife came home tonight and said "The front yard smells like a sewer." hahahah! lol. she was right it does!. this is the putrified egg stuff, and it smells awful, lol. It said on the bottle, only needed to apply once every 30 days, so maybe this is extra powerful stuff. I decide that if someone took these signs now, I will coat the replacements in the Capsicum take down spray, that will be a sore surprise. :evil: I know I am bad.......My front yard looks ridiculous, it has 6 signs, and 3 American flags, at this point. Honestly, I am shocked nobody has torn down my Todd Akin sign, that is the one I thought was the most controversial; but I guess folks hate Romney more than a guy who believes there is a difference in rapes. he is a local guy, but made national headlines when he spoke about a "legitimate rape" oh well. lol.
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Re: Somebody stole my Mitt Romney sign!!!!!

Postby Sheikh_yer_Bu'Tay » Sun Nov 04, 2012 4:53 pm

Frugi, take the time to learn exactly what defines trespassing in your state. There is a fine line between criminal trespass & someone inadvertently wandering onto your lawn.

Theft is different. IF you actually catch them in the act and apprehend them, good for you!

I always use yard signs in my business and during elections. They work.

The crazy lady on the corner use to put nasty little snit jokes on my political signs to razz me. The last prez election, I snuck into her yard at 5 am and put a McCain bumper sticker on her car. She drove it around like that for 2 months before she finally saw it, the election was over for a month before she took it off!! :P :lol:

Is grizzly bear repellant equal to your military spray?
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Re: Somebody stole my Mitt Romney sign!!!!!

Postby frugi » Sun Nov 04, 2012 6:11 pm

Sheikh_yer_Bu'Tay wrote:Frugi, take the time to learn exactly what defines trespassing in your state.

I dont have a fence in my front yard, and I really could care less if people walk on my lawn, especially since we have no sidewalks. I have no problem with that. However, as most places do we have an easement for utility workers, postal carriers, and other folks that are doing their job. I consider anyone who comes onto my property to cause me harm, or to steal from me or vandalize my property a trespasser. So, if a kid cuts across my yard to get to the bus stop faster I am not too worried, but if someone comes onto my property to steal one of my concrete sculptures in my yard, it's on! I consider that trespassing, and/or theft. It is no different for a political sign, or the next time I catch my as*hole neighbor in my back yard trimming my bushes, because he doesnt like that I let them grow wild. Well, newsflash I like my yard to grow they way I want it, and the next time I catch this loser in my yard, he is going to be treated as a vandal.

FYI-My definition of trespassing is "anyone who sets foot on my property who is unwanted or not invited, and not acting in a professional or official way, or not in accordance with the law, and it does not necessarily need to present a threat." So, even though someone cutting through my yard to get to the bus stop faster might be trespassing I am not going to bum rush them and take them down, but if they are presenting a threat to my livelihood, you can bet I am taking them down. When I moved in here 5 years ago the neighbor 2 houses over asked me to keep my bushes trimmed because he has lived there for 25 years and likes to see the clean cut back yards.......I told him that I am a vegetarian, and I like the "wild" look. He asked me again to please keep the bushes trimmed on a weekly basis. I told they are my bushes in my yard, and to go f*ck himself. My wife has told me she has caught him 3 or 4 times in our yard over the years trimming our bushes, one time he even kept my Craftsman clippers from my shed,,,,so I had a secondary security fence put in my yard which makes it very hard to open the gate from the outside, We havent seen him in our yard since we got the new fence. No he just goes into the neighbors yard and leans over the fence and cuts our bushes......makes me very MAD!!!!
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